10 Health Benefits of Corriander

By james
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Coriander is a type of plant that is found growing in the wild in Southern Europe and Western Asia. It is commonly used as an herb and is popular in cooking all over the world. All of the plant is edible, but the seeds and leaves are used most often.

Coriander helps to add flavor to dishes, while it is also sometimes used as a garnish. The herb is also thought to offer numerous health benefits when it is eaten.

Here is a look at just a few of the health benefits that we can get from including coriander in our diets.


Health Benefit #1: Good for Diabetics

Diabetes is a condition that causes us to have too much sugar in our blood. There are different causes of diabetes, of which the two most common are hereditary and lifestyle. It leads to a variety of unwanted conditions and it does have the potential to be quite dangerous.

This leaves diabetics having to be very careful about what they eat to avoid spikes in blood sugar levels. Coriander is something that diabetics can include in their diets, though, because studies have shown that it is able to help reduce the levels of sugar in the blood. The studies were carried out on rats, although more research needs to be carried out.


Health Benefit #2: Fights Infection

We are pretty much constantly at risk of developing an infection. Potentially harmful pathogens are all around us and will cause an infection if given the opportunity. Our immune system helps to protect us against this, while we should also do what we can to help.

A lot of what we eat will help to bolster our immune system, while some foods are able to help in the fight against infections directly. Studies have shown that coriander has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, helping to keep us safe. Include coriander in your diet as often as you can and you could be ensuring that infections are not able to develop.


Health Benefit #3: Anti-Aging

The cells in our body are under attack from a process known as oxidation. Oxidation is a process that can cause alterations to our cells, essentially damaging them. This damage, over time, can accumulate to something significant. It is also one of the reasons why we look older as time goes by.

Coriander is a good source of compounds such as apigenin, alkanals, linalool, and catechin. The compounds are powerful antioxidants, meaning that they help to protect the body against oxidation. This, in turn, means that the aging process slows down, while it can also help prevent other serious conditions from developing.


Health Benefit #4: Reduces Cholesterol

Cholesterol is actually quite essential for us as problems arise when there is too much of it in the body. There are also good and bad cholesterols, with HDL cholesterol being “good,” and LDL cholesterol being “bad.” Having too much LDL cholesterol in the body can be very unhealthy and can even be dangerous for us.

Studies have shown that coriander is able to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body, while also lowering cholesterol levels overall. It is also able to help lower levels of triglycerides, which can also be hazardous to our health in high quantities. This can help to reduce your blood pressure and can even reduce the risk of a heart attack.


Health Benefit #5: Prevents Cancer

We know more about cancer now than we ever have done before. There is still a long way to go in the battle against it, but we are making progress in our ability to treat it. We are also making progress in our ability to prevent it, and coriander may be able to help to that end.

As already mentioned, coriander is a very good source of antioxidants. This helps to protect against oxidation that could lead to cancerous cells. It has also been shown to be able to prevent damage to DNA, encourage the death of cancer cells, and also prevent cancer cells from migrating.


Health Benefit #6: Healthy Digestive System

We get nutrition from the food we eat through our digestive system. As such, it is very important to us that our digestive system is in good health. If our digestive system was to become ill then it wouldn’t be long before the rest of us falls ill. One of the best ways to keep our digestive system in good health is to eat the right foods.

One food that is good for the digestive system is coriander. Coriander is able to help encourage regular bowel movements while it also promotes the functioning of the liver. Get plenty of coriander in your diet and you can be ensuring good overall health.


Health Benefit #7: Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation is a real problem for many people all over the world. Inflammation of joints and muscles can lead to pain and mobility loss, and it can also lead to the improper functioning of organs and other body parts. One common example is arthritis, a condition that affects millions of people across the globe.

Coriander has properties that help to reduce inflammation. This will help to reduce the inflammation in conditions such as arthritis, helping to relieve the patient of the symptoms. It may not be able to help cure arthritis and other conditions but it could at least help the patient to feel more comfortable.


Health Benefit #8: Healthy Blood

Iron is a very common metal; you probably have a household appliance or something else around the home that contains some iron. As well as being a heavy metal that is used in large constructions, it is also very important to us at the microscopic level.

Oxygen is able to bind to iron, and this enables our blood to perform a very important function. It enables our red blood cells to carry oxygen to where it is needed in the body. Coriander is a good source of iron, which means it helps to keep our blood healthy. Getting plenty of coriander in your diet can help to prevent conditions like anemia.


Health Benefit #9: Healthy Memory

We tend to take our memories for granted, but they are very impressive. We are able to recall tens of thousands of words almost effortlessly and that is just the tip of our memory’s abilities. It is very important to us, but many people will begin to lose their memory as they get older.

Maintaining the right diet can help to keep our brains healthy and well long into old age. Studies have shown that coriander could hold the key to maintaining a healthy memory. The studies even showed that coriander may be able to reverse memory loss, and it could be able to help in treating conditions such as Alzheimer’s.


Health Benefit #10: Detoxifies

The water we drink, the food we eat, and even the air we breathe will sometimes contain toxins and other impurities. Much of this is removed by our liver and kidneys that have evolved over millions of years to be effective at keeping our bodies clean. There is also more that we can do to help remove toxins from our body.

Coriander is thought to have detoxifying properties. It is thought to be able to remove toxins such as lead from the body, protecting us against lead poisoning. Consume plenty of coriander and maintain a healthy diet overall and you will be helping to keep your blood and the rest of your body clean.


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