10 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

By james
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We tend not to think of chocolate as a healthy food. It is often high in sugars and calories and can help contribute to obesity, as well as other problems. It is also often heavily processed and, as such, full of unhealthy additives.

The good news is that not all chocolate is bad. In fact, some can actually be quite good for you. Dark chocolate is less processed than other types of chocolate. This means that it contains fewer of the “bad” ingredients, while it is also a source of many “good” ingredients.

When eaten in moderation, chocolate can be good for us, providing us with numerous health benefits. This article looks at 10 of those benefits.

Dark Chocolate

Health Benefit Of Dark Chocolate #1: Lowers Blood Pressure

It is no secret that a high blood pressure is very bad for us. It is often, but not always, a result of poor lifestyle choices. Eating the wrong food and a lack of exercise are often the main culprits and it can be very hazardous for our health, and even our lives.

It is often remedied fairly easily, though. This usually means correcting your lifestyle choices and living a healthier life overall. It doesn’t necessarily have to be drastic; a general overall improvement is often all that is needed. It can also mean getting certain foods in your diet, and dark chocolate is one of them. Studies have shown that consuming it may be able to keep your blood pressure down.

Dark Chocolate

Health Benefit Of Dark Chocolate #2: Helps with Weight Loss

Losing weight can be very hard work. This is partly because the fattening foods are also the most delicious, so a weight loss diet means we have to cut them out. This can make it harder for us to stick to a diet that is less appealing, but that is not to say we can’t still treat ourselves occasionally.

People on a weight loss diet will likely be pleased to hear that dark chocolate can encourage weight loss. It is filling, meaning we eat less overall, while it also reduces cravings for other foods that are bad for us. It still has quite a high calorific value, but eating it in moderation can be beneficial.

Dark Chocolate

Health Benefit Of Dark Chocolate #3: Sun Protection

The sun is constantly bathing our planet with energy, and this energy allows life to thrive on our planet. We need to be careful about how long we stay in the sun for, though, because its rays can be harmful to our skin. It is a good idea to protect your skin when you are out in the sun, and dark chocolate can help you to achieve that.

Dark chocolate can help to improve blood flow to the skin, helping to keep it well hydrated. This, in turn, can help to prevent your skin from burning. If you have already burned your skin, though, then dark chocolate may be able to speed up the healing process.

Dark Chocolate

Health Benefit Of Dark Chocolate #4: Nutritious

We are often advised to keep away from junk foods as well as limiting our intake of desserts and similar. It’s not just that they tend to be full of unhealthy fats and sugars, but they also often provide poor nutrition. This can have a considerable impact on our health overall.

Dark chocolate, however, is a very good source of nutrition. It is a good source of copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and potassium. It is also a good source of healthy fats that may be able to reduce the risk of heart disease. Eat it in moderation and dark chocolate can actually be very healthy for you.

Dark Chocolate

Health Benefit Of Dark Chocolate #5: Improves Blood Flow

Our blood does the essential job of feeding our bodies with all that it needs on a daily basis. We need a constant supply of nutrients and oxygen so it is important that our blood is able to flow freely. This means it is important to keep in shape to keep our cardiovascular system in good condition.

Compounds in dark chocolate are able to help the blood vessels to relax. This, in turn, means that blood is able to flow easier through the system. This helps to ensure that our entire bodies are well nourished, constantly fed with important nutrients and oxygen.

Dark Chocolate

Health Benefit Of Dark Chocolate #6: Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Heart disease is a serious problem around the world and is one of the biggest killers around. There are numerous factors that can lead to heart disease, and what we eat can play a significant part in it. In addition to lifestyle factors, there are certain diseases that can also help to cause heart disease.

Studies have shown, though, that eating dark chocolate may be able to actually reduce the risk of heart disease. Of course, it is also important to make sure that you eat a healthy balanced diet overall. Dark chocolate can complement that diet, making for a tasty treat with added benefits.

Dark Chocolate

Health Benefit Of Dark Chocolate #7: Healthy Brain

As we get older, we will find that our bodies don’t work as well as they used to. We find it harder to move as freely as we did, our eyes begin to fail us, and our brains can also be affected. There is a lot of research being done into how to prevent or slow this, and it is thought that dark chocolate can help in this regard.

Studies have shown that compounds in cocoa may be able to improve cognitive function. It is thought that it can also reduce the risk of brain diseases developing and also enhance fluency. It also contains theobromine and caffeine, which are stimulants that can help provide a boost in the short term.

Dark Chocolate

Health Benefit Of Dark Chocolate #8: Reduces Oxidation

Oxidation is a process that causes damage to our bodies at the cellular level. This damage can amount to become something significant, resulting in various complications and maybe even cancer. LDL (bad) cholesterol is prone to oxidation, but dark chocolate can help to prevent this.

When this bad cholesterol has oxidized, it means it is then able to react with and damage other cells. Dark chocolate, however, protects this cholesterol against oxidation which, in turn, helps to protect our other cells against damage. This can help reduce the chances of complications and cancer, while it can also help to slow the signs of aging.

Dark Chocolate

Health Benefit Of Dark Chocolate #9: Stress Relief

The vast majority of us will become stressed from time to time. It is very difficult to avoid as many of the things that happen are completely out of our control. All we can do is to try and handle it the best we can and this includes not allowing it to affect us too much. It is important that we take even temporary breaks from stress when we can.

This is often difficult to achieve, but dark chocolate may be the answer. Studies have shown that eating dark chocolate can help to reduce the levels of stress hormones. Remember that if you are experiencing prolonged periods of stress, you should consider speaking with somebody about it.

Dark Chocolate

Health Benefit Of Dark Chocolate #10: Prevents Diabetes

One of the biggest causes of diabetes is a resistance to insulin. It can be acquired, although many people are born with the condition. Regardless, this resistance means the patient is not able to regulate their own blood sugar levels, and this means they have to be very careful about what they eat.

Usually, diabetics would need to keep well clear of chocolate. Studies have shown, however, that dark chocolate can reduce the body’s resistance to insulin. This can help the body to regulate blood sugar levels more effectively. More research needs to be done, but it is something that could help improve the lives of millions of people.

Dark Chocolate

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