10 Health Benefits of Oysters

By albert
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If you have never tried oysters, you could be missing out on a very tasty food with many health benefits. But then again, you probably can’t stand the thought of having the slimy water creatures in your mouth. Nevertheless, oysters are a popular food item for millions across the world.

Oysters are very delicious and a very good source of a number of essential nutrients, notably protein and essential minerals and vitamins. But for many cultures, oysters have not always been part of their diet. In fact, their popularity has only grown over the last 20 to 30 years. This has led to widespread oyster farming, especially in Japan.

This article looks at 10 benefits of including oysters in your diet.


Health Benefit #1: Great Source of Protein

You need to take adequate protein daily to maintain good health. Protein provides the building blocks of the body. To this end, oysters are a perfect food. An average oyster weighing about 25 grams can provide 4.7 grams of protein. This is about 8 percent of the RDA for protein for an average adult male. Protein is also necessary for repairing body tissues, including healing wounds and replacing old cells.

When your body gets adequate protein, it can easily carry out processes like metabolism, tissue repair, muscle growth, and other functions perfectly. If, on the other hand, you consistently don’t get enough protein, you may suffer from various health problems, including slow wound healing and weak muscles.


Health Benefit #2: Promotes Heart Health

Oysters are very rich in various nutrients. This is why they have a great impact on the health of your heart. For instance, they contain a huge amount of zinc. According to many studies, zinc plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure of your cells. It also has roles in ensuring that the heart functions to its optimum.

Other studies indicate that zinc deficiency can lead to heart failure. Taking the recommended daily allowance of zinc protects your heart from various health problems. Additionally, zinc is necessary for overall health. Also, omega-3 found in oysters prevents several risk factors of heart problems such as lowering triglycerides levels and enhancing HDL levels. It is also worth noting that the potassium present in oysters has a positive effect on heart health because potassium helps maintain fluid balance and good circulation of blood.


Health Benefit #3: Boosts Immune Function

All body organs, tissues, and cells work together to protect the body from any kind of foreign invaders. To achieve this, the body has devised various methods, with the immune system being the major player responsible for keeping the body healthy and safe from foreign invasion. You can give your immune system a boost by including a regular helping of oysters.

Oysters are very rich in antioxidants, which protect the body from the effects of free radicals that cause severe damage to tissues, including chronic inflammation. Oysters are also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and zinc, which support the immune system function. If you are unwell, consuming oysters can give your defense mechanism the arsenal necessary to fight off foreign bodies so that you can recover faster.


Health Benefit #4: Boosts Energy Production

Your diet should include all the essential macronutrients and micronutrients to ensure that you have good health. But typical diets are usually short on some micronutrients. This is the reason why many people suffer from low energy levels such that they are always feeling tired. If, for instance, you are unable to carry out your daily activities as you normally would, you are probably low in energy.

Eating oysters can help reduce fatigue, which can help improve your activity level. This happens because oysters are rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for energy production in the body. Another advantage of consuming oysters is rejuvenation of cells. This happens because the nutrients in oysters support faster renewal of body cells.


Health Benefit #5: Speeds Up Healing

As mentioned elsewhere, oysters provide the immune system with the strength it needs to function properly. This boost to the immune system helps the body to speed up the healing process. Again, oysters contain zinc, which is essential for the healing process.

Consuming oysters is beneficial to both adults and children. In fact, children who have zinc deficiency suffer from mental lethargy and therefore need increased zinc intake. But even without noticeable symptoms of zinc deficiency, it is essential that your kids get their zinc requirements. One way to achieve this is by introducing oysters in your kids’ diet.


Health Benefit #6: Boosts Brain Function and Enhances Mood

Oysters are high in vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids in addition to zinc and iron. These micronutrients are essential for various brain functions. Deficiencies can cause issues with brain functions, including moods. Iron deficiency, for instance, leads to iron-deficiency anemia, which decreases the amount of oxygen reaching the brain. This leads to decreased ability to concentrate.

Zinc is essential for memory. The high level of zinc in oysters can help stabilize moods and enhance brain functions. According to a collection of studies, an adequate amount of zinc in the bloodstream of a child reduces anxiety and depression. Another study suggests that zinc helps in anger management and depression in young women.


Health Benefit #7: Can Help Lose Weight

Oysters are among the best seafood for those who want to lose weight. They are low in calories and fat and high in protein besides other beneficial nutrients. For this reason, regular consumption of oysters can contribute toward your quest to shed some body weight.

By including oysters in your diet, you get lots of nutrients without increasing your fat consumption or taking in too many calories. If you compare any amount of oysters with a similar amount of many other foods, you will find that oysters contain less fat and lower calories and lots of essential nutrients. And while losing weight can be a daunting task, especially if you are addicted to junk foods, it can be a lot easier if you introduce foods like oysters into your diet.


Health Benefit #8: Promotes Bone Health

Bones require many nutrients to remain healthy and strong. These include calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper, and phosphorus. Most of these minerals are present in oysters. It is worth noting that after a certain age, bones start to lose their density. For this reason, it is important to ensure that you provide your body with all the necessary minerals and other nutrients.

One of the most interesting studies about oysters suggests that these sea creatures can provide cures for bone and joint problems such as osteoporosis and arthritis. This conclusion is based on the ability of oysters to produce the bone-like material called nacre that forms their shells.


Health Benefit #9: Boosts Eye Health

Your eyes are among the most sensitive organs in your body. Being so delicate, they require special care to protect them from damage. For this reason, your eyes, similar to many other organs and tissues, are designed to continually renew old cells. To achieve this, they need various nutrients including zinc and vitamin A.

The high amount of zinc in oysters helps to boost your eye health because it is part of the raw materials required to form the pigments in the retina. Adding more zinc to your diet by eating oysters can be a good way to maintain or improve your vision.


Health Benefit #10: Boosts Male Libido

Use of oysters as aphrodisiacs is one of the most popular applications over the years. And while there is no evidence that they really have aphrodisiac properties, studies have shown that oysters may enhance men’s testosterone levels. Studies suggest that zinc deficiency leads to a significant decrease in the level of serum testosterone.

Since oysters are packed with zinc, they can enhance testosterone production, which may subsequently improve libido. A study on the effect of zinc on testosterone levels found that having a normal level of zinc is essential for optimal testosterone levels. It is worth noting that an average oyster weighing 25 grams can provide 6.5 mg of zinc, which is 45 percent of the recommended daily intake of zinc.


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