10 Home Remedies For Chapped Lips

By albert
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Chapped lips are a disturbing and sometimes painful condition that can affect people of all ages. In most cases, it is a sign that you are dehydrated—probably even habitually dehydrated.

Habits like breathing through your mouth can lead to chapped lips. Some cases of chapped lips are a symptom of a nutrient deficiency. Environmental conditions such as over exposure to dry air and cold or hot air can also lead to chapped lips.

If the cause remains unattended, it can lead to painful cracks and bleeding. The good thing is that in most cases, you can help your lips to heal by simply using some of the following 10 home remedies for chapped lips.

Chapped Lips

Home Remedy #1: Water

As mentioned earlier, chapped lips could indicate that your body does not have enough water. This could be due to inadequate water intake or excess water loss for example during hot or very cold weather. Therefore, it is important to maintain the body in a well-hydrated condition including increasing water intake to compensate for any excessive water loss.

Proper water drinking habits include starting off with a glass or two in the morning and maintaining the intake of at least eight glasses during the day. Taking a warm glass of water before going to bed can also keep your body hydrated during the night.

Chapped Lips

Home Remedy #2: Honey

Honey is a great home remedy for chapped lips besides other conditions. Its soothing properties are important in relieving pain and softening cracked lips. Additionally, due to its viscous property, honey coats the lips, which helps to trap and retain moisture. This promotes softening of the lips, which leads to healing of the chapped lips.

You can apply honey once every few hours during the day, each time leaving it on for 5 to 10 minutes before washing it off with warm water. For overnight use, you can mix the honey with glycerin and apply the mixture to your chapped lips.

Chapped Lips

Home Remedy #3: Aloe Vera

The medicinal and healing properties of aloe vera are widely known. The plant has been used for hundreds of years. For chapped lips, aloe vera can help provide relief from the pain that can accompany the cracked lips. Additionally, by using aloe vera, you also benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties.

Aloe vera promotes the healing process and prevents potential infections that would otherwise arise as a result of cracking of the lips. Bear in mind that breakdown of skin increases the chances of entry of potential disease-causing microorganisms. Apply aloe vera gel on the lips for up to three times daily until you get rid of the problem.

Chapped Lips

Home Remedy #4: Cucumber

Research studies have documented the wide-ranging medicinal value of cucumber that makes it an important addition to the home remedies for chapped lips. Cucumber contains large amounts of water, which promotes the hydration capacity of the vegetable. You can eat the raw cucumber as well as apply it to the chapped lips. By increasing hydration in the body, cucumber helps reduce the dryness associated with cracked lips.

Furthermore, cucumber contains substances that give it the ability to reduce inflammation and promote skin health. To apply cucumber to your cracked lips, cut some slices and rub gently over the lips, allowing for its absorption. You can repeat this several times throughout the day.

Chapped Lips

Home Remedy #5: Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has a nourishing and anti-aging effect on the skin. For this reason, lemon juice helps the cells of the lips to regrow, giving rise to smoother and softer lips. There are several ways to use lemon juice as a home remedy for chapped lips.

You can make a paste containing lemon juice and sugar, and apply it to the chapped lips. Leave it on for about 10 minutes. Thereafter, wash off the paste to remove the dead skin. Alternatively, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to a teaspoon of cream, mix into a paste, and put it in the fridge for about an hour before use. Apply to the lips and leave it on overnight. Wash off the paste the following morning to remove the dried skin. You may repeat this procedure until your lips regain their healthy appearance.

Chapped Lips

Home Remedy #6: Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter has a rich content of natural fats and vitamins, which have many beneficial properties in the body. The fats can boost moisture retention within and around the lips and help soothe the discomfort away.

The cocoa butter locks in the moisture, which aids in the recovery from dried, cracked lips. By soothing and softening the lips, cocoa butter promotes pain relief and healing that comes with chapped lips. Application of cocoa butter also improves the health of your lips so that they don’t crack again soon. You can apply cocoa butter onto your chapped lips as many times as needed until their condition improves.

Chapped Lips

Home Remedy #7: Coconut Oil

Among the many medical uses of coconut oil is its healing of skin problems including cracked, chapped lips. So, the next time your lips appear flaky, consider using this natural and safe home remedy. Coconut oil has moisturizing properties, which promote the softening of the lips and relief from the pain and discomfort that accompanies cracked lips.

The natural chemical substances found in the oil are also important in enhancing the restoration of skin on the lips. Simply apply the coconut oil to your lips several times a day. When selecting commercial coconut oil products, be sure to choose the natural ones which have no additives.

Chapped Lips

Home Remedy #8: Beeswax

Beeswax is another simple, cheap, and effective home remedy for chapped lips. Beeswax contains natural moisturizers that can help trap-in moisture when applied onto the dry lips and thus prevent further loss of moisture. It also gives a soothing effect, which helps to relieve the pain and discomfort that may come along with having cracked and flaked lips. Moreover, beeswax has some antibacterial properties, which are useful in preventing potential infections that a person is predisposed to due to cracked lips.

You can apply beeswax repeatedly and for the duration required according to the conditions of the lips. Alternatively, you can make beeswax lip balm at home for ease of application.

Chapped Lips

Home Remedy #9: Rose Petals

The petals of the rose flower are one of the recommended treatments for chapped lips. Rose petals possess remarkable moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. To use rose petals for chapped lips, you may first need to make a paste of the petals.

A simple way to prepare rose petal paste is by first soaking the petals in a liquid such as milk, for about two hours. If you have allergy concerns about the use of milk, you can use glycerin in its place. After soaking, mash the petals to make a paste. Apply the paste gently and generously to the lips a few times per day. You can also apply a layer of the paste at night before going to bed.

Chapped Lips

Home Remedy #10: Sugar

The natural sweetener on your kitchen shelf can help improve the condition of your lips. And it is not complicated to use. For ease of application, and for good results, simply mix two teaspoons of sugar with one teaspoon of honey to make a paste.

Apply this paste on and around your lips and leave it on for 5 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Afterward, wash off the paste, gently removing the dead skin and flakes from your lips. This will allow newer cells to grow to replace the old ones and restore the smoothness and softness of your lips. Repeat the application several times during the day.

Chapped Lips

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