10 Health Benefits of Tofu

By iliriana
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You have probably heard about tofu, even though there is a great possibility that you have not tried it yet unless you are a vegan or vegetarian. For vegans and vegetarians, tofu is a very important ingredient of their diet as it is packed with much-needed proteins.

Tofu, which originates from China, is a type of food produced by the condensation of soy milk in a similar process to making cheese. It is packed with vitamin B6, vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, and manganese.

One thing you should keep in mind is that soybeans today are mostly genetically modified (GMO) and if you want the best then you should seek organic tofu, which of course is more expensive. Continue reading about the 10 health benefits of tofu.


Health Benefit #1: Reduces Appetite

One of the great health benefits of tofu is that it reduces the appetite, which means that if you are trying to lose weight, you should consume tofu more often. As tofu is packed with dietary fiber, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, it is understandable that it has great health benefits.

Tofu is especially beneficial when you are trying to avoid snacking between meals. For this purpose, make sure to consume some tofu together with your meal of the day as it will keep you full and blunt your appetite for many hours. Another great benefit of tofu is that it is low in calories, which means that you will have only benefits from its consumption, regardless if you eat a little bit more than you intended.


Health Benefit #2: Promotes Brain Health

As we age, it is normal for our brain function to start declining slowly. If you want to have better brain health then you should make sure to consume healthy foods, including tofu. Lecithin found in tofu promotes better brain health as it is known that lecithin assists in the normal production process of phospholipids. Phospholipids are important components that are needed for maintaining the normal integrity of neutrons in the brain.

Another great health benefit of tofu when it comes to brain health is its anti-inflammatory properties, which means that less beta-amyloid proteins will be produced and deposited.


Health Benefit #3: Prevents Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common cause of anemia that many people struggle with during their lifetime. Since tofu is a very rich source of iron, besides other minerals and vitamins, it is understandable that tofu consumption will prevent anemia.

However, don’t expect miracles to occur overnight as it will take about three months of regular tofu consumption before you start noticing the first results and improvement in your lab values.


Health Benefit #4: Supports Liver Function

Due to its antioxidant properties, tofu also supports liver function. Less antioxidant stress means less external stress to the liver and better liver functioning, especially in the fat metabolism process.

Low cholesterol level together with overall liver function support will reduce the risk of fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease is a condition linked to obesity and over time it can even lead to liver failure.


Health Benefit #5: Improves Blood Glucose Levels

Tofu is thought to improve blood glucose levels, which is very important especially for those diagnosed with diabetes. By having normal or close to normal blood glucose levels, the risk of diabetes is reduced, as well as the risk of various short-term and long-term complications related to diabetes. Those who consume tofu on a regular basis will have an improvement of baseline insulin levels, as well as average fasting blood glucose levels.

However, more studies are needed to confirm this link between regular tofu consumption and reduced risk of diabetes.


Health Benefit #6: Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Because tofu is packed with saponins, they can reduce the levels of LDL in the blood, otherwise known as bad cholesterol. Saponins promote the removal of bile acids from the body, increasing the usage of blood lipids.

Lower cholesterol levels are also linked to a reduced risk for cardiovascular diseases, which means that regular tofu consumption will also reduce your risk for high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.


Health Benefit #7: Promotes Kidney Health

Since tofu is considered as an excellent source of soy protein and proteins are known to improve and promote kidney health, regular tofu consumption supports the normal function of the kidney.

This is achieved via the reduction of blood lipids as soybeans and tofu are an excellent source of soy protein, which is a better type of protein for overall kidney health.


Health Benefit #8: Reduces the Risk of Heart Diseases

Soybeans are known to be very beneficial for our health, which means that tofu has great health benefits too. Researches have shown that tofu can reduce the risk of heart diseases based on the fact that isoflavones reduce the inflammation of the blood vessels, improving their elasticity at the same time. This means that the blood will circulate better in the circulatory system and the blood pressure will remain normal or under control. Also, tofu contains saponins, which have a protective effect on the heart.

As mentioned, tofu will lower bad cholesterol levels in the body as well as helping to maintain normal glucose levels, which are all risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.


Health Benefit #9: Reduces the Risk of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a health condition that affects the bones. It usually occurs in women after menopause, even though it can affect anyone at any age. The main reason why osteoporosis is very frequent among women after menopause is because of a sharp and sudden decline in estrogen levels due to menopause.

As tofu is packed with much-needed minerals and vitamins, it is believed that regular tofu consumption, at least once or twice a week, can significantly prevent bone loss and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


Health Benefit #10: Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Another health benefit of tofu is its effect on cancer and the possibility of reducing cancer risk. So far, researches on the effects of tofu on breast cancer, digestive system cancer, and prostate cancer have been conducted and the results were very promising.

The protective effects of tofu are thought to come from isoflavones. In cases of breast cancer, isoflavones have a positive effect on the estrogen levels and menstrual cycle.


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