10 Health Benefits of Cherries

By jolene
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Cherries are stone fruits from the cherry tree. Raw sweet cherries are composed of 82 percent water, 16 percent carbohydrates, 1 percent protein, and a negligible amount of fat. Sweet cherries have mostly vitamin C and dietary fiber present in moderate amounts while other dietary minerals and vitamins are present with less than 10 percent per serving (100 grams). Sour cherries have a slightly higher content of vitamin C and vitamin A compared to sweet cherries.

Cherries are also full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. In 2014, the top cherry producing nations in the world were Turkey, United States, Iran, Spain, and Italy. In the United States, some of the important sweet cherry cultivars are Rainier, Bing, Ulster, Tulare, Brooks, and King.


Health Benefit Of Cherries #1: Sleep Aid

Difficulty falling asleep can be a frustrating issue that affects many individuals. Instead of laying awake and tossing and turning in bed, cherries may be able to help you. Tart cherries have been found to be one of the few food sources that contains melatonin.

Melatonin is a hormone which helps in the regulation of the sleep wake cycle. In a study involving participants who suffer from insomnia, the consumption of cherry juice has been found to increase the duration of sleep compared to placebo.


Health Benefit Of Cherries #2: Protects Against Diabetes

Cherries are a great fruit for individuals who already have diabetes as it has a low glycemic index compared to many other fruits. This means that this fruit doesn’t usually trigger spikes or cause crashes in the blood sugar or insulin levels. Sweet cherries have a glycemic index of 22 which is much lower compared to plums (39), grapes (46), blueberries (40), apricots (57), or peaches (42).

It can be a healthy snack option for diabetics or those who are monitoring their blood sugar levels. Cherries may have an anti-inflammatory effect which can help keep the body healthy. All these advantages can help protect against diabetes.


Health Benefit Of Cherries #3: Arthritis Relief

Some studies have found that cherries (in pill form) may be beneficial for patients suffering from osteoarthritis. It was thought to be a promising pain reliever when more than half of the participants with osteoarthritis who participated in the study for eight weeks saw significant improvements in function and pain.

The cherry pills used in the study were soft gelatin capsules than contain ground whole cherries. Conventional treatment and management for arthritis is focused on pain control using medications such as paracetamol (acetaminophen) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


Health Benefit Of Cherries #4: Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol has been known as an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Medications such as statins are commonly used to help control cholesterol levels. However, some studies have also found that the consumption of tart cherries (juice) among participants for 12 weeks found that it lowered low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and total cholesterol compared to those who did not.

Despite the findings, more studies will be required to assess the cardioprotective effects of the consumption of tart cherry juice.


Health Benefit Of Cherries #5: Lower Blood Pressure

In the same study that observed the effects of tart cherry juice on insulin, glucose, lipid profiles, and blood pressure, the research team also found that the consumption of tart cherry juice daily for 12 weeks resulted in lower levels of systolic blood pressure (and LDL cholesterol).

Further research on a bigger level will be required before it can be routinely recommended. It is best to discuss with your physician before trying it out.


Health Benefit Of Cherries #6: Decrease Gout Attacks

Approximately eight million adults or more in the United States suffer from gout. Gout is a condition where there is inflammatory arthritis with recurrent episodes of a tender, swollen, red, and warm joint. It mostly affects the joint at the base of the big toe.

The attacks occur when uric acid crystallizes in the joints. A study found that patients with gout who consume cherries for a mere two days have a 35 percent decreased risk of gout attacks compared to those who do not.


Health Benefit Of Cherries #7: Full Of Antioxidants

As the name suggests, antioxidants are compounds that can inhibit oxidation. This is important as the oxidation reaction results in free radicals which cause damage to cells. Antioxidant supplements for humans have not been demonstrated to be effective in the prevention of disease or reducing the mortality rate.

However, antioxidants remain popular among consumers as it is thought that it helps to ward off chronic illnesses and slow down the process of aging. Besides cherries, other foods that contain a high amount of antioxidants include blueberries, dark chocolate, strawberries, nuts, dark green vegetables, and more.


Health Benefit Of Cherries #8: Reduce Post-Exercise Pain

For those who are starting or increasing their exercise routine, consuming cherries may be beneficial as it may be able to reduce the soreness and pain experienced after exercising. A systematic review found that cherry consumption significantly reduced exercise-induced muscle pain, loss of strength, and soreness in 8 out of 9 studies.

The authors believed that the reduction of pain or soreness intensity can be attributed to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of phenolic compounds and anthocyanins that are present in cherries.


Health Benefit Of Cherries #9: Improving Mood And Cognitive Function

Some studies have found that the consumption of sweet cherries decreases anxiety and improves the participants’ overall mood. Other studies assessed the effect of anthocyanin rich food (such as cherries) on cognitive function and found that it was improved in 6 out of 7 studies.

In animal models, the supplementation of tart cherry powder resulted in improved autophagy and working memory while sweet cherry polyphenols were found to be able to protect cultured neuronal cells from oxidative stress. However, further studies are required to support the possible cognitive enhancing effects of cherries on humans.


Health Benefit Of Cherries #10: Weight Maintenance

A study conducted in 2008 found that tart cherries in animal models can help with weight maintenance along with the reduction of cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk. The researchers observed that the rats in the study that received whole tart cherry powder did not gain as much weight despite having a high fat diet compared to their counterparts who did not receive cherries.

The rats who consumed cherry powder also had lower levels of molecules that are linked to inflammation in diabetes and heart disease.


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