Health Benefits of Collagen Peptides

By priscilla
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. ' | Science, Health and Medical Journals,' Full Text Articles and Books,
  • 2. '(PDF) Oral Intake of Specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides Reduces Skin Wrinkles and Increases Dermal Matrix Synthesis.' ResearchGate,
  • 3. Proksch, E. 'Oral Supplementation of Specific Collagen Peptides Has Beneficial Effects on Human Skin Physiology: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study.' PubMed, 2014,
  • 4. 'Journal of Medical Nutrition and Nutraceuticals,' Free Full Text Articles from J Med Nutr Nutraceut,;year=2015;volume=4;issue=1;spage=47;epage=53;aulast=Borumand.
  • 5. 'SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online,'
  • 6. 'Specific Collagen Peptides Improve Bone Mineral Density and Bone Markers in Postmenopausal Women—A Randomized Controlled Study.' PubMed Central (PMC),
  • 7. 'Collagen Peptide Supplementation in Combination with Resistance Training Improves Body Composition and Increases Muscle Strength in Elderly Sarcopenic Men: a Randomised Controlled Trial.' PubMed Central (PMC), Oct. 28,
  • 8. 'Effect of Collagen Tripeptide on Atherosclerosis in Healthy Humans.' PubMed Central (PMC), May 1,
  • 9. 'Is Collagen a Leaky Gut Cure?' Edible Health,
  • 10. 'Daily Consumption of the Collagen Supplement Pure Gold Collagen® Reduces Visible Signs of Aging.' PubMed Central (PMC),
  • 11. 'Temporomandibular Disorders and Oral Features in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: An Observational Study.' PubMed Central (PMC),
  • 12. 'Moskowitz, R. Role of Collagen Hydrolysate in Bone and Joint Disease.' PubMed, 30 Feb. 2000,
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Apart from fat and water, protein makes up most of the human body. Protein consists of one or more chains of amino acids, each of which is called a polypeptide. Of all the proteins in the human body, collagen is among the most abundant. It's the main component of the connective tissues in many parts of the body, such as the muscles, skin, ligaments and tendons.

Collagen serves numerous vital functions in the body, including strengthening bones and providing structure to the skin. Nutritionists believe there are many foods people can eat to increase collagen intake.

Collagen Peptides

1. Importance of Collagen

Before collagen peptides became a popular supplement, decades of experimentation and research went into learning the benefits of this protein. Collagen comprises 75 percent of the dry mass of connective tissue and 25 percent of the dry mass of the human body.1‘ | Science, Health and Medical Journals,’ Full Text Articles and Books,

Collagen may be the most essential protein in the body as it's the foundation of the tissues in various body structures. Its function varies depending on the needs of organs, such as the kidneys, liver, skin and heart, as well as the bones, ligaments, arteries and eyes.

Collagen Peptides

2. Improves Skin Health

Collagen strengthens, helps hydrate skin and improves its elasticity. While collagen levels decrease with age, causing wrinkles and dry skin, studies show collagen peptide supplements may reduce dryness and wrinkles and slow aging of the skin.2‘(PDF) Oral Intake of Specific Bioactive Collagen Peptides Reduces Skin Wrinkles and Increases Dermal Matrix Synthesis.’ ResearchGate,

One study found that taking 2.5 to 5 grams of collagen peptides over eight weeks resulted in less dry skin and increased skin elasticity.3Proksch, E. ‘Oral Supplementation of Specific Collagen Peptides Has Beneficial Effects on Human Skin Physiology: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study.’ PubMed, 2014, Another study found that drinking a beverage containing a collagen supplement for 12 weeks reduced the depth of skin wrinkles and increased skin hydration.4‘Journal of Medical Nutrition and Nutraceuticals,’ Free Full Text Articles from J Med Nutr Nutraceut,;year=2015;volume=4;issue=1;spage=47;epage=53;aulast=Borumand.

Collagen Peptides

3. Relieves Joint Pain

Collagen promotes the integrity of cartilage, the rubbery tissue that shields joints. As a person ages and their collagen decreases, they become increasingly susceptible to cartilage damage and other degenerative joint disorders.

Some studies have found that consuming collagen peptide supplements may reduce joint pain and improve osteoporosis symptoms.5‘SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online,’ Researchers also believe collagen supplements may stimulate collagen production in tissues. This may in turn reduce inflammation and pain and provide support for joints.

