10 Health Benefits of Mangos

By albert
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When you enjoy the sweetness of the mango fruit, does it occur to you that you are helping boost your body’s health? Probably not; and this is true for most of us. But beyond the juicy sweetness, mangos have many health benefits.

Mangos are among the most nutrient-dense fruits there is. They are rich in vitamins E, K, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, B6, pantothenic acid, folate and choline, and minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and copper. This is in addition to carbohydrates, fiber and antioxidants. Mangos also contain some enzymes that help soothe the stomach and thereby aid digestion. This rich array of nutrients and non-nutrient compounds make mangoes a great addition to anybody’s diet. But what are the specific health benefits of mangos? Keep reading and learn about the top 10 health benefits of mangos.


Health Benefit Of Mangos #1: Mangos Boost Immunity

Regular consumption of mangos can help boost your immunity. This is important because good immunity means that you are less likely to get ill. Mangos are a great source of vitamin C, beta carotene and zinc, which help maintain the immune system in proper working condition so as to protect the body from infections. A healthy immune system also helps to heal infections when they occur.

Additionally, vitamin C, together with the antioxidants in mangos, helps protect body cells from free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Studies show that free radicals are responsible for many ailments including cancer. Vitamin C also helps to reduce the effects of allergies.


Health Benefit Of Mangos #2: Mangos Help In Weight Loss

Mangos are a rich source of dietary fiber which can help you lose weight in a number of ways. Eating foods that are rich in fiber helps to keep you feeling full for longer. This way you will not get the urge to eat too soon. This cumulatively reduces your calorie intake and therefore aids in losing some pounds.

Mangos also contain a range of phytochemicals that can help burn body fat. A significant amount of these phytochemicals occurs in the skin of the mango fruit. For this reason, don’t just throw away the peels. Eat them together with the rest of the fruit to access more health benefits.


Health Benefit Of Mangos #3: Mangos Help Prevent Anemia

Studies show that eating mangos can help prevent anemia. Mangos are rich in iron, whose deficiency leads to anemia. In addition to iron, mangos also contain substantial amounts of vitamin C, which helps in the absorption of iron in the body. The combination of iron and vitamin C in mangos helps to protect as well as aid in the treatment of anemia.

Besides protecting the body from anemia, getting more iron into the body can help support health in other ways. Iron is required for the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Adequate amounts of iron ensure that your body gets the oxygen it requires to function properly. It is required for the production of energy for use in muscular, heart, brain and other functions in the body.


Health Benefit Of Mangos #4: Mangos Are Great For Pregnant Women

A pregnant woman requires almost twice the amount of nutrients she would otherwise need. This is necessary because she has to eat for herself and for her unborn baby. There are particular nutrients that a pregnant woman needs for her health and the proper growth of her unborn baby. These include iron, vitamin C, folate, vitamin A and vitamin B6.

To ensure that a pregnant woman gets adequate amounts of some of these nutrients, a doctor will usually prescribe supplements for these nutrients. But you can also get a significant amount of these nutrients by getting a regular helping of mangos.


Health Benefit Of Mangos #5: Mangos Aid Digestion

Mangos help improve digestion. They also soothe the stomach and the digestive system in general. These properties result from the fiber and enzymes contained in mangos. On its part, fiber helps you feel full for longer. This way, you don’t eat too much food and therefore don’t overwork your digestive system.

Additionally, because the human body does not digest fiber, it travels through the system largely unchanged. While it does this, fiber absorbs excess water within the digestive system. This way, it provides lubrication for the material moving through the system which prevents constipation. Some fiber acts as food for beneficial microorganisms in the digestive system. Fiber also carries waste and toxins and therefore acts as a broom to clean the digestive system. All these actions help improve digestion and keep you healthy.


Health Benefit Of Mangos #6: Mangos Protect Against Cancer

Besides helping keep the body in general health, a number of studies indicate that mangos can help prevent cancer among other diseases. According to many of these studies, carotenoids, polyphenols, terpenoids and vitamin C are responsible for the cancer preventive properties of mangos.

Some studies have also suggested that a compound that is mainly found in mangos known as mangiferin may be an important player in protecting the body from cancer. Studies conducted on the effects of mangos on cancer cells have shown that these tropical fruits can inhibit growth of different cancer cells, including breast, colon and liver cancers. Mangos also inhibit growth of other tumor cells.


Health Benefit Of Mangos #7: Mangos Improve Eye Health

Most of us don’t think much about the eye health effects of the foods that we eat. This is probably the reason why more people are getting vision problems. And yet, some foods are rich in vision enhancing ingredients. One such food is mango fruit.

Mangos contain a number of nutrients and phytochemicals that can improve eye health. These ingredients include carotenoids like zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin. Zeaxanthin, together with another carotenoid called lutein are critical for the good health of your eyes. Research has also established that the carotenoid cryptoxanthin found in mangos reduces the risk of age related macular degeneration, which is major contributor to vision problems in older men and women.


Health Benefit Of Mangos #8: Mangos Help Enhance Skin Health

Most of us take skin health for granted. That is until something like breakouts, spots or blemishes appear. But including some foods in the diet can keep the skin looking and feeling great. Mangos contain skin health enhancing nutrients and phytochemicals which include vitamin A and carotenoids like beta-carotene. These enrich the skin and enhance its health.

Besides other beneficial properties, vitamin A inhibits excessive production of oil on the skin. Beta-carotene protects the skin against the effects of ultraviolet rays in the epidermis. Polyphenols in mangos also have anticancer properties and can thus reduce the risk of skin cancer. All these activities come together to enhance overall skin health.


Health Benefit Of Mangos #9: Mangos Help In The Management Of Diabetes

According to a number of studies, regular consumption of mangos can help control diabetes. The studies attribute this property to the fiber and phytochemicals within mango fruits and their peels. This is a good reason for people with diabetes to eat mangos.

Research suggests that mangiferin, one of the phytochemicals found in mangos, plays a major role in controlling blood sugar levels. One study conducted on obese adults found that eating half a fresh mango daily for twelve weeks reduced blood sugar levels significantly. Another study in Japan found that mangiferin helps control type 2 diabetes. According to another study, mango peels containing phytochemicals that have antidiabetic properties.


Health Benefit Of Mangos #10: Mangos Boost Brain Health

Iron and vitamin B6 are some nutrients in mangos that enhance brain health. This is in addition to the wide array of phytochemicals present in mangos. Iron is required in the formation of hemoglobin which is responsible for the transportation of oxygen in the body. The brain requires high amounts of oxygen besides glucose, to function properly.

Vitamin B6 is also required in the formation of hemoglobin and metabolism. Vitamin B6 besides other B-vitamins helps in other brain processes including in the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine. Studies have established that regular vitamin B6 intake helps improve memory, even in the elderly. According to a study at Oxford University, taking high amounts of vitamin B6 reduced impairment of cognitive function in the elderly. The study also found that high intake of vitamin B6 reduces the risk of dementia.


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