10 Health Benefits of Noni Juice

By iliriana
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Noni juice is a tropical drink that derives from the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree. This fruit grows in Southeast Asia, especially in Polynesia. It is a lumpy fruit, the same size as a mango, and yellow in color. It is bitter and its odor is compared to stinky cheese.

Today, Noni is mostly consumed as a juice because of its many health benefits. Noni juice has been known for thousands of years for its health benefits, which include keeping your skin healthy, boosting your energy levels, and preventing a general body weakness.

Noni juice can help boost the immune system too. This article looks at 10 health benefits of Noni juice.

Noni Juice

Health Benefit #1: Antipsychotic Properties

Historically, Noni juice has been used for reducing many disorders that are related to the central nervous system. Drinking Noni juice is believed to have great potential toward curing psychiatric disorders. Noni juice is also believed to have a therapeutic effect on brain damage.

It has the power to cure natural chemical components. This is why Noni juice is able to prevent cerebral ischemic stress without having any effect on the good enzymes and antioxidants that function in the body.

Noni Juice

Health Benefit #2: Antioxidative Properties

A study carried out in 2005 was able to confirm that Noni juice is a great antioxidant too. It is able to seek out the oxygen free radicals and it can neutralize the negative effects that these free radicals have on our body.

Heavy smoking makes people vulnerable to disease, and Noni juice is able to improve and protect the risk of smokers to these conditions. Its antioxidative effect can protect not only smokers but everyone from conditions caused by oxidative stress.

Noni Juice

Health Benefit #3: Helps Prevent Cancer

Noni juice is known to have anti-cancer properties. Many researchers were able to prove that using Noni juice is a great way of preventing various cancers such as lung cancer, liver cancer, and renal cancer. This is all due to the ability of Noni juice to reduce oxidative stress.

One researcher was able to show that Noni juice can block the carcinogen-DNA binding and it can prevent adduct formation. It was even revealed that Noni juice was able to decrease the weight and the volume of tumors.

Noni Juice

Health Benefit #4: Reduces Muscle Spasms

Another health benefit of Noni juice is that it creates a relaxing effect on our muscles. There are antispasmodic properties in Noni juice that are able to attribute to the blockade of voltage-dependent calcium channels and the secretion of intracellular calcium content within the body.

This is why Noni juice is able to soothe any pain and discomfort associated with muscle spasms, and it can work toward preventing muscle spasms in the first place. If you have been suffering from muscle spasms and nothing else works, adding Noni juice to your diet might improve your health state.

Noni Juice

Health Benefit #5: Protects Heart Health

Noni juice has been proven to be very effective in maintaining cardiovascular health. Noni juice is able to dilate the blood vessels and it does so by comforting the smooth muscle cells within the cell walls. This results in better blood flow in the arteries.

This vasodilating effect of Noni juice is what helps to regulate blood pressure and what helps to maintain a healthy heart. Researchers were able to show that drinking Noni juice helps to reduce bad cholesterol level, total cholesterol content, and improves the levels of good cholesterol in the body.

Noni Juice

Health Benefit #6: Helps Control Diabetes

People who suffer from diabetes can also benefit from drinking Noni juice. There is research that has proven that Noni juice can help to reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

The scientific evidence showed that Noni juice can help to reduce the level of glycosylated hemoglobin, low-density lipoprotein, and serum triglycerides. This, and the way that it stimulates the uptake of glucose, makes Noni juice a great addition to the diet of anyone who is suffering from diabetes.

Noni Juice

Health Benefit #7: Helps Relieve Arthritis Pain

Noni juice has healing powers that can even provide relief from inflammatory conditions like arthritis. Scientists were able to prove that Noni juice can decrease pain and sensitivity, thereby reducing the joint destruction that is present in the painful condition of arthritis.

There is a study that was able to prove that the effects of Noni juice can even compare to well-known available analgesic drugs. It is definitely worth trying as Noni juice can provide the same relief, but without the side effects that come with drugs.

Noni Juice

Health Benefit #8: Helps with Skin Care

Noni juice has been used for years as a natural aid in skin care and beauty. Noni juice can prevent the formation of wrinkles on the skin. It is also used for various skin conditions such as allergic skin reactions, burns, acne, and hives.

There are essential fatty acids in Noni juice and high levels of proxeronine, a biochemical component that supports the function of cell membranes and helps to restore a young and healthy skin. At the same time, Noni juice is able to normalize any abnormal cells.

Noni Juice

Health Benefit #9: Helps with Gastric Problems

Study results have shown that Noni juice can help with different kinds of gastric problems. It can help the emptying process, where the food exits the stomach and enters the duodenum.

This study showed that drinking Noni juice can result in a slow discharge of sugars in the bloodstream. It stimulates the release of digestive enzymes, but without altering the volume of urine or feces and intestinal transit. The study connects this positive effect of Noni juice on gastric problems to the levels of phytonutrients that are found in it.

Noni Juice

Health Benefit #10: Helps Boost Energy

Noni juice has traditionally been used to fight body weakness. Also, Noni juice is known for its ergogenic qualities, which can help to enhance the overall physical performance of the body, but also enhance the tolerance and the elasticity of the body.

People who’ve consumed Noni juice are less likely to suffer from fatigue and have more overall energy for their day-to-day activities. This is why Noni juice is a great addition to the diet of anyone who has been lacking energy to carry on with their day.

Noni Juice

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