10 Health Benefits of Mangosteen

By albert
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Mangosteen, whose scientific name is Garcinia mangostana, is a little-known fruit native to Southeast Asia but also grown in other tropical parts of the world. The fruit is also called purple mangosteen due to the rind color of the ripe fruit. Inwardly, mangosteen has white flesh arranged in distinct segments that are somehow similar to those in an orange.

Mangosteen is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, a combination that make it a great addition to the arsenal of anybody seeking to improve their health. Some of the most abundant nutrients in mangosteen include fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron, and vitamins A, B6, B12, C, and D.

Here are the top 10 health benefits of mangosteen.


Health Benefit #1: Antioxidants

The mangosteen fruit has powerful antioxidant characteristics. During normal biological processes, the body produces many by-products, some of which are reactive oxygen elements known as free radicals. Ideally, these free radicals are removed from the body by what are referred to as free radical scavengers.

But, if the free radicals persist, they cause destruction of various cell components and contribute to the development of various diseases and disorders. Mangosteen has antioxidant activity that is attributed to two chemical compounds, namely alpha and gamma. The structure of these compounds includes multiple phenolic groups that help in antioxidant activity. Because of these antioxidant properties, mangosteen can offer great help in keeping many chronic diseases at bay.


Health Benefit #2: Anti-inflammatory

Pain due to chronic inflammation can be unbearable and limit your physical and mental activities. Inflammation is a natural response that the body elicits due to attack by foreign substances or disease conditions. Chemical substances such as prostaglandins are usually produced during inflammatory reactions. Mangosteens have powerful anti-inflammatory compounds with superior outcomes compared to some conventional drug treatments.

These anti-inflammatory properties are associated with blockage of the chemical mediators by inhibiting synthesis of the enzymes that produce inflammatory chemicals. This reduces inflammation in the body and the risk of developing chronic diseases. Mangosteen offers a safe anti-inflammatory solution without the side effects encountered with the use of conventional medications.


Health Benefit #3: Improves Blood Flow

One of the most profound effects of taking mangosteens is the improvement in blood circulation throughout the body. Mangosteens contain compounds that promote flexibility of the blood vessels. This enhances blood flow, which effectively lowers pressure against the walls of the blood vessels. This leads to reduced blood pressure.

Mangosteen also promotes healthy blood flow by reducing the amount of cholesterol in the bloodstream. High cholesterol levels are associated with increased risks of blocking or narrowing of blood vessels, leading to the development of a condition known as atherosclerosis. Improved blood is an important health benefit that impacts many parts of the body. Studies have indicated that improved blood flow to the eyes as a result of intake of mangosteen can help in the healing of cataracts.


Health Benefit #4: Digestive System Health

When your digestive system is not functioning at its optimum, it can lead to discomfort. It can also be embarrassing, especially when you have diarrhea or excess gas. Eating mangosteen can help prevent these digestive problems by promoting healthy digestion. The high fiber content of mangosteen can also help relieve constipation.

Additionally, due to its ability to modulate intestinal movements, eating the pericarp and peel of the fruit can help control diarrhea. The antimicrobial potential of mangosteen can also come in handy in the treatment of dysentery. It is, therefore, a good idea to include mangosteen in your diet to improve the health of your digestive system.


Health Benefit #5: Weight Loss

If are you determined to lose weight and are looking for methods to help you achieve it then you probably need to incorporate mangosteen fruit in your diet. Mangosteen is low in calories compared to many other fruits. Additionally, it does not contain any saturated fats or cholesterol.

Thus, adding a significant amount of mangosteen to your weight loss diet can help limit your intake of calories. This can also reduce your intake of fats and cholesterol, which can help along your path to lose weight. Because mangosteen is rich in fiber, it makes you feel satiated so that you wouldn’t need to eat much food.


Health Benefit #6: Healthier Skin

If you are keen on promoting a healthy-looking skin, you should consider adding mangosteen to your diet. Mangosteen is well known for its antimicrobial properties, including fighting bacteria. As such, consuming it regularly can help fight off the microorganisms that would potentially affect your skin and promote the development of skin diseases.

Besides its disease-fighting abilities, mangosteen maintains a healthy texture and appearance of the skin by treating acne and correcting oiliness or dryness of skin. Moreover, due to the presence of antioxidant compounds such as xanthones, mangosteen fruit helps repair skin cells and other cells of the body. These positive effects are reinforced by the high content of other important micronutrients like vitamin C.


Health Benefit #7: Anticancer

One of the key health benefits of mangosteen fruit is its ability to prevent cancer. Cancer develops when some cells in the body begin to grow in disharmony with other cells, and in the process get out of control. These rebellious cells multiply in an uncontrolled manner and can spread to other parts of the body where they can lodge and start growing in a similar uncontrolled manner. If these cells continue growing, they form a mass of rogue cells that is also called a cancerous tumor.

In the initial steps in the development of cancer, cells are free radicals that may damage cell components and affect their biological functions. By preventing the accumulation of free radicals in the body, mangosteen can play a vital role in cancer prevention.


Health Benefit #8: Boosts Immunity

Taking mangosteen fruits can help to reinforce your body’s potential to resist infections and diseases, and to fight them when they occur. White blood cells are the soldiers that help in identifying and fighting foreign substances and disease-causing germs that invade the body. This way, the body can limit the spread of potentially harmful substances and organisms.

Thanks to its high levels of the health-benefiting compounds known as xanthones, mangosteen lowers the amounts of dangerous free radicals, which are implicated in the development of serious diseases like arthritis, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Additionally, and because of its high content of vitamin C, mangosteen promotes the formation of leucocytes, a type of white blood cell that promotes immune responses.


Health Benefit #9: Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is associated with mental memory loss. This degenerative condition is more likely to occur with advanced age. Alzheimer’s occurs as a result of degeneration of brain cells, leading to compromised mental functions. An affected person may appear confused and have difficulties remembering events.

Part of the mechanism leading to degeneration of the cells of the brain is mediated by free radicals. The rich profile of polyphenols in mangosteen gives it powerful antioxidant properties as described earlier. This helps reduce the oxidative stress that builds up due to biological processes in the cells. Reduced oxidative stress decreases the degeneration of brain cells that usually characterize Alzheimer’s disease.


Health Benefit #10: Lowers Cholesterol

For a healthy heart and reduced risk of heart problems, you should consider including fruits like mangosteen. Apart from enhancing blood flow, as mentioned elsewhere in this discussion, mangosteen can modulate your blood cholesterol levels. Remember that cholesterol levels are related to the risk of developing heart diseases and high blood pressure.

What is interesting is that mangosteen can reduce the levels of LDL, or bad cholesterol, and free fatty acids known as triglycerides. At the same time, it increases the levels of HDL or good cholesterol. Together with the fact that mangosteen has a low caloric index, it is a good choice of fruit for anyone keen on maintaining a good balance of sugar levels and blood pressure.


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