10 Health Benefits of Cucumbers

By james
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucumber
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Cucumbers are members of the gourd family. They are a very popular food found in cuisines from around the world 1https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucumber. They are a flexible food and can be cooked and/or eaten raw. They are an ideal salad ingredient. Low in calories, they are a popular food for people on healthy diets, while they also offer a range of other health benefits.

Cucumbers are a good source of vitamins and minerals that can help keep us healthy and well. In addition, they contain various compounds that can help with conditions ranging from diabetes to cancer. Here’s a look at some of the numerous health benefits that cucumbers have to offer.


Cucumber Health Benefit #1: Helps with Detox

It can be all but impossible to prevent toxins and other contaminants from entering our bodies. The good news, though, is that we have evolved to be able to deal with such contaminants. Organs such as the liver can remove them. We do tend to put our organs under a lot of stress, though, so it can be good to help them out from time to time.

Cucumbers have been shown to be able to aid the liver in cleaning up the blood, helping with detoxification of the system. Cucumbers also have a high-water content, which further aids the liver and encourages urination. Cucumber-based beverages are a popular way to make the most of its detoxifying properties.


Cucumber Health Benefit #2: Anti-Cancer

Our understanding of cancer and modern medicine has helped in the fight against the disease considerably. Still, though, we have a great deal to learn and it is still among the biggest killers on the planet. Although everybody is at risk to some degree, we can at least help decrease the chances of getting cancer by eating a healthy diet.

Cucumbers are a good source of compounds like lutein, caffeic acid, cucurbitacins and fisetin. These compounds have been shown to be able to reduce the effect of cancer in its early stages. What’s more is that cucumber contains antioxidants which can help prevent cancer from occurring in the first place.


Cucumber Health Benefit #3: Reduce Cardiovascular Disease

Our cardiovascular systems are essential to us as they help circulate oxygen and much-needed nutrients around the body. We would not survive without it and if something goes wrong then we could become very ill. A healthy diet will go some way toward encouraging a healthy cardiovascular system and cucumber can contribute toward this.

Cucumbers contain a compound known as lignin which has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, they also contain magnesium and potassium that also help keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Add cucumber regularly to your diet and you are encouraging a healthy heart and cardiovascular system for many years to come.


Cucumber Health Benefit #4: Healthy Eyes

As we grow older, it is common for our eyes to begin to fail. Conditions such as cataracts will have a negative effect on our sight, while wrinkles can have an impact on our appearance. The good news, though, is that cucumber is able to help prevent cataracts while also slowing down wrinkling.

Cucumber is made up mostly from water, making it good at moisturising the skin, while it also contains anti-inflammatories that help prevent cataracts from forming. What’s more is that cucumber is a good source of vitamin E which also helps to promote a smooth, healthy complexion.


Cucumber Health Benefit #5: Fresh Breath

Halitosis, more commonly known as bad breath, is caused by the build-up of bacteria in the mouth. While brushing will help remove these bacteria, it can come back again quite quickly. Some people have difficulty in controlling this condition and it can be quite embarrassing for them.

Avoiding certain foods that encourage the growth of bacteria can help deal with halitosis. Alternatively, you could try favoring foods, such as cucumber, which actively help reduce the bacteria in the mouth. With the bacteria gone, you can have fresh breath again and not have to be concerned about embarrassing situations when around other people.


Cucumber Health Benefit #6: Stronger Bones

Our skeletons perform an essential role in our bodies. They help to keep our bodies together and provide us with the structure we need to be able to move around freely. Bones can become brittle and weak if not nourished sufficiently, however, and this can lead to numerous complications.

Cucumbers are an excellent source of various vitamins that will help keep your bones in optimal health. They also contain compounds such as caffeic acid, ascorbic acid and silica which help to strengthen the bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Make sure you have some cucumber in your diet and you will likely have a strong and healthy skeleton well into old age.


Cucumber Health Benefit #7: Healthy Digestive System

Our digestive system helps us to get the nutrition that we need from our food. If we don’t get what we need then we can become malnourished, so it is important to keep our digestive system in good health. It can also prevent stomach aches and other unpleasant complications such as diarrhea.

Cucumbers contain erepsin which is an enzyme that helps the stomach to digest food. It also contains plenty of fiber, which is well known to be essential for a healthy digestive system. In addition, cucumbers contain pectin which helps regulate helpful bacteria in the stomach that help us digest our food.


Cucumber Health Benefit #8: Weight Loss

It is important that we don’t put on too much weight. Obesity puts the organs under a lot of pressure and can lead to a wide range of potentially serious complications. Keeping the weight off is not always easy, though, but some foods like cucumbers can help.

Cucumbers are low in calories while also a great source of vitamins and minerals. This will help you to reduce your calorie intake while still getting a healthy, nutritious diet. They are also filling, reducing the desire to eat more, and makes an ideal supplement. They taste great in a range of dishes, from salads to sandwiches and plenty more.


Cucumber Health Benefit #9: Healthy Blood Pressure

Blood is constantly being pumped around your body, supplying it with nutrients and oxygen. For the circulation to be healthy, though, the pressure of the blood in the system needs to be at the right levels. A blood pressure that is too high or too low can be harmful to us, but thankfully cucumbers can help.

Cucumbers are a very good source of potassium, fiber and magnesium, all of which can help the body in maintaining a healthy blood pressure. Cucumber is so effective at helping to regulate blood pressure that it is often suggested to those struggling with high blood pressure.


Cucumber Health Benefit #10: Anti-Diabetic

Sugars play an important function in our bodies, but it can cause problems for us. It is important that the blood contains the right amount of sugar and this is usually done naturally. Some people have difficulties in regulating the blood sugar levels, though, in a condition we know as diabetes.

There are various medicines that can help diabetics regulate their blood sugar levels, although eating the right diet is also very important. This includes consuming the right amount of sugar in foods, while some foods can also help stimulate the production of hormones like insulin. Cucumber peels in particular have been shown to help our bodies use insulin to create the right balance in blood sugar levels.


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