10 Health Benefits of Parsley

By albert
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Parsley is a common feature in many world cuisines. In most of these cuisines, parsley is used as a garnish and to improve the flavor of various dishes. This suggests that the full potential of parsley is not appreciated enough, or it is probably unknown. But parsley has many health benefits for which reason you should include it in your diet more often and in greater amounts.

Parsley contains significant amounts of vitamins K, A, and C. It also contains minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Additionally, parsley is rich in fiber and beneficial phytonutrients, including antioxidants that help protect the body from the effects of oxidants and excessive inflammation.

In this article, we will look at the 10 most outstanding health benefits of parsley.


Parsley Benefit #1: Good for Your Heart

A healthy heart is necessary for good overall health because it supplies adequate blood throughout the body. All tissues and organs of the body require a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients. These are transported within blood, hence the need for a healthy heart.

Parsley is a good source of vitamins and antioxidants, which reduce inflammation. Some of these plant chemicals also help to reduce LDL, also called bad cholesterol levels, and hence keep blood vessels and the heart free from plaque. This ensures that blood flows throughout the body, unimpeded, which means that the blood pressure also remains within the healthy range. According to various scientific studies, people whose diet is high in carotenoids, such as those found in parsley, are less likely to suffer from heart disease than those whose diet is lower in carotenoids.


Parsley Benefit #2: Promotes Digestive Health

Good digestion is critical for good health. This is because the human body gets most of the necessary nutrients from the ingested foods. If the digestive system is not working properly, some or even most of the nutrients in food might not be absorbed. When this happens over the long term, it can lead to deficiencies besides diseases and conditions that can undermine overall health.

Parsley is one of the food items that promote good digestion. Besides containing various vitamins and minerals that have positive effects on the breakdown of foods and its absorption into the body, parsley also contains detoxifying compounds that help cleanse the liver, kidneys, and the bladder. Parsley is also a diuretic, which means that it helps maintain healthy body fluid levels by promoting excretion of excess fluid.


Parsley Benefit #3: Improves Bone Health

Parsley contains vitamins and minerals that benefit bone health in addition to the health of other tissues in the body. Bones are largely made of calcium, but in order for your body to absorb and use calcium to build and maintain bones, it requires other micronutrients, especially vitamin K and magnesium.

Studies have shown that people who take adequate amounts of vitamin K suffer fewer fractures than those who take less. Because parsley is a good source of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K, including significant amounts of it in your diet can help improve your bone health by increasing bone density and preventing loss of bone mass. It can also help improve arthritis and osteoporosis.


Parsley Benefit #4: Good for Your Eyes

Parsley is a good source of beta-carotene besides vitamins C and E and minerals like zinc. It is also an important source of several antioxidants including quercetin, chrysoeriol, luteolin, and apigenin. Besides having other medicinal benefits, antioxidants reduce the free radicals that lead to deterioration of the macular tissue within the retina of the eyes. Deterioration of the macular, especially with advanced age, leads to poor vision and may ultimately cause blindness.

Among the carotenoids in parsley are lutein and zeaxanthin; the two most important carotenoids for good eye health. Studies have established that high intake of lutein and zeaxanthin can protect the macular tissue and, therefore, prevent age-related macular degeneration. This can mean better eyesight in later years.


Parsley Benefit #5: Prevents Kidney Stones

Parsley supports the health of your kidneys, bladder, and the urinary tract as a whole. Traditionally, parsley has been used to treat urinary tract infections. Parsley has antibacterial properties and can, therefore, reduce the numbers of harmful bacteria in the body, including within the urinary tract. Additionally, some compounds in parsley prevent the development of kidney or bladder stones.

These stones form when some chemicals in the body crystallize and, over time, grow into solid masses. It is worth to note that kidney and bladder stones can cause a lot of pain, especially when they pass through these organs. You can prevent or promote the disintegration of these stones by regularly consuming parsley.


Parsley Benefit #6: Great Source of Vitamins and Minerals

In addition to the macronutrients in the forms of carbohydrate, fat, and protein, your body requires micronutrients in the forms of vitamins and minerals. These micronutrients are critical for good health and deficiency can lead to serious health problems. It is, therefore, necessary that you get a constant intake of minerals and vitamins to remain in good health.

Parsley contains significant amounts of beta-carotene, which the body changes to vitamin A. It also contains vitamin C and vitamin K in addition to minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, boron, and sodium. Because of this wide variety of micronutrients in parsley, you can prevent nutrient deficiency by making the vegetable a regular part of your diet.


Parsley Benefit #7: Promotes Hair Growth

Traditionally, parsley has been used to stimulate hair growth and to improve its health. Some cultures have also used parsley to improve their hair color, which can be attributed to its high copper content. And while topical application of parsley has been the common method of its use for better hair, regular consumption of parsley can also have a positive effect on your hair.

Recent research has found that parsley actually promotes growth of hair at genetic level. Being a rich source of various nutrients including vitamins and minerals, parsley provides the body with the components necessary for healthy hair and skin. The antioxidants in it also reduce the effects of free radicals on the skin and other tissues of the body.


Parsley Benefit #8: Maintains Good Skin Health

Parsley contains various compounds that are beneficial for skin health. These include vitamin C and zinc, which help in healing of wounds and other injuries. The two micronutrients are also required for regeneration of skin. This is important for maintenance of healthy skin.

Additionally, parsley contains antioxidants that protect the skin against free radicals and dangerous inflammation. It is worth noting that free radicals are toxins that cause various skin issues including acne and premature aging. Regular intake of antioxidant-rich foods like parsley helps to neutralize free radicals, keeping skin healthy and free of acne and blemishes. It also prevents premature aging.


Parsley Benefit #9: Helps to Fight Cancer

Chronic inflammation leads to various diseases, including cancer. And while cancer is still not fully understood, its risk increases when the body is continually exposed to free radicals and inflammation.

Parsley contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds including beta-carotene, vitamin C, quercetin, luteolin, and apigenin.

By regularly including parsley in your diet, your body benefits by getting a constant supply of these beneficial compounds. Various scientific studies have found that compounds in parsley and other similar plants reduce the risk of developing different types of cancer including leukemia, pancreatic, ovarian, and cervical cancers. The compounds work by neutralizing carcinogenic compounds within the body.


Parsley Benefit #10: Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels

High or uncontrolled blood sugar levels occur when a person eats refined or high-carbohydrate foods throughout the day. When this condition is sustained over a long period of time, it can lead to serious health problems including insulin resistance, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. For this reason, it is important to eat a balanced diet, and to eat reasonable quantities of food.

Besides a balanced diet and healthy quantities of food, another way to keep your blood sugar level under control is to include parsley in your regular diet. Studies have shown that regular consumption of parsley keeps blood sugar level in check. Some animal studies have suggested that intake of parsley can improve pancreatic function and this way reduce blood sugar levels even in those with diabetes type 1.


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