10 Health Benefits Of Strawberries

By james
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The strawberry we know today is actually a hybrid that was first developed in France. It is not technically a berry, but rather an aggregate accessory fruit. Regardless of technicalities, it is one of the most popular of all ‘berries’ and is enjoyed all over the world. They are often used in deserts and in cooking recipes and are also often enjoyed just as they are.

Strawberries are low in calories yet high in nutrition, making them ideal for people that are on weight loss diets. They are also suitable for diabetics and are even thought to be able to soothe the symptoms of arthritis. Perhaps best of all is that they taste great, making it easier for anybody to include them in their diet.


Health Benefit Of Strawberries #1: Prevent Arthritis

Arthritis is actually a term given to a collection of conditions that cause pain and immobility in the joints. It is most common in ageing people but can also be found in young people. It can be very difficult to treat, and treatments will often aim toward soothing the symptoms rather than treating the problem itself.

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that is caused by wear and tear on the joints over time. Strawberries contain anti-oxidants that can help reduce the damage caused by time, helping to keep joints healthy and well. The anti-oxidants can also reduce inflammation, helping to relieve symptoms.


Health Benefit Of Strawberries #2: Helps Prevent Stroke

A stroke could strike at any time, and its effects can be devastating to the victims and their loved ones. The effects of a stroke can range from being mild to leaving the victim dependent on others. Severe cases can even lead to a fatality. They are caused when blood vessels are blocked, stopping the flow of blood to the brain.

Strawberries are a good source of potassium, which helps to improve the flow of blood to the brain. They also contain anti-oxidants, which can prevent potentially stroke-causing clots from developing. They can also be used as part of a healthy diet, which could also help reduce the chances of a stroke.


Health Benefit Of Strawberries #3: Relieves Allergy Symptoms

Countless people throughout the world suffer from some form of allergy. They are usually irritating but otherwise harmless, although in some cases they do have the potential to be deadly. Those with allergies should try to keep clear from anything that causes a reaction. This can be difficult to do, though.

Treatments are available that will help relieve the symptoms of allergies. You will also find that certain foods will help to relieve the symptoms. Strawberries can help relieve allergy symptoms because they contain a compound known as fisetin, which helps the body control its response to allergens, reducing symptoms.


Health Benefit Of Strawberries #4: Strong Immune System

A strong immune system will help to protect us against disease all day, every day. It usually works in the background without even being noticed, but you will certainly notice it when things go wrong. It is important to maintain a healthy, balanced diet to ensure your immune system has what it needs to fight off disease.

Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, with just one serving proving more than your daily requirements. The vitamin is also an anti-oxidant, which also helps to keep you in good health. Include strawberries in your diet as much as possible and you can reduce the number of trips to see your doctor.


Health Benefit Of Strawberries #5: Younger Looking

Age catches up with all of us eventually. It will affect our mobility and our overall energy, while it also makes us appear older, especially as wrinkles set in. While there is not much we can do to prevent the advances of age, though, we can at least do what we can do slow it down. This can include eating a well-balanced healthy diet.

Strawberries are a good source of ellagic acid, which helps prevent the destruction of collagen. Collagen is what gives our skin its elasticity and it is largely the loss of collagen that contributes to ageing. The high vitamin C content of strawberries is also beneficial as it can aid in the production of collagen.


Health Benefit Of Strawberries #6: Good Vision

As we grow older, many of us will find that our vision is not what it used to be. Reading can become more difficult and everything can become increasingly blurred. Thankfully, though, we have spectacles and contact lenses that help us to see clearly. Include strawberries in your diet and you could be keeping your eyesight in good condition for longer.

Ellagic acid, flavonoids and phenolic phytochemicals are found in strawberries, which help to decrease the rate of degeneration of our eyesight. These help stop free radicals from doing harm to the eyes and to other parts of the body.,


Health Benefit Of Strawberries #7: Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Too much sugar in our blood is potentially quite dangerous for us and causes a range of symptoms. Usually, our bodies are able to regulate blood sugar levels themselves but this is not always possible in some people. Diabetics are unable to regulate their own blood sugar levels, and the right diet can be essential to them.

Some foods cause spikes in the levels of sugar in the blood, and strawberries do not contribute to this. They are also a very good source of fiber, which is also useful in regulating blood sugar levels. Strawberries are also popular among diabetics because they allow them to enjoy something sweet without the negative effects of sugar.


Health Benefit Of Strawberries #8: Lose Weight

Losing weight can be very difficult. One of the biggest challenges is reducing your calorie intake. Much of the time, we are simply too hungry to say no to another meal. We also need to be careful to get the nutrition we need despite consuming fewer calories. There are numerous foods that can help to this end and strawberries are one of them.

Strawberries are filling and this reduces your urge to eat more. What’s more is that they are low in calories and also low in carbohydrates. They are also a great way to make other healthy foods more interesting and more enjoyable to eat.


Health Benefit Of Strawberries #9: Good Mood

Few of us go through life without ever really being in a bad mood. It is all but impossible to avoid circumstances that will affect us negatively and a bad mood is quite a natural reaction. Sometimes, though, some people will find it hard to maintain a good mood even without negative external influences.

If you are struggling with your mood, though, the answer to your problems may lie in strawberries. To be more specific, the answer to a good mood actually lays in the strawberry’s seeds. The seeds contain alpha-linolenic acid, a kind of omega-3 fatty acid which improves mood. It is even thought to be as effective as some prescription medicines.


Health Benefit Of Strawberries #10: Prevent Cancer

None of us are completely safe from cancer. It can strike even the healthiest of people that take as many precautions as they can. We can at least decrease our chances of getting cancer, though, and it makes sense to do so. This can include keeping certain foods in your diet that can help to prevent the disease.

Strawberries are a very good source of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are known to help prevent oxidation, a process which can contribute to the formation of a cancer. They can help prevent other medical conditions and can also help to keep us looking younger.


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