10 Health Benefits of Red Clover

By james
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Red clover is an herbaceous plant that is found throughout Europe, Northwest Africa, and Western Asia. It is often used as a fodder crop, which means that it is used to help increase the fertility of soils, while it is also sometimes used for its aesthetic appearance. It is edible and is sometimes used as a garnish.

Red clover is also used for its medicinal properties. It is often consumed as a medicinal tea, while it is sometimes used as a topical remedy.

It is thought that red clover provides us with numerous health benefits, some of which are listed below.

Red Clover

Red Clover Benefit #1: Helps with Diabetes

Glucose is important to us as it helps to give us the energy that we need. We get it from our food, and our bodies are able to regulate just how much of it is running through our blood. We do this with help from a hormone known as insulin, and this hormone is manufactured by our body.

Some people are born with, or develop, a resistance to this hormone in a condition known as diabetes. This means that they are no longer able to regulate their blood sugar levels effectively. Red clover, however, has compounds that have been shown to be able to help decrease our resistance to insulin.

Red Clover

Red Clover Benefit #2: Protects against Cancer

Cancer occurs when damaged cells begin to multiply out of control. This can lead to a tumor, which is a mass of tissue, and this tissue can continue to control until it begins to take over the organs. If it cannot be treated, it will often be fatal. Depending on which type of cancer you have and how advanced it is, it may be possible to remove it successfully.

One potential cause of the damage to cells that leads to cancer is oxidation. This is a process that alters the cells, effectively causing them to be damaged. Red clover contains antioxidants that help prevent this damage from occurring, and this can help to prevent cancer from developing in the first place.

Red Clover

Red Clover Benefit #3: Reduces Menopause Symptoms

As we get older, our bodies begin to undergo changes. One of the most noticeable is puberty, a time when children become adults. Later in life is the menopause. This affects women and it signals an end to their reproductive years. This change is associated with numerous symptoms, some of which can be very unpleasant.

Red clover contains compounds that act as a bioidentical hormone. This helps to counter the reduction of estrogen in the body, and this helps to reduce the severity of the symptoms. Studies have shown that it may be able to reduce symptoms such as hot flushes, depression, anxiety, and bone loss.

Red Clover

Red Clover Benefit #4: Prevents Bone Loss

Osteoporosis is a condition that tends to affect people as they get older. It is a decrease in the density of the bones, and this causes them to lose much of their natural strength. As a result, the bones break far more easily than usual. Broken bones can be extremely painful for the patient and can also lead to other potentially serious symptoms.

Red clover is a good source of potassium. Potassium is able to help increase the density of our bones, helping to prevent conditions like osteoporosis. Studies have also shown that red clover contains compounds that help prevent osteoclasts, compounds that would otherwise cause bone tissue to break down.

Red Clover

Red Clover Benefit #5: Heals Wounds

Our skin is fairly soft and it is not difficult to damage it in some way. Just rubbing up against a sharp object can be enough to cut it, while other parts of the body can also be damaged from impact. Depending on the severity of the injury, our body will usually be able to fix it themselves, but it is still a good idea to help out with the healing process.

Red clover can help our body to heal wounds because it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is thought that drinking red clover tea regularly can help the body to heal wounds. It can also be used as a topical remedy when mixed with a carrier oil.

Red Clover

Red Clover Benefit #6: Healthy Cardiovascular System

A healthy cardiovascular system is essential for good health overall. It will help to ensure that our body is supplied with all the nutrition and oxygen that it needs. If the system is not in good health, then we could soon become very ill indeed. It could even be dangerous to our life.

Red clover is a good source of isoflavones. These are compounds that help to regulate the levels of cholesterols in our blood. It also contains minerals that help to keep the blood vessel walls healthy. It also helps to thin the blood, and this helps to keep it flowing freely.

Red Clover

Red Clover Benefit #7: Aids Fertility

Making the decision to start a family can be a very daunting one, and also a very exciting one. Most people are fortunate to be able to start a family without too many difficulties, but not everybody is so fortunate. Some people have difficulty having a baby no matter how hard they might try.

There are numerous causes for infertility, and they can be a problem in men and women. One way to overcome infertility issues is to make sure you have a healthy diet. Studies have shown that getting plenty of red clover in your diet may be able to help you start the family you have always wanted.

Red Clover

Red Clover Benefit #8: Good Mental Health

Our brain is often given a lot to handle. Things can sometimes be hectic and it can be difficult for us to keep up with our own thoughts. Times of stress can be very worrying, and they can even pose a real threat to our long-term mental and physical health. As such, it helps to keep the brain in good health to handle whatever comes its way.

It is thought that drinking red clover tea regularly can help us to handle stressful situations easier than otherwise. It can also help us to focus better, again helping us to overcome problems. This can help us to feel more relaxed and happier overall.

Red Clover

Red Clover Benefit #9: Prevents Hair Loss

Hair loss is a problem that many men experience. Men will often begin to lose hair in their middle ages, although it can also happen to men at a younger age as well. A lot of money is often spent in trying to remedy the problem, although the answer may lie in red clover.

Studies have shown that red clover extract is able to stimulate the natural growth of hair. This is when it has first been mixed with peptides, which are man-made proteins. The studies showed that patients using the mixture experienced an increase in the density of their hair as well as the length.

Red Clover

Red Clover Benefit #10: Pain Relief

As unpleasant as pain is, it also serves a very important purpose. It lets us know when our body is damaged or at risk of damage, and this will often save our lives. As important as it is, though, it can make some peoples lives’ a misery. The good news is that red clover may be able to help.

Studies in rats have shown that red clover can help to increase our pain threshold. This means that any pain that we do experience is more bearable for us. A lot more research is needed, but red clover could be the answer to many peoples’ prayers.

Red Clover

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