10 High Carb Foods

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Carbohydrates are very common in foods. They help to provide us with the energy that we need and also help with repairing our bodies. Carbohydrates such as sugars also help to make food delicious, and fibre helps us to maintain a healthy digestive system.

While energising foods are a good thing, however, there is a downside. Unused energy is stored in our bodies to be used later, and it is stored as fat. In addition, carbohydrates can cause spikes in blood sugar levels which can be particularly troublesome for diabetics. This means that cutting carbs from our diet can help us to burn fat, while also avoiding spikes in blood sugar levels. Some foods have a particularly high carbohydrate content, and here’s a look at some of the most common.

High Carb

High Carb Food #1: Rice

Rice is a staple food in nations around the globe, and among the most commonly consumed foodstuffs on the planet. It is versatile, easy to cook, and makes a perfect accompaniment or as an ingredient in dishes. One of the biggest problems with rice, however, is that it is very high in carbohydrate content.

100g of rice contains around 28g of carbohydrates, with brown rice containing around 23g. Remember also that many noodles are made from rice so they too may have a high carb content.

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High Carb Food #2: Pasta

Another popular food with a high carb content is pasta. With dishes such as spaghetti and lasagne popular throughout the world, it might be difficult for some people to imagine life without them. If you are on a low-carb diet, though, then Bolognese and carbonara may no longer be on the menu. Some types of pasta can contain more than 75g of carbohydrates in a 100g serving.

There are some types of pasta that contain fewer carbs, though, so shop around and you might be able to enjoy your favourite dishes again after all. Alternatively, you could try making your own pasta, cutting out the ingredients that otherwise give it a high carb content.

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High Carb Food #3: Bread

There’s nothing quite like a good sandwich, and a soup is just not complete without some bread on the side. Unfortunately, though, its main ingredient (wheat flour) is packed with carbs, which also make bread high in carbs. Some types of bread contain around 60g of carbs in a 100g serving.

Refined, white breads are the biggest culprits. Not only do they tend to have the higher carb content, but the carbs they do have tend not to be ‘good’ carbs such as fibre. Try to stick with wholemeal breads instead of white breads for a healthier and less fattening option.

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High Carb Food #4: Quinoa

Quinoa is a seed that has seen a surge in popularity as a health food in recent years and for very good reasons. It is packed with vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre. It is also filling, which helps people that are on calorie-restricted diets. Despite its positives, though, it also has a very high carb content.

The carb content in quinoa is around 20g per 100g, of which around 3g is fibre. This means that although it may be ideal for many healthy weight loss diets, it is probably not suitable for use in a low-carb diet. Regardless of its carb content, quinoa is thought to provide health benefits such as improving the body’s blood sugar levels.

High Carb

High Carb Food #5: Potato

Potatoes are among the most popular types of food on the planet. They are regularly used as a main part of meals, and also often found as the main ingredient of snacks. In addition, they are packed with vitamins and fibre, contain no fat and are low in calories. Unfortunately, though, they are also quite high in carbohydrate content.

Depending on the variety (and size), a single potato will contain around 25g of carbs. While these are widely considered to be ‘good’ carbs, they still mean that potatoes are not suitable for people on a low-carb diet. The way in which potato is prepared can also have a significant impact on the volume of carbs within the meal.

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High Carb Food #6: Oats

Oats are another popular health food with a dark side to them. They are an excellent source of fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and also have a high protein content for a grain. They are also thought to be excellent at lowering cholesterol levels as well as lowering blood sugar levels.

Oats are also low in calories, as well as being filling, making them suitable for weight loss diets. Unfortunately, however, they have a high carb content which means that they need to be cut from any low-carb diet. Although not perfect, though, oats are still a very healthy option for people that do not need to restrict their carb intake.

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High Carb Food #7: Cereals

It is often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It helps give us the energy that we need to get through the day or, at least, until lunchtime. Many studies have shown that a good breakfast is a key to good health, with medical experts saying it is a meal that should not be missed no matter how tempting it may be.

Some breakfasts are better for you than others, though. Many breakfast cereals are highly processed and contain a lot of sugar. Sugar is, of course, a carbohydrate and has no place in a low carb diet. Even with cereals that are low in carb, you should try and avoid the temptation to add sugar as a sweetener.

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High Carb Food #8: Fruit

Food doesn’t come much healthier than fruit. Fruit is jam-packed full of vitamins and minerals and medical experts widely recommend that it should be eaten on a daily basis. It is low in fat and calories as well as being high in fibre. It is ideal for people trying to cut the calories to lose weight, but it is not always suitable for all diets.

Many fruits have a high fructose content, which is a kind of sugar and, therefore, a carbohydrate. While fructose is a ‘good’ carb, it is still a carb, and not suitable for a low-carb diet. Some fruits are lower in fructose than others, though, so may still be included. Remember that fruits are a very important source of essential nutrition for us, so bear that in mind if looking to cut them from your diet.

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High Carb Food #9: Candy

Candies are, generally speaking, delicious. The sweet taste is a treat for people of all ages and it can be difficult not to overindulge such is the pleasure in eating them. As tasty as they may be, though, candies offer little to no nutrition and excessive consumption can be very bad for your health.

Candies tend to be very, very high in sugar content. When eaten to excess it can lead to obesity, diabetes and other complications. The high carb content also means that candy is not suitable for a low carb diet, although candy is not really suitable for any healthy diet. If you do wish to indulge, do so in moderation.

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High Carb Food #10: Snacks

While snacks can be convenient, they are often not particularly good for you. Snacks tend to be heavily processed and contain little nutritional value. They also tend to be made with ingredients that have a negative impact on our health and are often quite fattening. Processed snacks also tend to be very high in carbs.

Not all snacks are necessarily bad for you, you just need to be mindful of what you are buying. Even some products that are marketed as healthy are not all they seem, though, so pay attention to nutritional content. If you can’t find snacks that are low in carbs, then they should be eliminated from a low-carb diet.

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