Collagen Peptides

4. Prevents Bone Loss

Bones are primarily made of collagen, which strengthens them and gives them structure. As people age, their collagen and bone mass decreases. As a result, they may develop osteoporosis, a condition in which bone density lowers and the risk of bone fractures increases.

Studies have shown consuming collagen supplements may inhibit the bone breakdown that typically results in osteoporosis.5‘SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online,’ Another study found that women who regularly took supplements that contain collagen had considerably lower blood levels of the protein that facilitates bone breakdown.7‘Collagen Peptide Supplementation in Combination with Resistance Training Improves Body Composition and Increases Muscle Strength in Elderly Sarcopenic Men: a Randomised Controlled Trial.’ PubMed Central (PMC), Oct. 28,

Collagen Peptides

5. Boosts Muscle Mass

Collagen comprises up to 10 percent of muscle tissue. It helps muscle strength and functioning. Studies suggest collagen supplements may boost muscle mass in people with sarcopenia, the loss of muscle that occurs with aging.7‘Collagen Peptide Supplementation in Combination with Resistance Training Improves Body Composition and Increases Muscle Strength in Elderly Sarcopenic Men: a Randomised Controlled Trial.’ PubMed Central (PMC), Oct. 28,

One study found that taking collagen supplements and exercising may lead to a significant gain in muscle mass and strength.9‘Is Collagen a Leaky Gut Cure?’ Edible Health, Researchers also suggest consuming collagen may help support the production of other muscle proteins. It may also aid the stimulation of exercise-related muscle growth.9‘Is Collagen a Leaky Gut Cure?’ Edible Health,

Collagen Peptides

6. Promotes Heart Health

Since collagen is a structural component of blood vessels, inadequate collagen may result in weak and fragile arteries. This may lead to atherosclerosis, a condition in which the arteries narrow. In turn, atherosclerosis may potentially lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Some researchers believe that consuming collagen supplements may lower the risk of developing heart problems. One study involving 31 healthy adults who took collagen found the subjects experienced a marked reduction in the stiffness of arteries relative to people who didn't take collagen.10‘Daily Consumption of the Collagen Supplement Pure Gold Collagen® Reduces Visible Signs of Aging.’ PubMed Central (PMC),

Collagen Peptides

7. Other Possible Health Benefits

Collagen supplements may have other health benefits, such as reducing anxiety symptoms and improving the mood, but more research is needed to confirm this. There are some indications that consuming collagen may help strengthen hair and prevent brittleness.

Some healthcare professionals claim collagen supplements may treat leaky gut syndrome, in which an inflamed gut lining allows toxins and other substances to cross the gut wall and pass into other tissues.11‘Temporomandibular Disorders and Oral Features in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: An Observational Study.’ PubMed Central (PMC), More research is needed to evaluate leaky gut and the benefits of collagen for this condition.

Collagen Peptides

8. Foods That Contain Collagen

Connective tissue in animals is the source of collagen. Foods such as fish, beef, pork skin and chicken skin are collagen sources.12‘Moskowitz, R. Role of Collagen Hydrolysate in Bone and Joint Disease.’ PubMed, 30 Feb. 2000, Collagen is also found in foods such as bone broth because they contain gelatin, a protein substance derived from cooked collagen.

The collagen in foods is broken down into peptides and amino acids by the body's digestive enzymes. More research is necessary to better understand how consuming foods rich in collagen help promote a person's collagen production.

Collagen Peptides

9. Collagen Side Effects

Collagen supplements have overall an excellent safety profile. However, there are few known risks linked with their consumption. Common food allergens, such as shellfish and fish, are used in the production of some supplements. People with these allergies should avoid marine collagen supplements and choose instead chicken or beef collagen.

There have been reports of collagen supplements leaving an unpleasant aftertaste in some people's mouths.[[13]] In rare cases, these supplements may have some side effects on the digestive system, including a feeling of fullness and heartburn.[[14]]

Collagen Peptides

10. A Final Word about Collagen

Consuming collagen has been linked with several health benefits and few documented risks. For example, collagen supplements have been known to benefit skin health by minimizing dryness and wrinkles. Moreover, they may also help relieve joint pain, curb bone loss and enhance muscle mass.

Numerous other benefits of collagen have been reported, but more studies are needed. Even though collagen is present in many foods, it's not clear whether the collagen in foods provides the same health benefits of collagen peptide supplements.

Collagen Peptides

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