Health Benefits of Celery Juice

By carolynne
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Are You Low on Fluid?' Bone & Joint,
  • 2. Elbossaty, Walaa Fikry. 'Significant Influence for Vitamin K on Different Metabolic Diseases According to Positive Effect on Levels of Both Vitamin D, and Calcium.' Archives of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, 5 Apr. 2018,
  • 3. Kooti, Wesam, and Nahid Daraei. 'A Review of the Antioxidant Activity of Celery ( Apium Graveolens L).' Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, SAGE Publications, Oct. 2017,
  • 4. Team, Heart and Vascular. 'Celery May Help Bring Your High Blood Pressure Down.' Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic, Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic, 14 Dec. 2020,
  • 5. Abd El-Mageed, Nehal M. 'Hepatoprotective Effect of Feeding Celery Leaves Mixed with Chicory Leaves and Barley Grains to Hypercholesterolemic Rats.' Pharmacognosy Magazine, Medknow Publications, Apr. 2011,
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Celery juice has a multitude of health benefits, yet it’s a relatively underrated source of nourishment. Just one to two glasses per day of this nutrient-rich vegetable may help boost immunity, aid digestion, strengthen bones, help with insomnia and rejuvenate the skin.

Starting the day with celery juice is an ideal way to kickstart the body. Its low calorie and high water content make it easy to digest, and it’s a fantastic superfood ideal for any diet. From vitamins A, C and K to amino acids, celery juice is jam-packed with goodness.

Celery juice

1. Improves Digestive Function

Celery’s powerhouse of digestive-friendly compounds may help improve mild stomach issues. One glass of juice in the morning can help with bloating, constipation, gastric reflux and water retention. Indigestion and other digestive complaints are often caused by abnormal levels of stomach acid.

Celery is one of nature’s gentle laxatives and contains sodium, which helps promote the production of hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid is a compound produced naturally in the stomach and, together with digestive enzymes, it kills bacteria and breaks down food.

Celery juice

2. Strengthens Bones

Celery juice is a cocktail of bone-strengthening nutrients, including calcium and vitamin K. These vitamins work together to create healthy bones. Celery’s natural sodium levels feed the synovial fluid responsible for cushioning and carrying calcium to joints.1‘Are You Low on Fluid?’ Bone & Joint,

Vitamin D and vitamin K work together to increase the body’s calcium levels. Vitamin D increases calcium levels, while vitamin K plays a role in transferring calcium to the bones.2Elbossaty, Walaa Fikry. ‘Significant Influence for Vitamin K on Different Metabolic Diseases According to Positive Effect on Levels of Both Vitamin D, and Calcium.’ Archives of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, 5 Apr. 2018, Together with calcium, the silica present in celery can help repair damaged bones.

Celery juice

3. Helps with Insomnia

Those who are experiencing sleepless nights may want to try drinking a glass of celery juice. Celery does act as a diuretic though, so it’s best not to drink the nutrient-rich juice immediately before bedtime.

Sleep quality is affected by cortisol, which is a stress hormone released by the adrenal glands. Cortisol can increase blood pressure levels, which is one of the many causes of lack of sleep. The phthalides, which are compounds found in celery, can help reduce blood pressure, which may improve sleep.

Celery juice

4. Aids Weight Loss

Celery juice should be added to weight loss diets because of its low calorie count and high dietary fiber content. It’s a filling snack with a high water and electrolyte content. Some consider celery as a negative calorie food, although there are no reputable studies to prove this effect.

When the body experiences fatigue from working overtime trying to digest foods, it can cause cravings. Celery helps with digestion and may prevent fatigue and cravings.

Celery juice

5. Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect the body against oxidative stress caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules responsible for a host of illnesses. Following a healthy eating plan is the best way to get more antioxidants into the body.

Celery is rich in antioxidants, and the two most powerful are apigenin and luteolin. Apigenin is believed to inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells, while luteolin is a flavonoid that protects the body against toxins.3Kooti, Wesam, and Nahid Daraei. ‘A Review of the Antioxidant Activity of Celery ( Apium Graveolens L).’ Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, SAGE Publications, Oct. 2017, Celery also contains two well-known antioxidants, vitamins A and C.

Celery juice

6. Reduces Anxiety

Although it doesn’t directly reduce anxiety or depression, drinking celery juice daily can support brain health because of its calming effect on the nervous system.

Celery contains tryptophan, which is an amino acid that’s converted into serotonin in the body. Serotonin is a brain chemical that’s necessary for stabilizing moods, sleeping and digestion. To maximize its potential, people should drink pure celery juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Celery juice

7. Great for Skin Health

Celery is great for skin health because of its high electrolyte and antioxidant properties, which help to rejuvenate and purify the skin. Its water content of 95 percent ensures individuals receive the necessary hydration to prevent dry skin.

Celery’s natural sodium content and impressive levels of vitamin K can help normalize blood pressure levels, which can help reduce stress levels. Stress aggravates skin conditions. The vegetable’s high vitamin count and ability to assist the body with collagen production may help maintain youthful-looking skin.

Celery juice

8. Lowers Blood Pressure

Phthalides are a group of compounds found in certain plants. These phytochemicals help relax soft tissue around artery walls, allowing easy flow of vital nutrients to organs from the blood vessels. Because the muscles are relaxed, blood vessels don’t have to work as hard, resulting in lower blood pressure.4Team, Heart and Vascular. ‘Celery May Help Bring Your High Blood Pressure Down.’ Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic, Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic, 14 Dec. 2020,

Celery contains significant amounts of these phthalides and is a great addition to a diet focusing on regulating blood pressure. The juice of four to five celery stalks per day could help optimize blood pressure levels.

Celery juice

9. Assists with Detoxing

The liver is the body’s own detox system. Toxins are also released through sweat, urine and feces. The antioxidant properties found in celery juice are thought to reduce fatty content in the liver.

Celery’s high potassium content acts as a diuretic, ultimately encouraging urine production to help rid the body of excess waste. A daily intake of celery juice for four weeks could be beneficial for individuals with liver disease.5Abd El-Mageed, Nehal M. ‘Hepatoprotective Effect of Feeding Celery Leaves Mixed with Chicory Leaves and Barley Grains to Hypercholesterolemic Rats.’ Pharmacognosy Magazine, Medknow Publications, Apr. 2011,

Celery juice

10. Fights Inflammation and Infection

Many diseases are associated with chronic, low-grade inflammation. Celery boasts at least eight powerful noninflammatory compounds that can assist with fighting inflammation and getting rid of free radicals in the body.

Celery also has antimicrobial properties, particularly the seeds. Studies show that celery seeds may help fight chest infections, and microbes affecting the digestive tract. It’s worth adding celery seeds to celery juice to reduce inflammation and boost overall health.

Celery juice

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