10 Home Remedies For Back Pain

By nigel
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Back pain is one of the most common chronic problems that affects people in the United States and throughout the world. Pretty much everyone experiences some degree of back pain, and it’s important to recognize that there are many different ways to manage these different types of pain.

There are two main types of back pain: chronic and acute. Chronic back pain is recurring and can affect people for months, days, or many years. Acute back pain is temporary and tends to go away within a few days. Acute back pain is often the result of an injury such as a pulled muscle. Many people experience chronic back pain from long-term injuries or hereditary conditions. While this type of pain may be difficult to treat permanently, there are a number of different solutions that can be useful for helping people manage their pain so that they can live their lives easier.

Many people seek medical solutions to help them manage their back pain. In the case of serious acute or chronic pain, such as a broken back, a displaced vertebra, or changes to the structure of the back as a result of diseases like Parkinson’s, medical intervention is often the best choice. However, not everyone needs to rely on the medical system to relieve their back pain. Many types of back pain, both chronic and acute, can be improved upon by using home remedies. In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the best home remedies that you can use to help you treat you or your loved ones’ back pain.

Back Pain

Home Remedy #1: Massage Therapy

While research is slow to back up massage therapy, those who have tried it express little doubt that it’s one of the most effective ways to manage chronic pain—especially back pain.

While going out to see a massage therapist might be a bit pricey, a good massage therapist will be trained to understand different muscle and skeletal groups and will know how to work with your individual body so you can experience some improvement. Even if you don’t want to go see a massage therapist, sometimes getting a massage from a friend or family member can do wonders for helping to relieve pain in your back.

Back Pain

Home Remedy #2: Capsaicin Cream

Capsaicin is the compound found in hot chili peppers such as cayenne that contributes to the burning sensation that these peppers cause. While one might associate this sensation with pain, it’s well-known in the medical and naturopathic community that capsaicin, when used topically, actually functions quite well as an analgesic.

Many companies sell products that use capsaicin and they are intended to help treat muscle and joint pain. It’s also possible to make your own, but be careful—working with capsaicin can lead to unpleasant situations should you touch your eyes or any mucous membranes without washing your hands thoroughly.

Back Pain

Home Remedy #3: Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplements have been known to help people manage certain types of chronic pain. Vitamin D is readily available in many foods, it can be obtained through exposure to sunlight, and it can be found in supplement form.

Vitamin D is a very important nutrient, and people who don’t get enough of it—such as people who spend most of their time indoors or who don’t live in sunny areas—may be more likely to develop chronic pain. If you are experiencing back pain that’s resistant to traditional treatment, vitamin D may help alleviate some discomfort.

Back Pain

Home Remedy #4: White Willow Bark

White willow bark is a very powerful herb that’s known to help ward off inflammation. It functions in a manner similar to aspirin. Salicin, a compound that’s found in the plant, is metabolized by the body into salicylic acid. This is the same compound that aspirin is converted to, and many professionals believe that this is what provides the pain-relieving effects of aspirin.

White willow bark can be found in many natural health food stores and can be prepared in many different ways. It’s often available prepackaged in capsules but can also be found in its loose form and made into a tea.

Back Pain

Home Remedy #5: Devil’s Claw

Devil’s claw is another herb that can be easily found in many health food stores. It can be found in supplement form and taken as a capsule, and it can also be found in its loose form and made into a tea or a poultice.

The reason that devil’s claw is effective for helping to treat back pain is because it contains a class of compounds known as harpagosides. These compounds are known to function as anti-inflammatories and can be useful for helping to relieve the discomfort and pain associated with back injuries.

Back Pain

Home Remedy #6: Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in our body. It helps the body with more than 300 of its enzymatic and biochemical processes and helps to ensure the health of our muscles and our nervous system.

Unfortunately, many people are deficient in this valuable mineral. Magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle pain and problems with our skeletal structure. Adequate magnesium intake can be a crucial step in ensuring that you can restore health to your back.

Back Pain

Home Remedy #7: Yoga

Yoga is a very effective process that can help restore balance, strength, and posture to the human body. Yoga postures help to align different parts of your body and can be very useful for helping to identify and restore any damaged parts.

If you have serious chronic back pain then it’s a good idea to find a well-trained yoga teacher with a deep understanding of human anatomy. Simply jumping into a yoga class could make the issue worse.

Back Pain

Home Remedy #8: Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is another important nutrient that we require for optimal health. It’s highly involved in many of our nervous functions, and if we don’t get enough of it, we may experience pain, tingling, and loss of energy.

Fortunately, people who are deficient in vitamin B12 might experience some improvements in their back pain if they begin taking the nutrient in supplement form or eating more foods rich in vitamin B12.

Back Pain

Home Remedy #9: Tai Chi

Tai chi is a combination of a number of practices that has been used for thousands of years in China to help relieve ailments both mental and physical.

By combining slow movements, breathwork, and meditation, tai chi is able to help bring alignment to the body and help people cope with chronic pain.

Back Pain

Home Remedy #10: Turmeric

In addition to being a spice that’s known to help flavor and color Indian dishes, turmeric is also known for being a powerful anti-inflammatory compound.

It’s been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine—a traditional Indian nutritional science – to help manage inflammation, one of the main causes of back pain.

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