10 Health Benefits of Mulberry

By albert
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Mulberry fruit comes from the mulberry tree, which grows widely in many parts of the world. Unripe mulberry fruit is whitish or green. However, it changes to pink then red as it ripens, and to purple or black once it has fully ripened.

Mulberry fruit is liked because of its taste and flavor. Mulberry fruit tarts, jams, and jellies are some of the ways in which the fruit is normally eaten.

But beyond the unique taste and flavor, mulberries are packed with numerous health benefits. Therefore, you should make them part of your regular diet. This article looks at 10 health benefits of mulberry.


Mulberry Benefit #1: Boosts Digestion

One of the key benefits of including mulberries in your diet is the improvement in your digestion. If you have been suffering from slow bowel movements and you are at risk of constipation, then mulberries can provide a quick relief to this condition.

Mulberries are rich in fiber, which helps increase the bulk of your intestinal contents. This, in turn, facilitates the contraction of the smooth muscles lining the intestines to propel the contents for removal from the body. Very few fruits can match the high fiber content present in mulberries. Besides aiding in digestion, the high fiber content helps to prevent bloating. It also provides relief from abdominal muscle cramps.


Mulberry Benefit #2: Lowers Cholesterol

If you are trying to reduce your cholesterol levels in order to promote a healthy heart, then incorporating mulberries in your diet is a natural and efficient way to achieve this. Studies have shown that mulberry fruits have cholesterol-lowering potential.

The presence of pectin, a soluble type of fiber found in mulberry, is responsible for the cholesterol-lowering effects of the fruit. Because of the reduction in cholesterol, regular intake of mulberries helps to maintain a healthy heart and blood circulation. Moreover, other studies have demonstrated the benefit of mulberries in reducing the oxidation of cholesterol and lowering the levels of the fatty acids known as triglycerides.


Mulberry Benefit #3: Controls Blood Sugar

Fluctuations in blood sugar levels can be disconcerting, especially in people with diabetes who require controlled blood glucose levels. Besides using medication, watching your diet can provide effective blood sugar control. Some food items help to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Mulberry fruits are known for their ability to normalize blood sugar levels and keep them within a healthy range. This is achieved through the effects of phytochemicals found in mulberries on the breakdown of the sugars within the gut. The controlled breakdown leads to a reduced absorption rate of sugar into the bloodstream. This way, you can avoid large variations in blood sugar levels.


Mulberry Benefit #4: Enhances Blood Flow

Your ability to perform tasks quickly and with precision depends on how well your body supplies blood to its tissues and organs. You will be pleased to know that an intake of mulberries helps to maintain a consistent and adequate blood circulation.

Mulberries are rich in iron, the element that is required to form red blood cells. Note that red blood cells transport oxygen to tissues and organs in the body. Thus, eating mulberries regularly helps you to feel energized, which combats the lethargic and lazy feelings that usually arise if you are low in iron or have poor blood circulation. Mulberries provide a significant portion of your daily iron requirement.


Mulberry Benefit #5: Regulates Blood Pressure

Have you been struggling to maintain a steady blood pressure and are worried about possible consequences relating to heart problems? Including mulberries in your diet can help to normalize your blood pressure and thereby reduce the risk of heart disease.

The chemical resveratrol found in mulberries has striking blood-pressure modulating properties. Resveratrol influences the response of blood vessels to the effects of angiotensin, a chemical substance produced by the body that causes narrowing of the blood vessels and increases blood pressure. Additionally, resveratrol promotes production of nitric oxide within the blood vessels. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels and thereby helps reduce blood pressure.


Mulberry Benefit #6: Improves Vision

If you want to maintain good vision well into old age, consider including mulberries in your regular diet. Mulberries contain high amounts of the chemical zeaxanthin, which belongs to the class of compounds known as carotenoids, also found in carrots. Zeaxanthin plays a key role in reducing the oxidative stress around the eye, including the macula lutea.

The macula lutea is the region in the retina of the eye with abundant cells that help us to see clearly. Thus, the antioxidant property of zeaxanthin reduces the damage to the retina that could have been caused by free radicals. As a result, there is decreased degeneration of the eye features involved in visual perception.


Mulberry Benefit #7: Helps Fight Cancer

Taking mulberries will equip your body with the potential to fight off cancer. Mulberries contain chemical substances that have anticancer potential. Anthocyanins, found in mulberries, are attributed to fighting cancer. These are chemicals with powerful antioxidant properties.

Thus, they prevent the harmful effects of reactive substances produced during normal cellular processes. The reactive substances are implicated in development of cancers and other chronic diseases. Resveratrol is another chemical present in mulberries, which has been shown to be effective in inhibiting growth of cancer cells in cases of skin, colon, prostate, and thyroid cancers.


Mulberry Benefit #8: Builds Healthy Bones

We all need to keep our bodies well-nourished and our bones to be strong to continue bearing our weight. This becomes even more crucial with advancing age because bones are bound to become weaker and susceptible to breaking due to decreased calcium levels, with the process of bone-wearing exceeding that of bone-making.

Mulberries are a rich source of vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. With adequate intake of foods rich in these elements, it is possible to develop and maintain strong bones. This reduces the risk of bone breaking and also speeds up the healing processes. This is the key to preventing the degeneration of bones, a process known as osteoporosis; a common occurrence among the elderly.


Mulberry Benefit #9: Rich in Vitamin C

Of the better-known fruits, mulberries have among the highest content of vitamin C. In fact, the amount of vitamin C present in mulberries exceeds that in citrus fruits like oranges. Vitamin C plays various important roles in the body, ranging from working as an antioxidant to protecting your vision.

Moreover, the vital role that vitamin C plays in the immune system means that it is a critical component for promoting good health and reducing the frequency of contracting infections. Similarly, vitamin C helps speed up recovery from diseases and injuries. The antioxidant property of the vitamin is a key characteristic that helps provide protection from diseases that would arise from oxidative damage.


Mulberry Benefit #10: Promotes Weight Loss

Taking a step to reduce excess weight should not be such a daunting task. Not when you make mulberry fruit a companion in your efforts to shed off those extra pounds. The high fiber content of the fruit helps to give a feeling of satiety. Thus, you can end up eating less per day and in the long term because you have a reduced urge to eat.

Besides fiber, this feeling of fullness is further supported by the rich nutritional content of mulberries that ensures your body is supplied with many essential nutrients. The absorption of water by the fiber also facilitates cleaning up of the gut. Mulberries can, therefore, be a great part of your low-carbohydrate diet, helping you to achieve your weight loss goals. In animal studies, extracts of the fruit have been shown to have anti-obesity effects.


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