10 Health Benefits of Cat's Claw

By albert
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Cat’s claw is a vine plant native to South America where it was used medicinally by the ancient Inca civilization. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the health benefits of cat’s claw besides other herbs.

In traditional medicine, cat’s claw was used in the treatment of inflammation, dysentery, gastric ulcers, rheumatism, arthritis, wounds, and cancer.

Modern research studies on cat’s claw have led to interesting findings that have shown that the herb does have positive medicinal properties. There have, in fact, been study findings that indicated that using cat’s claw can help repair DNA, which can improve general health in a number of ways. In this article, we will look at 10 health benefits of cat’s claw.

Cat's Claw

Health Benefit #1: Reduces Inflammation

While some inflammation is necessary for the body to recover from injury or irritation, chronic inflammation can lead to serious health conditions including chronic non-communicable diseases. Cat’s claw has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds including oxindole alkaloids, sterols, carboxyl esters, oleanolic acid, loganic acid, and chlorogenic acid, among others.

These compounds neutralize free radicals in the body, thereby reducing oxidative stress and preventing their injurious activities. It is worth to note that the continued presence of free radicals in the body causes continuous inflammation, which ultimately leads to the development of conditions like arthritis, high blood pressure, and cancer. By destroying free radicals and reducing inflammation, cat’s claw cuts down the risk of developing chronic diseases and conditions like colitis, leaky gut, and Crohn’s disease.

Cat's Claw

Health Benefit #2: Improves Arthritis

According to a number of research studies, cat’s claw can help improve both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. In one of the studies, people having osteoarthritis were given cat’s claw for a period of four weeks while the control group was given placebo. It was found that those who were given cat’s claw experienced a significant reduction of pain after one week of use.

Another study found that using cat’s claw extract as treatment of people with arthritis reduced the number of painful joints within 24 weeks. These beneficial effects are said to come from compounds called pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids, which have immunity modulating properties.

Cat's Claw

Health Benefit #3: Improves Digestive System Problems

Besides being anti-inflammatory, cat’s claw has gut-cleansing properties, which helps improve gut health and reduce the effects of gut diseases like colitis, leaky gut, and Crohn’s disease. Cat’s claw also reduces the risk of developing stomach ulcers and improves absorption of nutrients.

According to a number of research studies, cat’s claw works by reducing inflammation in the digestive system and inhibiting production of inflammation-promoting molecules. It also neutralizes free radicals, which otherwise increase oxidative stress and inflammation. It is worth noting that inflammation within the gut is the main cause of many digestive conditions like diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, and Crohn’s disease.

Cat's Claw

Health Benefit #4: Boosts Immunity

Cat’s claw has many immunity boosting properties, which can be attributed to the many beneficial compounds in the plant. Because cat’s claw has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, it reduces the harmful effects of chronic inflammation. This way, instead of the body’s immune system applying its resources to deal with inflammation, it fights the attacking microbes. Additionally, cat’s claw supports the body’s defense mechanism to infection fighting white blood cells. It also helps to repair broken DNA.

In a study, adult subjects took cat’s claw supplement for two months prior to receiving vaccination for pneumonia while the control group took placebo. By the end of the study period, the group receiving cat’s claw had developed a significant enhancement of their immunity compared to those who had taken a placebo.

Cat's Claw

Health Benefit #5: Lowers Blood Pressure

Reduction in blood pressure is yet another health benefit of cat’s claw. This happens because some of the compounds in cat’s claw such as hirsutine act in a number of ways to lower otherwise high blood pressure. Other compounds in cat’s claw inhibit formation of plaque and aggregation of platelets. This keeps blood vessels in good working condition and reduces the risk of blood clots.

Reduced plaque and blood clot formation leads to healthy blood circulation, which positively impacts the heart, the brain, and the body in general. If you have a high risk of developing high blood pressure or you already have it, you may consider including cat’s claw in your routine with the view of promoting healthy blood pressure.

Cat's Claw

Health Benefit #6: Fights Herpes

Cat’s claw contains antiviral compounds that can help fight the herpes virus, and indeed other viruses, including HIV. The antiviral properties of cat’s claw have been linked to the presence of compounds called polyphenols, quinovic acid glycosides, and oxindole alkaloids. These compounds work together in the fight against herpes and other viruses.

The herpes virus lies dormant in the bodies of many people. Periodically, the virus causes the appearance of small blisters on parts of the body, especially the areas around the mouth. The blisters break out into painful sores which later heal, leaving behind discolored patches. There is no known method to get rid of the herpes virus and, therefore, once a person is infected, the virus remains in the body for life. By fighting the herpes virus, cat’s claw can reduce the suffering the virus causes during its attacks.

Cat's Claw

Health Benefit #7: May Help Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes type 1 is a chronic condition arising as a result of the autoimmune system destroying the pancreatic cells responsible for the production of insulin. This negatively affects the blood sugar control mechanism, which leads to chronically elevated blood sugar levels. Because the body does not produce insulin to control blood sugar, it can rise to dangerous levels. To correct this status, diabetes type 1 is controlled with injectable insulin.

But taking cat’s claw can also help in the management of diabetes type 1. In fact, according to some studies, cat’s claw can prevent diabetes from developing or help your body to recover from it.

Cat's Claw

Health Benefit #8: Boosts Heart Health

The heart keeps blood flowing through your body, transporting oxygen and nutrients to all cells, tissues, and organs. When the heart works at its optimum, you have great circulatory health. However, high blood pressure and blood clots can mess your circulatory health. It can also lead to heart attacks, strokes, or even death. This is the reason why you should do whatever is necessary to maintain your blood pressure within the healthy range and keep your heart healthy.

Cat’s claw lowers blood pressure, which is especially helpful for people with high blood pressure. According to studies conducted on animals, cat’s claw works by relaxing blood vessels, controlling the amount of body fluids, and causing reduction of the blood pressure.

Cat's Claw

Health Benefit #9: Helps Repair DNA

Free radicals, and radiotherapy and chemotherapy, can lead to DNA damage, which can cause other health issues depending on the affected cells and tissues. DNA damage can lead to development of tumors and cancers. And yet chemotherapy and radiotherapy may be required for the treatment of cancer. In the period following radiotherapy or chemotherapy, a patient usually suffers with pain and discomfort as a consequence of these treatments. The suffering may go on for hours or days. In fact, while these treatment methods may help reduce the size of the tumors, they may also cause DNA damage in otherwise healthy cells and tissues.

Using cat’s claw when undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy can help reduce DNA damage and thereby act as supportive therapy. Cat’s claw also stimulates the body to produce more white blood cells to boost immune function, and progenitor cells, which replace damaged cells.

Cat's Claw

Health Benefit #10: Helps Fight Cancer

A number of studies have found that cat’s claw has powerful anti-cancer properties that are beneficial in cases of different types of cancer. These properties can be attributed to the profile of highly potent compounds in the plant. The cat’s claw works by causing death of the cancer cells. In one study conducted in 2001, it was found that use of cat’s claw bark prevented proliferation or growth of cancer cells.

Another study established that cat’s claw contains many anticancer compounds that both prevent cancer and cause destruction of cancer cells where cancer was present. The study found that two of these compounds, namely uncarine F and pteropodine, were especially effective at fighting cancer by inducing cancer cell death.

Cat's Claw

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