10 Health Benefits of Witch Hazel

By iliriana
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Witch hazel is a plant that resembles a tree and is found in North America and parts of Asia. There are many products that contain witch hazel due to its many benefits.

Unfortunately, just as it is the case with many herbal benefits, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to support the benefits that are known to be associated with witch hazel. However, it doesn’t cause any side effects and it is, therefore, worth giving it a shot.

When it comes to witch hazel products, it’s important to remember that the best choice is a product that doesn’t contain any alcohol in it. This article looks at 10 health benefits of witch hazel.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel Benefit #1: Relieves Inflammation

Inflammation occurs when the body is trying to protect you from an injury or an infection. Nonethe-less, inflammation that remains and doesn’t disappear can lead to many conditions. Therefore, in-flammation needs to be treated before it turns chronic.

Witch hazel is known to have anti-inflammatory compounds, some of which are gallic acid and tannins. Witch hazel also has antioxidants, which are able to prevent inflammation from occurring in the first place. Therefore, witch hazel can be used for issues such as psoriasis and acne. By applying witch hazel to the affected area, the inflammation is reduced.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel Benefit #2: Helps Treat Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, which are an inflammation of the veins in the anus and rectum, can be treated with witch hazel. Witch hazel is used as a natural remedy and provides relief from the symptoms of hemor-rhoids, which are itchiness and bleeding.

The recommendation is to apply witch hazel to a cotton ball or a cloth and then apply it to the area that is affected. This can help soothe the skin and remove the redness, pain, and swelling of the affected area. Witch hazel can also be used to stop bleeding that occurs due to hemorrhoids, as it contains he-mostatic properties.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel Benefit #3: Soothes a Sore Throat

Witch hazel is also a natural remedy when it comes to fighting inflammation. It works as an astringent, which means it can be used to treat a sore throat. In such a case, it is recommended to mix witch hazel, about one teaspoon of it, with one cup of water and boil it. This mixture should then be used for gar-gling, as it can provide with relief.

It is believed that witch hazel is also great when it comes to fighting the mucus that is caused due to a sore throat, and that it decreases pain and reduces swelling. This type of use of witch hazel has been recommended traditionally for years, but more scientific research is necessary.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel Benefit #4: Helps Reduce Eye Puffiness and Undereye Bags

Witch hazel is also great for anyone who is trying to get rid of undereye bags or eye puffiness. In this case, it is recommended to apply witch hazel to a small cotton ball and cover your closed eyes with it every day for 10 to 20 minutes.

Witch hazel shouldn’t be exclusively used, as this might not provide you with the effect that you are hoping for. You should also make sure to get enough sleep at night for even better results. If you have puffy eyes, you might want to check if you are possibly drinking too much water.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel Benefit #5: Helps Wound Healing

Witch hazel can also be a great remedy for healing wounds. This is due to the fact that it is rich in tan-nins. Tannins are powerful with antioxidants and, if used topically, they can protect your skin and aid its healing processes.

Witch hazel has the ability to prevent substances that cause inflammation from entering the skin. It is also able to prevent and neutralize harmful free radicals. When used topically, the procedure is very similar to reducing puffy eyes: first, apply it on a cloth or cotton ball and then on the affected area. More research is necessary on this subject, as most studies so far have been done on animals.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel Benefit #6: Helps Treat Eczema

Eczema is an irritation of the skin, which can also be treated with witch hazel. Witch hazel is generally recommended to anyone who is fighting with broken or irritated skin. Even erythema, which is red-ness of the skin due to irritation or injury, can be treated with witch hazel.

Witch hazel can reduce this redness by 27% and provide with more healthy-looking skin in just a few days. A study showed that those who use a lotion that contains witch hazel extract are able to reduce skin inflammation greatly. If you’ve tried many commercial products and nothing seemed to help, it might be time to try witch hazel.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel Benefit #7: Helps Treat Sunburn Damage

Skin that is sunburnt is red, itchy, and sometimes looks like it’s swollen and puffy. For our skin to show signs of sunburn, it needs to undergo extensive damage first, which needs to be treated as soon as possible.

Witch hazel contains chemicals, which have skin healing properties. These antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients are important, as they can act against free radicals that have been damaging the skin. Witch hazel can be applied to skin that is sunburnt as it is able to reduce the inflammation, as well as fight its symptoms, such as redness and puffiness, while promoting healing.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel Benefit #8: Improves Oral Health

If you use witch hazel for inflamed and cracked gums, you can reap great benefits from it. Dentists even recommend that you mix witch hazel and water and gargle with it. This can be done even after dental surgery, such as wisdom tooth removal. This can promote healing, as it will soothe irritation and help the gums to recover.

If you are using an over-the-counter product, you should make sure that you choose a product that doesn’t contain any isopropyl, which is alcohol and is in such a case not recommended. It is better if you simply use witch hazel and mix it with water.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel Benefit #9: Improves Skin Health

There are many beauty products in the market that already contain witch hazel, due to its many bene-fits to the skin. It is most popular for its properties of shrinking pores and providing relief from inflam-mation. It also has antiviral qualities, which make it a great choice for using topically, not only for skin conditions but also generally for better-looking skin.

Using witch hazel is known to improve skin health and it is therefore recommended to add it to your skincare routine. One of its greatest benefits is that it can soak up oil and is therefore great for those suffering from oily skin.

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel Benefit #10: Prevents Acne

Witch hazel has anti-inflammatory properties, and it is great when it comes to using it for treating acne. You can apply witch hazel directly to the face right after cleansing the skin. To increase its effect, you can steam your face beforehand.

Witch hazel works by leading to a contraction of the tissues. As they contract, the pores shrink, which relieves inflammation and provides a soother skin. This prevents bacteria from entering and infecting the skin and causing acne. Witch hazel products are widely found in stores for people who suffer from oily skin and acne. While these are also beneficial, it is just as beneficial to use witch hazel on a cotton ball and apply it to the skin.

Witch Hazel

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