10 Home Remedies For BV

By albert
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BV, which stands for bacterial vaginosis, is a common vaginal infection that mainly affects sexually active women aged 15 to 44 years. The condition occurs as a result of overgrowth of a strain of bacteria within the vagina, leading to an imbalance between good and harmful bacteria.

Symptoms of BV include vaginal itching, pain or a burning feeling while urinating, a white or gray discharge, and a fishy odor, especially during or after sexual intercourse.

It is not clear why the imbalance leading to the infection occurs. However, activities like douching, having multiple sex partners, and having a new sex partner may increase the risk of BV besides other sexually transmitted diseases. While you may need to consult a doctor for treatment, you can also assist your body to heal by using the following 10 home remedies for BV.


Home Remedy #1: Garlic

Garlic is not just a healthy spice that improves the taste of your food. It can also improve the health of your vagina. Garlic contains a chemical called allicin, which gives it the ability to kill disease-causing microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. Research evidence has shown garlic to treat BV as effectively as the regular medications. Garlic also improves the effectiveness of other treatments for the disease in resistant cases.

For use in BV, a clove of garlic is inserted into the vagina, preferably overnight. It is removed and disposed of the following morning. Usually, one night is enough to treat BV. If the BV is recurrent, the garlic treatment can be repeated for a few nights. Garlic supplements are also marketed and can be an alternative to the direct insertion of a clove of garlic.


Home Remedy #2: Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice has long been used in the treatment of infections in the urogenital organs. The juice can enhance the loss of water in the form of urine, thus acting as a diuretic. Additionally, cranberry juice has bacteria-killing properties, an ability that explains how it can help clear BV.

Cranberry reduces the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, which helps to restore a healthy balance of microorganisms in the vagina. Furthermore, the acidic nature of the juice promotes the reestablishment of the right vaginal environment, which is slightly acidic. Therefore, taking a glass of natural, unprocessed, and unsweetened cranberry juice is an effective home remedy for BV.


Home Remedy #3: Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the many uses and benefits of apple cider vinegar is the treatment of BV. As mentioned earlier, the vaginal environment is maintained by a mix of bacteria and fungi whose balance is key in sustaining vaginal health. Changes in acidity are some of the characteristics that promote the onset of BV.

Apple cider vinegar contains lactic acid, which is not only able to kill bacteria but also contribute to restoring the right vaginal acidity. It can be mixed with water and used to clean the vagina. It can also be taken by mouth. For a start, add a cup and half of apple cider vinegar to bathing water and sit in the mixture for about 20 minutes. Repeat this for three days.


Home Remedy #4: Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a common household chemical used as an antiseptic, to clean skin surfaces and to prevent infections of cuts, bruises, and burns. It is also used as a mouthwash to take care of minor mouth infections and to promote oral hygiene.

Studies have revealed that using hydrogen peroxide daily for a week is effective in the treatment of BV. In fact, hydrogen peroxide is as effective as conventional medications used in the treatment of BV. Consider also that hydrogen peroxide is milder, and has fewer side effects in comparison to conventional medications, which can cause nausea and irritation to the stomach and intestines. Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable and easy-to-use home remedy.


Home Remedy #5: Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important micronutrient that is essential for many processes in the body. It is involved not only in the healthy development of skin, teeth, and joints, but also in the repair of body tissues. A lack of adequate amounts of vitamin C is associated with an increased tendency to bruise and bleed.

The lining of the vagina is exposed to friction, and the cells are renewed regularly, a function that requires vitamin C. Reduced ability to carry out these repair functions due to low vitamin C levels can worsen BV. It is, therefore, recommended that you take foods rich in vitamin C regularly to promote skin and vaginal health.


Home Remedy #6: Turmeric

Turmeric, a popular yellow spice, is another easy to use home remedy for combating BV. Turmeric has been shown to possess remarkable anti-inflammatory properties. Whenever there is an infection or injury, the body mounts an immune response in a bid to return the body to its normal status. This often leads to inflammation.

Turmeric can help to reduce the inflammation, swelling, pain, and itching that accompanies BV, and thereby quickens the healing process. Besides eating turmeric directly, one can consume turmeric supplements to benefit from its health effects. However, some people may be unable to tolerate turmeric. In such cases, use the other alternatives.


Home Remedy #7: Coconut Oil

There is research-based evidence documenting the health benefits of the coconut fruit beyond its use in cooking, as an edible fruit, and in promoting beauty. Coconut oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties and can, therefore, be used as a home remedy for BV.

You can apply coconut oil to a tampon and gently insert it into the vagina. The coconut oil can then kill the culprit microorganisms and help restore a healthy balance of microorganisms within and around the vagina. When selecting the coconut oil to use for this purpose, ensure that you choose cold-pressed organic coconut oil, which contains most of the health benefits.


Home Remedy #8: Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil; basically, a volatile type of oil that vaporizes easily. Research shows that tea tree oil has the potential to kill some types of bacteria and fungi. In BV, the overgrowth of bacteria and the mixed infestation with yeasts can be corrected by using tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil suppositories are one of the ways of using this home remedy for BV. Suppositories are a form of medical treatment in which a particular dosage is intended for insertion into the vagina. Alternatively, you can use a tampon soaked in a mixture of tea tree oil and a carrier liquid such as coconut oil. Insert the tampon gently into the vagina. Note that switching to an alternative method of treatment is recommended if irritation or allergic reactions are experienced with the use of tea tree oil.


Home Remedy #9: Avoid Douching

Have you been using douches as a way of keeping your vagina clean? Turns out that this may cause you more harm than good. Douching can increase your chances of contracting BV in addition to other diseases and conditions affecting the female reproductive organs.

Douching, which involves cleaning the vagina internally using a stream of water or other liquid mixtures, can interfere with the growth and survival of vaginal microorganisms. Besides, depending on the nature of the solutions used, the process can disturb the natural acidic condition within the vagina. This can promote unfavorable growth of some bacteria, which may lead to BV. It may also increase risks for cancers of the cervix, sexually transmitted diseases, and even ectopic pregnancy.


Home Remedy #10: Avoid Using Harsh Personal Care Products

You need to take precautions when purchasing or using personal care products such as soap, creams, and deodorant sprays. These products, although useful in maintaining your personal hygiene and enhancing your aesthetic appearance, can have damaging effects on the vagina.

The soaps and creams that are readily available on the market often contain some preservatives and other chemical constituents that might be too harsh on the vagina. These substances might kill some of the bacteria on your body and vagina, and thereby tilt the balance between the good and the harmful bacteria. Overgrowth of the harmful bacteria will promote the onset of BV. It is very important to understand the composition of any new personal care product before trying it out, especially around the vagina.


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