10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin

By iliriana
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Pumpkins belong to the Cucurbitaceae family and are a type of winter squash. In the United States, it is traditional to have pumpkins around Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Generally, pumpkins are referred to as a vegetable, although scientifically they are a fruit. This is due to the seeds that they contain. However, nutritionally, they resemble vegetables more than fruit.

Pumpkins don’t only taste good, they also come with many nutrients and, therefore, have many health benefits. They contain vitamins A, B2, C, and E, and iron, copper, potassium, manganese, and fiber. Pumpkins also contain a small amount of magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and folate. Pumpkins are mostly made of water and have very few calories.


Pumpkin Benefit #1: High in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are very important, as they can fight off free radicals. Free radicals, although produced by the metabolic process of our own body and with an important function of destroying harmful bacteria, if in excessive levels, can lead to conditions such as cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants are able to fight off these free radicals.

Pumpkins are high in such antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, beta-kryptoxanthin, and alpha-carotene. By consuming pumpkins, you are helping your body prevent these free radicals from damag-ing the cells. Studies have shown that antioxidants can protect the skin and thereby lower the risk of suffering from cancer, eye conditions, and other health issues.


Pumpkin Benefit #2: Improves Blood Sugar Levels

Several studies have shown that pumpkin, but also pumpkin seeds, pumpkin juice, or pumpkin seed powder are all able to lower blood sugar levels. People who suffer from diabetes and struggle with their blood sugar levels can greatly profit out of this factor. It is believed that this benefit comes from the high magnesium levels that are found in pumpkin seeds.

People with type 2 diabetes who started consuming pumpkin and foods rich in magnesium were able to lower their blood sugar levels, but it also helped toward preventing this condition. Despite these studies, more research on this subject is necessary.


Pumpkin Benefit #3: Improves Heart Health

Another benefit of pumpkin is that it is a very good source of nutrients that can help you protect your heart. Amongst these nutrients are antioxidants, magnesium, zinc, and fatty acids. Studies that were done on animals proved that pumpkin seed oil is able to reduce high blood pressure, but also high cho-lesterol levels. Both of these are known to be risk factors for heart conditions.

A study carried out in postmenopausal women also detected that women who consumed pumpkin seed oil supplements were able to reduce their blood pressure by 7%, while their good cholesterol levels were increased by 16%.


Pumpkin Benefit #4: Boosts Immunity

One of the ways in which pumpkin helps boost our immunity is through its vitamin A levels. Consuming only one cup of pumpkin puree will fulfil eight times the daily requirement we have for vitamin A. Vit-amin A is more famous for its function toward providing good eyesight, but it is also crucial when it comes to our immune system.

All the vitamin A that is in a pumpkin can help boost your immunity and protect you from catching a cold or being under the weather. If you are able to eat the pumpkin outdoors, you can enjoy the vita-min D from the sun while consuming some important vitamin A.


Pumpkin Benefit #5: Reduces Risk of Cancer

One other benefit of pumpkin is that it can reduce the risk of suffering from cancer. Studies carried out in postmenopausal women who had breast cancer showed that by consuming this type of food, they were less likely to die from breast cancer than those who didn’t consume this type of food at all. It is believed that this is due to enterolactone, which is high in pumpkins.

Enterolactone also increases the sensitivity of breast cancer cells when undergoing radiation, which might also increase the positive effects of radiotherapy in breast cancer patients. Although more re-search needs to be done, the results are very promising and consuming this type of food can be very beneficial to cancer patients but also toward preventing the risk of suffering from cancer.


Pumpkin Benefit #6: Promotes Weight Loss

While pumpkin can help us to lose weight when it is added to our diet, it is important to understand that you can’t lose weight only by consuming pumpkin. There is no type of food that will help you to burn enough calories and allow you to continue an otherwise unhealthy diet with minimal physical ac-tivity.

It is important that you eat fewer calories than usual and increase your physical activities if you are try-ing to lose weight. Replace a higher-calorie food with pumpkin to reap the benefits.


Pumpkin Benefit #7: Improves Skin Health

Consuming pumpkin can also help you to look younger. It is the beta-carotene in pumpkins that is able to protect us from the sun, which has UV rays that can cause wrinkles. The pulp of pumpkins is also very helpful, as it can be used as a mask that exfoliates and soothes the skin.

For this mask, you need to mix pureed pumpkin with one egg, honey, and a tablespoon of milk. After applying it, you should wait for 20 minutes before washing the mask off with warm water. After using this mask for a while, you should notice a change.


Pumpkin Benefit #8: Improves Bladder and Prostate Health

Many men have problems with their prostate the older they get. A prostate is a walnut-sized gland, which has the function of producing semen. By using the edible seeds of a pumpkin, you can help pre-vent issues with your prostate, due to its many nutritious values.

When it comes to health issues in men, pumpkin seeds have been used for many, many years. It is recommended that you eat a handful of pumpkin seeds a day to maintain general health and prevent any conditions.


Pumpkin Benefit #9: Improves Sleep

Studies show that by eating pumpkin seeds, you will be able to sleep better. It is recommended to mix the seeds with another healthy carbohydrate, such as applesauce. The carbohydrate is necessary, as it will help the tryptophan, which is found in pumpkin seeds, to get into the brain in higher levels and have an even better effect.

It is a great remedy for those who have been having issues with falling asleep and staying asleep. It is also a natural remedy, which means that there are no side effects and should, therefore, be tried out before choosing medications like sleeping pills, which may come with side effects.


Pumpkin Benefit #10: Improves Sperm Quality

As pumpkins contain high levels of zinc, they can also help fight off the risk of infertility in men and it can increase sperm quality. One study showed that zinc can help protect men from sperm damage caused by autoimmune diseases or chemotherapy.

Pumpkin seeds, apart from zinc, are also high in antioxidants, which can help with healthy testos-terone levels, and improve overall health. It is recommended to consume pumpkins and pumpkin seeds to prevent this type of issue, as the high levels of zinc in combination with the antioxidants are a natural aid with no side effects.


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