Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice

By chelsea
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Bromelain.' National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
  • 2. Pavan, Rajendra, et al. 'Properties and Therapeutic Application of Bromelain: a Review.' Biotechnology Research International, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012,
  • 3. El-Shazly, Samir A, et al. 'Physiological and Molecular Study on the Anti-Obesity Effects of Pineapple (Ananas Comosus) Juice in Male Wistar Rat.' Food Science and Biotechnology, Springer Singapore, 11 Apr. 2018,
  • 4. 'The Immune System.' Johns Hopkins Medicine, [](
  • 5. Lobo, V, et al. 'Free Radicals, Antioxidants and Functional Foods: Impact on Human Health.' Pharmacognosy Reviews, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, July 2010,
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Pineapple juice is a popular drink among health circles. It's included as an ingredient in countless healthy smoothies and detox drinks. The reason for pineapple juice's popularity in health-conscious communities is its numerous health benefits.

Pineapple juice is extracted from a plant of the same name. Primarily grown in the tropical regions of Latin America and West Africa, the health benefits of pineapple juice are wide ranging. People who drink the sweet, tangy juice may find their digestion is improved and inflammation in the body is reduced, among other notable health benefits.


Provides Nutrients

Bromelain is found in abundance in pineapples. This group of digestive enzymes is found in all parts of a pineapple, including the edible fruit, stem and leaves.1‘Bromelain.’ National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Bromelain is thought to be the reason behind many of pineapple juice's health benefits, combined with the fruit's nutrient-dense profile.

Pineapple juice has many benefits, thanks to the numerous nutrients it provides. Multiple forms of vitamin B are found in each serving, alongside vitamins A and C. Other nutrients found in pineapple juice include manganese, copper, potassium, beta-carotene, folic acid, iron, calcium and dietary fibers.


May Reduce Inflammation

The bromelain in pineapple juice may help the body fight pain and reduce swelling.2Pavan, Rajendra, et al. ‘Properties and Therapeutic Application of Bromelain: a Review.’ Biotechnology Research International, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012, This could help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is responsible for many ailments, from upper respiratory infections to muscle sprains.

Pineapple juice may be particularly helpful for minor sports injuries, such as sprained ankles or minor impact bruising. Some studies have shown that it may help also reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis, although more research is needed.


Better Absorption of Medications

The digestive enzymes and vitamin C found in pineapple juice may help individuals absorb medications better. Pineapple juice may be particularly effective in helping the body absorb antibiotics, such as penicillin-class medications.

Since the health benefits of pineapple juice include better absorption of some medications and immune-boosting qualities, it may be especially effective at fighting infections. For best results, individuals should try drinking one cup of pineapple juice when they take their medications.


May Help Maintain a Healthy Weight

Studies have shown pineapple juice may help people maintain a healthy weight. One study found drinking pineapple juice regularly may even help those who are struggling with obesity lose weight.3El-Shazly, Samir A, et al. ‘Physiological and Molecular Study on the Anti-Obesity Effects of Pineapple (Ananas Comosus) Juice in Male Wistar Rat.’ Food Science and Biotechnology, Springer Singapore, 11 Apr. 2018,

The reason pineapple juice may be effective at maintaining a healthy weight is the way it reduces the accumulation of body fat. It also helps reduce fat deposition in the liver and blood lipids. This may make the fruit juice beneficial, as it appears to target the harmful fat around internal organs.


Improved Digestion

Bromelain may help the body break down complex proteins. When complex proteins are broken down more quickly, digestion speeds up. This may help reduce bloating and indigestion. People hoping to improve digestion may want to drink pineapple juice with meals.

Besides bromelain, pineapple juice has a decent amount of dietary fibers. Fiber is essential in keeping balanced gut health. By consuming enough fiber, people may find they have fewer problems with constipation and gas buildup.


Boosted Immune System Functioning

The vitamin C and B6 found in pineapple juice may help boost immune system functioning. The immune system is responsible for fighting off the outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses, that make people sick.4‘The Immune System.’ Johns Hopkins Medicine,

A boosted immune system means people might get sick less frequently. When they do get sick, individuals with a strong immune system may be sick for shorter durations and be less ill than those with weaker immune systems.


Better Oral Health

Consuming pineapple juice a few days before or after oral surgery might help with recovery. Pineapple juice may also reduce swelling, bruising and inflammation in the gums.

Since pineapple juice is a natural astringent, it might help tighten gum tissues. Not only could this be beneficial post-surgery but also for loose adult teeth or receding gum lines. The vitamin C and A, alongside bromelain, may also speed up wound healing after oral surgery.


Heart Healthy

Pineapple juice contains ample amounts of potassium, as well as bromelain. Both of these may help improve heart health because they assist in preventing blood clots. Together, potassium and bromelain may also promote better circulation and ease tension in the blood vessels.

Pineapple juice may generally improve cardiovascular health when consumed regularly or in moderate amounts. In turn, drinking this fruit juice may help protect against heart attack, strokes and other heart-related illnesses.


Combat Free Radicals

Pineapple juice is full of antioxidants, which are known to combat free radicals inside the body. Free radicals are molecules containing unpaired electrons that steal missing electrons from other cells.5Lobo, V, et al. ‘Free Radicals, Antioxidants and Functional Foods: Impact on Human Health.’ Pharmacognosy Reviews, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, July 2010, This electron theft can cause illness in the body.

Antioxidants assist the body in naturally getting rid of free radicals, which cause premature aging and damages to the bodily tissues. Although the body's natural detox system is capable of getting rid of free radicals, antioxidants may quicken the process for better health.


How to Consume More Pineapple Juice

Many people find they enjoy the taste of 100 percent pineapple juice on its own. Others find the flavor a little too tangy or sweet for their liking.

Pineapple juice can be added to marinades and salad dressings to add flavor. It can also be included as an ingredient in fruit smoothies and health shakes, alongside other beneficial fruits, vegetables and supplements. Pineapple juice can even be added to sweet treats, such as ice cream floats or popsicles.


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