10 Health Benefits of Mustard

By james
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Mustard is a plant that is found growing naturally in a wide range covering Northern Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. Its popularity has spread worldwide and is grown commercially all over the world. The mustard that we know as an ingredient and condiment is made from the seeds of the mustard plant.

There are numerous types of mustard and it is commonly used in sandwiches and fast foods, although it is also used as an ingredient in a wide range of dishes. It often has a strong flavor and is sometimes used to add a kick to dishes.

Consuming mustard can also provide us with a variety of health benefits. This article looks at 10 of those benefits.


Health Benefit #1: Aids Weight Loss

It can be very difficult to lose weight. Countless people have tried with good intentions only to hit a brick wall. Exercising to burn calories can be very hard work indeed while eating a weight loss diet can also be very difficult to stick to. A lot of people need all the help they can get, and mustard could be a lot of help indeed.

Mustard contains compounds such as niacin, thiamine, folates, and riboflavin. Not only are these beneficial to our health, but they also help to accelerate our metabolism. A faster metabolism means that we burn more calories, and this will help us to shed those extra pounds.


Health Benefit #2: Lowers Cholesterol

Cholesterol has a very bad reputation when it comes to our overall health, and for very good reasons. It can lead to problems such as a high blood pressure and can even block our blood vessels. Blocked blood vessels can be very dangerous indeed. Despite this, we also know that there are good cholesterols and bad cholesterols.

Mustard is a good source of vitamin B3 and niacin. Niacin is able to help prevent the build-up of plaque in our blood vessels, while it can also help to reduce the levels of bad cholesterols. This will help protects us against some potentially very serious health conditions.


Health Benefit #3: Helps Prevent against Asthma

Asthma is a condition in which the airways tighten, potentially reducing or blocking the airflow into the lungs. Being able to breathe freely is obviously very important to us and a condition like asthma can be very dangerous. Patients with asthma need to be careful, although there are some things that can help them.

Mustard is a good source of magnesium and selenium, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties. This, in turn, can help to prevent swollen airways that lead to asthma. It is advisable to consume mustard regularly in order to try and prevent asthma attacks, while supplements are also available.


Health Benefit #4: Eases Constipation

We can sometimes find that the food that we eat does not pass through our digestive system as fast as it should. This can cause food to become backed up in our system. It can also result in stools that are hard and dry, making them difficult and often painful to pass.

Mustard contains a substance known as mucilage. This substance is slimy and can help our food to pass through our system. Mustard is also a good source of fiber, which will also help to keep our digestive system in good condition. To use it as a remedy, consume one teaspoon of mustard seeds twice a day.


Health Benefit #5: Protects against Cancer

Nobody is completely safe from cancer. It can happen to people at any age and from any walk of life. Despite this, however, we are able to take steps to at least reduce the chances of us developing cancer. One of these is to include as much mustard in your diet as you can.

Studies show that mustard has properties that can slow the rate at which cancer cells grow. It can also help to prevent new cancer cells from forming. Mustard seeds are a very good source of phytonutrients, and these can help to slow down the progress of cancer of the digestive system, and maybe even prevent them altogether.


Health Benefit #6: Healthy Skin

A lot of people feel that it is very important to have clear, beautiful skin. It can be very difficult to achieve, though, especially with harsh weather and air that is polluted. These can lead to damage and infections and other problems that can have a negative impact on the appearance of our skin.

Mustard seeds are a good source of sulfur. Sulfur is able to help prevent infections from bacteria and fungi. This helps prevent damage to our skin, helping to keep it healthy and beautiful for many years to come. To use mustard to protect your skin, you should try including some in your diet as regularly as you can.


Health Benefit #7: Relieves Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a condition that affects millions of people across the world. It mostly affects older people but it can affect people of all ages. It can cause disfigured joints and a lack of mobility and it is also well known for causing considerable pain. There is no known cure, but we can at least try to limit the severity of the symptoms.

The magnesium and selenium found in mustard give it anti-inflammatory properties. Pain and other symptoms of arthritis are caused by inflammation, so using anti-inflammatory mustard can help to keep these symptoms at bay. You can use it by applying a mustard seed paste directly to the skin, or have a bath with added mustard seeds.


Health Benefit #8: Boosts Immune System

Our immune system is perhaps the most important weapon we have in the fight against disease. It helps to protect us all day, every day, helping to fight off any potential threat to our well-being. Our immune system is far from invincible, though, so we need to do what we can to help it.

Helping our immune system mainly means eating the right kind of food, one of which is mustard. The copper, manganese, and iron in mustard all help to bolster the immune system. Get plenty of it in your diet and you could be preventing coughs, colds, and potentially serious illnesses.


Health Benefit #9: Healthy Hair

Many people spend a great deal of time on their hair each day. Having a healthy, attractive head of hair can actually be very important as it can help to give an air of success and well-being. Some people, however, have difficulty growing a healthy head of hair. The good news is that mustard may be able to remedy that.

Mustard is packed full of vitamins and compounds that are able to stimulate and accelerate hair growth. One notable compound is beta carotene, which is well known for its ability to stimulate hair growth. To use it, massage mustard oil into the scalp and leave it on for 45 minutes after covering the head with a plastic bag.


Health Benefit #10: Slows Aging

Few people want to actually get old. We want to stay as youthful as possible but we are at the mercy of time. While we can’t prevent aging from happening, though, we can at least help to slow it down. There are numerous creams and lotions that claim to be able to slow down aging, while mustard can also be the answer to your prayers.

Mustard is a good source of vitamins, zeaxanthins, carotenes, and lutein, all of which are powerful antioxidants. Oxidants are compounds that can cause damage to the skin and accelerate the effects of aging. As such, getting plenty of mustard in your diet can help to at least slow down the appearance of aging.


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