10 Health Benefits Of Oatmeal

By james
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There are numerous options available when it comes to healthy diets. There are countless different types of healthy foods that can be used as ingredients or as snacks. You might still have to miss out on some of your favorites, but there are still plenty of others to choose from.

Among the most popular health foods is oatmeal. It tastes good and can be used in recipes and with other foods. It is also convenient, making it ideal for breakfasts and snacks. Plus, it offers numerous health benefits and can help you feel much better about yourself. Here’s a look at some of the health benefits that oatmeal has to offer.


Health Benefit Of Oatmeal #1: Weight Loss

Diets can be very difficult to stick to. A weight loss diet will often omit our favorite foods and the temptation to treat ourselves can just be too much to resist. Another factor that often makes diets so difficult to stick to at times is hunger. Hunger is a very natural sensation and one that is very difficult to ignore.

Oats can help in this regard because they make you feel fuller, for longer. This, in turn, will reduce the temptation to eat, which will reduce your overall calorie intake. Fewer calories mean that you will gain less fat and, hopefully, even begin to lose your fat stores.


Health Benefit Of Oatmeal #2: Antioxidants

Antioxidants are quite a buzzword in healthy living circles. They might sound like pseudo-science but they are compounds that can genuinely provide long-term health benefits. Antioxidants help to prevent oxidation, which is the alteration of the body’s cells through molecular changes. Oxidation contributes to ageing and can also increase the chance of cancer.

Oatmeal contains avenanthramides, which are a type of antioxidant. This particular type of antioxidant is found almost exclusively in oats. Avenanthramides also offer other health benefits such as helping to keep blood pressure down within healthy levels. Avenanthramides are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties and can help with itching.


Health Benefit Of Oatmeal #3: Lower Cholesterol

It has long been known that cholesterol is a leading cause of heart disease. More recently we have learned that there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterols. Low-density lipoproteins, or LDL cholesterol, is the ‘bad’ variety that could cause serious health complications if there is too much of it in the bloodstream.

The good news is that studies have shown that oats are able to help reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the body. This is thanks to beta-glucan fiber which increases how much cholesterol-rich bile is excreted. This will help reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol that is flowing through the blood.


Health Benefit Of Oatmeal #4: Nutrition

When considering the health benefits of any kind of food, the nutrients they provide should be one of the first things you look at. With the right nutrients in your diet, your body will be able to work more effectively in everything, from giving you energy to fighting off disease. The good news is that oatmeal does very well in this regard as well.

Oats are a very good source of fiber and carbohydrates, helping with digestion and providing a valuable source of energy. What’s more is that they are a good source of protein and fat, more so than most other types of grain. They are also packed full of vitamins and minerals that will help to ensure your good health.


Health Benefit Of Oatmeal #5: Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes is a worldwide problem. It is caused by the patient being unable to self-regulate the level of sugar in their blood. It is often a result of insufficient sensitivity to insulin, the hormone which helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. It results in a range of symptoms and diabetes can be life-changing and even life-threatening.

A balanced diet is one of the most important factors in dealing with diabetes. Oats are often involved in diabetic diets because they are able to help reduce the levels of sugar in the blood. They can also help by increasing the patient’s sensitivity to insulin.


Health Benefit Of Oatmeal #6: Boosts Immune System

If you have a weakened immune system for whatever reason, it would probably not be long before you would know about it. You would become more susceptible to disease and it would probably not be long before you pick up a cold, flu or worse. We are heavily dependent on it, even if we do take it for granted.

A healthy diet will go a long way in keeping our immune system strong and helping us to fight off disease. Oatmeal can help in this regard because it contains zinc and selenium, ingredients which help to keep our immune system strong and healthy. It also contains beta-glucan which is able to help in the fight against infection.


Health Benefit Of Oatmeal #7: Energy Boost

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It provides us with the energy boost we need to keep us going until lunchtime. Without it, we can struggle to keep going throughout the entire day and not just in the mornings. Have the right breakfast, though, and you can keep going all day long. With some lunch, of course.

We are often hurried in the mornings, though, which means many people will often miss breakfast. A breakfast such as oatmeal is convenient and quick, making it ideal for people in a rush. It is also an excellent source of energy, which is just what is needed in the mornings.


Health Benefit Of Oatmeal #8: Constipation Relief

When we eat, our food passes through our digestive system at just the right pace for it to be digested. If it passes through too quickly then not enough nutrients will be absorbed, while things can begin to get blocked if it passes too slowly. Constipation is a condition where food passes too slowly through the passage and sometimes it may be difficult to pass at all.

Oatmeal contains insoluble fiber. This helps to absorb water and keep things moving along nicely in the digestive system. It can also help prevent other uncomfortable symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating and gas.


Health Benefit Of Oatmeal #9: Skin Care

In a world where a lot of emphasis is put on the importance of physical appearance, many people care a great deal about their complexion. The market is awash with countless different skin products that make various claims, but how much they really help varies considerably. Oatmeal is also said to be able to help with a good complexion.

A topical application of oats is said to help with dry and itchy skin and can also deal with redness. This could be down to the anti-inflammatory properties found in oatmeal. Many skin care products actually use oatmeal in their formulas, although you could try making your own by finely grinding oatmeal and applying it to the skin as a paste.


Health Benefit Of Oatmeal #10: Healthy Blood

Our blood transports oxygen and nutrients to all parts of our body where it is needed. In order to be able to transport oxygen, though, it needs to create hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein that allows oxygen to attach to the red blood cells, allowing it to be transported around our bodies.

Hemoglobin needs iron. Iron is what gives our blood its red color. Without enough iron, our body cannot produce hemoglobin so it will not be able to transport blood around the body. Fortunately, there are plenty of foods that provide us with the iron we need, and oatmeal is a very good source of the metal.


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