10 Health Benefits of Ghee

By iliriana
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Many cultures have been using ghee not only to add flavor to their cooking, but also for its many ben-efits. It is believed that the best ghee comes from cow’s milk and is pure homemade.

Ghee can help you lose weight and burn belly fat, it can help you with any skin issues, improves diges-tion, aids your immune system, strengthens your bones, and can even help prevent cancer. It is also recommended for pregnant women.

Ghee is mainly saturated fat. All experts agree that ghee can be very beneficial, as long as you’re not eating more than two to three teaspoons. This article looks at 10 health benefits of ghee.


Ghee Benefit #1: Beneficial for the Skin

Ghee comes with many benefits for the skin and it is well known that it is able to hydrate all skin types, as it is filled with essential fatty acids. These fatty acids are able to induce hydration in all types of skin cells. This leads to the moisturizing of the skin.

It is also known to be one of the best anti-aging solutions and has been used for this purpose for many years. Ghee can be helpful in treating many skin conditions and can be applied on skin that has burns, wounds, acne scars, herpes wounds, scars due to chickenpox, or any acute burning sensation.


Ghee Benefit #2: Highly Beneficial During Pregnancy

Ghee is also well known to be very beneficial when it comes to easing pain during labor and making giving birth less painful. Ghee can be used to lubricate the vagina, which makes delivery easy. It is also recommended to use ghee when pregnant women have constipation issues and issues with digestion. Some even claim that ghee can help to cause natural contractions.

Although more scientific research is needed to support these traditional beliefs, many women have been using ghee for this purpose and were able to reap their benefits during their pregnancy. Alt-hough there aren’t any negative effects of ghee during pregnancy, it is important to know that ghee is a fatty food and consuming it without any physical activity can lead to weight gain.


Ghee Benefit #3: Improves Digestion

It is believed that ghee can help with digestion, as it allows food to be broken down in a more efficient way. This leads to the stimulation of digestive enzymes. Ghee itself is a fatty acid, that is rich in butyric acid. It is an acid that is able to reduce inflammation and is beneficial for the general digestive system.

Other fats, such as oils and butter, are able to slow down digestion, which is not the case with ghee. Ghee is rich in essential fatty acid, linolenic acid, vitamin A, D, E, and K, and elements such as iron and carotenoids.


Ghee Benefit #4: Boosts Immune System

Ghee contains butyric acid, which might be its most important element, as it is believed that it can boost our immune system. Amongst all its other health benefits, ghee is able to work as a super-charger for your immune system as it has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ghee creates an environment in the body, which is alkaline. Conditions can hardly develop in alkaline environments. Ghee is rich in vitamin A, which provides ghee with its immune-boosting and oxidative properties. It is a powerful anti-cancer substance and helps to decrease the general oxidative stress that develops throughout the body.


Ghee Benefit #5: Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Based on some animal studies, ghee has properties that can help us reduce the risk of suffering from some types of cancer, including breast cancer. The study showed that after consuming ghee for 44 weeks, the rats had lower levels of certain breast cancer markers than those who consumed soybean oil within the same time period. It is, however, necessary to do more research on this subject and fur-ther confirm these results.

Ghee is available at most grocery stores and can also be easily purchased online. There are easy reci-pes online that can also teach you how to make ghee yourselves at home.


Ghee Benefit #6: Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

One of the benefits that ghee provides us with is that it improves our heart health. It can also help you to lose weight and prevent the risk of suffering from obesity, which can not only affect your heart, but can also lead to other health issues.

By removing toxins out of the cells, ghee improves your metabolism, helping you lose the extra pounds quicker. It is therefore recommended to add ghee to your diet, in moderation, as it can bene-fit your health in many ways.


Ghee Benefit #7: Strengthens Bones

By consuming ghee, you are also helping improve the health of your bones. As ghee contains K2, con-suming ghee helps to prevent tooth decay while supporting proper growth and development of bones. It can also help protect you from calcification of the arteries, a condition otherwise known as atherosclerosis.

Vitamin K2 is rare and not many foods are rich with it, but ghee contains plenty of it and is, therefore, a good source of K2. Other K2-rich foods include eggs, chicken, or beef, but it is important to know that you should choose pasture-raised hen eggs over caged hen eggs.


Ghee Benefit #8: Increases Flexibility

Another benefit of ghee is that it can improve flexibility and therefore it has remained a favorite for many, especially for yoga practitioners. Ghee can help to lubricate the connective tissues, which has also been confirmed by medical professionals. The recommendation is to take two teaspoons of ghee a day.

You can also add it to your cooking, as ghee is known to be one of the best oils to cook with. There are many recipes with ghee that are lactose-free, keto-friendly, and paleo-friendly. This is also one of the reasons why ghee has gained so much in popularity in recent years.


Ghee Benefit #9: Helps Balance Hormones

One other advantage of ghee is that is can aid you with your hormone balance. When it comes to our sex hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, we need to have consumed enough foods rich in cholesterol to be able to produce enough of them.

Hormone synthesis and toxin detox are also promoted due to the levels of cholesterol, vitamin A, and vitamin K2, which are found in ghee. And by balancing hormones, ghee is also able to prevent many other complications and conditions. By adding healthy saturated fat, which ghee butter is, you are helping your hormones remain in balance.


Ghee Benefit #10: Helps Maintain Healthy Body Weight

Last but not least, ghee can also be used to help you keep a healthy body weight. Experts recommend mixing warm milk with ghee, as this can help you fight constipation. Constipation can leave you bloated and can lead to weight gain. Therefore, if you ever feel like you might be suffering from constipation, you should try out this home remedy.

It is also recommended to visit a doctor if nothing changes and the feeling of being bloated remains. It is sufficient to use a teaspoonful of ghee when mixing with warm milk. If you add ghee to your meals, they will be more digestible.


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