10 Home Remedies For Bunions

By james
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Wearing shoes is not natural for us. However, wearing shoes in itself is not usually a problem for us, and it is often even beneficial, but they can sometimes cause problems. One of these problems is bunions, which is a condition that’s caused when we wear footwear that is too tight.

With your toes forced into unusual angles due to being squeezed by tight footwear, bony bumps can form on the big toe at the joint. This bony bump will then press against the skin and rub against your footwear. This can cause inflammation and pain, and surgery is sometimes necessary to correct the problem.

Remedies are available to help with bunions and this article looks at a few of them.


Home Remedy #1: Foot Exercises

Exercise can help to get the blood flowing to a particular area of the body, as well as strengthening the muscles and the immune system overall. The right foot exercises can also help to make your joints more flexible, and can even help to relieve the pain of bunions.

One effective exercise is to curl your toes downward as far as you can for 10 seconds, and then release them. You should do this several times and one of the best things about this exercise is that it can be easily performed while you are busy doing other things.


Home Remedy #2: Ice

Much of the pain that comes with bunions is due to inflammation. If you can relieve the inflammation then you may be able to relieve some of the pain. The good news is that this can often be achieved quite easily, simply by placing some ice on the affected area.

To use ice on your bunions, take some crushed ice and wrap it in a clean face towel. Apply this directly onto the area and hold for around 10 minutes. You can repeat this procedure as often as you need, albeit with taking a short break in between applications. The cold can help to reduce inflammation while also helping to numb the area.


Home Remedy #3: Aspirin Foot Bath

Aspirin is often used as a mild painkiller and is kept in medicine cabinets in homes around the world. In addition to being able to help soothe pain directly, aspirin can also help to reduce inflammation. This can be very useful in helping to ease the pain from bunions.

To use aspirin as a home remedy for bunions, fill a small tub with warm water. Add 2–3 aspirins to the water and then soak your feet in the solution. You should repeat this 2–3 times a day, lightly drying the area with a towel when you have finished. You should also rub in some olive oil for more effect.


Home Remedy #4: Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is used to treat a wide variety of ailments, thanks to its ability to relieve inflammation. It can also help to soften tough skin as well as help to regulate the natural pH levels in the body. If you have bunions that are causing arthritis, then Epsom salt could be just what you need.

To use Epsom salt on your bunions, first take a small tub and add some warm water. Then, add some Epsom salt to the water and stir it in thoroughly. Relax and allow your foot to soak until the water is no longer warm and then gently dry it off. Repeat 3 times a week.


Home Remedy #5: Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that originated in India and has found popularity in cuisines around the world. Not only is it used for its aroma and flavor, but it is also sometimes used to help add some coloring to food. It is also used to treat certain medical ailments, including bunions.

Turmeric contains a compound known as curcumin, which has been shown to be able to reduce inflammation and also relieve pain. To use turmeric as a remedy, take some olive oil and mix it in with some turmeric. Then, gently rub the solution onto the area 2–3 times a day.


Home Remedy #6: Massage

Our bodies are prone to developing aches and pains for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the best solution for these aches and pains is to give the area a good massage. This can help to relax muscles while also getting the blood circulating in the area. If you are suffering from pain from bunions, a massage might be just what you need.

When massaging your bunions, it is best to rub some oil such as olive oil or castor oil into the area. Massage the area for around 10 minutes. You can perform this as often as you like to help make yourself more comfortable.


Home Remedy #7: Wear the Right Footwear

Too many people in the world do not take proper care of their feet, which is foolish considering how important our feet are to us. We use them every single day and they take the full weight of our bodies, so we really should give them more love than we do. One reason to take care of our feet is to help prevent bunions.

One cause of bunions is wearing shoes that squeeze the toes in too tightly together. Make sure that your footwear fits properly, and with enough space at the front end of the shoes especially. Also, avoid wearing socks or stockings that fit too tightly as they can also restrict the toes.


Home Remedy #8: Chamomile

Chamomile is a small flowering plant that is found growing naturally throughout much of Europe and looks very much like a daisy. It has been used since ancient times as a remedy for numerous medical ailments and it is still sometimes used today. One ailment that chamomile is used for is bunions.

To use this remedy, make some chamomile tea, which you should drink before it goes cold. The teabag should also be used by placing it directly onto the bunion. Another solution is to take some chamomile essential oil and rub it gently into the affected area. You can use chamomile in this way to treat your bunions as often as you like.


Home Remedy #9: Calendula

Calendula flowers are also known as marigolds. They are found native in parts of Asia and Eastern Europe, and are often used as an ornamental plant in gardens and in houses. They also have medicinal purposes and were also used in rituals by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

To use this plant as a remedy, first take some leaves and crush them to extract the juice. Then, apply this juice directly to the area and leave it there, allowing it to dry. If you would prefer something easier, then you can simply look for some calendula ointment in a store. You can apply either option to the area 2–3 times a day.


Home Remedy #10: Blueberries

Blueberries are flowering plants that are found growing naturally in North America. The berries are edible and are sometimes used to make desserts and preserves, while the berries are also sometimes used to help treat various medical conditions, including bunions.

Blueberries are known to have anti-inflammatory properties, and this can be just what people suffering from bunions need. Eating the berries just as they are can help to reduce the inflammation, while rubbing in the juice from blueberries can also help to overcome the problem. You can use the treatment as often as you like, but be mindful that eating too many berries at once can cause an upset stomach.


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