10 Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

By albert
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Cantaloupe, also called muskmelon, rock melon, or mush melon, belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, together with watermelons. The fruits have rough rinds and orange flesh, and weigh between 0.5 kg and 5 kg each.

Cantaloupe is rich in electrolytes, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. It is also low in calories. Cantaloupe also has other nutrients, which include cucurbitacins and carotenoids. This ingredient profile gives cantaloupe its many health benefits.

The deep orange color of cantaloupe flesh indicates the presence of the beneficial plant compounds or phytonutrients. But how beneficial is cantaloupe as far as good health is concerned? Here are the top 10 health benefits of cantaloupe.


Health Benefit #1: Improves Digestion

Poor digestion can cause you a lot of discomfort and pain. It can also lead to embarrassing situations, especially if you have diarrhea or gas. This is why having a healthy digestion is so important. Healthy digestion is also critical for a healthy body. It also gives you peace of mind wherever you may be. In order for you to enjoy good digestion, you need to consume a balanced diet that besides containing nutrients like carbohydrate, protein, and fat, also has adequate fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Similar to melons, cantaloupe is high in water, which makes it a hydrating fruit for the body as a whole, and for the digestive tract. It also contains a significant amount of fiber. The combination of water and fiber in cantaloupe is good for digestion, and in the transportation and expulsion of waste matter within and from the bowels.


Health Benefit #2: Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation can be a cause of chronic illnesses and pain. But eating some foods can reduce inflammation and hence lower the risk of developing some chronic illnesses and pain. Cantaloupe fruit is a rich source of anti-inflammatory compounds, which can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Cantaloupe contains choline, an essential nutrient that aids muscle movement. Choline also helps to maintain cellular membrane structure, as well as transmit nerve impulses efficiently.

Therefore, if you want to fight inflammation within your body in order for you to lead a healthier life, you should include foods rich in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients such as cantaloupe in your diet. Studies show that people who eat cantaloupe often have lower C-reactive protein (CRP) in their bloodstream. CRP stimulates inflammation in the body.


Health Benefit #3: Boosts Immunity

Among the many health benefits of cantaloupe is its support for a more efficient immunity. Cantaloupe contains carotenoids that help to prevent infections and boost the immune function. Analysis has shown that cantaloupe contains as much carotene as carrots. The orange color of cantaloupe flesh is in fact the carotenoid pigment, which, besides conversion to vitamin A in the body, is a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress and thereby also reduces harmful inflammation. It is noteworthy that an enhanced immune system prevents infection and combats common illnesses when they occur.

Also, by working as antioxidants and reducing inflammation in the body, carotenoids protect the body from diseases that result from chronic inflammation like heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.


Health Benefit #4: Protects Your Vision

Many elderly people suffer from age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This is a condition in which part of the retina responsible for clear vision is progressively damaged by exposure to inflammation and dangerous radiation. AMD is a leading cause of vision loss, hence the need for prevention. The good news is that cantaloupe can help prevent or slow down AMD.

Besides vitamins A and C, and carotenoids, cantaloupe also contains an antioxidant called zeaxanthin, which together with another antioxidant called lutein have immense benefit to the eyes. Zeaxanthin has been found to filter out a type of radiation-producing light called blue light. Blue light causes damage to the eye and is one of the factors that lead to macular degeneration. Studies have found that taking three or more servings of cantaloupe fruit per day decreases the risk of developing macular degeneration. It may also slow progression of AMD.


Health Benefit #5: Restores Normal pH in the Body

Maintaining normal pH in the body is essential for good health, including reduced risk of disease. Melons like cantaloupe are alkaline foods that have health benefits in the body. The alkalinity of cantaloupe means that it can help restore the pH level of your body to its optimum natural level.

According to some experts, it is quite difficult for diseases to develop in an alkaline environment. This is different if the body is more acidic as is the case in most people on modern diets. Considering that cantaloupe is alkaline, eating it regularly alkalizes the body, thereby improving its ability to resist many diseases.


Health Benefit #6: Improves Stamina and Hastens Muscle Recovery

Cantaloupe provides moderate amounts of the mineral potassium, which is a crucial electrolyte in body fluids, cells, and muscles. Potassium is required for proper muscle function and for the maintenance of healthy blood pressure by supporting the relaxation of blood vessels.

Because potassium helps maintain blood flow throughout the body, including to muscles, it is especially important for physically active people such as athletes. By helping to relax the blood vessels, cantaloupe contributes toward oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles. It also helps in the transportation of waste such as lactic acid from the muscles, thereby preventing muscle cramps. Cantaloupe also helps the muscles to relax faster, eventually reducing body stress as you build endurance and strength.


Health Benefit #7: Weight Loss

If you are working on shedding some pounds, it’s probably a good idea to include cantaloupe in your diet. This fruit is actually used as an ingredient in many weight loss recipes, which is not really surprising considering its nutrient profile. Cantaloupe has a good amount of fiber and water, which, besides filling up your stomach, provides no calories. Cantaloupe also contains little few calories and significant amounts of beneficial minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. These work together to improve your overall health.

By regularly consuming cantaloupe, you can cut out a significant portion of the calories that you would otherwise take. When this continues for a while, you can end up steadily losing some weight.


Health Benefit #8: Promotes Skin Health

Your skin is very important since it is the first thing that most people see. It is also the first line of defense against infections. And because it can say so much about you, it can also affect your self-confidence. When you have a healthy, clear skin, you are more likely to feel confident.

Cantaloupe is a rich source of vitamins A and C, both of which have positive effects on your skin. Additionally, like other foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and pumpkins, cantaloupe contains powerful carotenoids that reduce your risk of developing skin cancer. Some studies also suggest that beta-carotene can help to reduce the effects of sunburn.


Health Benefit #9: Protects against Cancer

As stated elsewhere, cancer may develop as a result of chronic inflammation in the body. Many studies suggest that the rise in cases of cancer in recent times is actually a result of increased inflammation resulting from inflammation-causing foods and environmental pollution. Consequently, minimizing oxidative stress and inflammation can lower the risk of cancer.

Cantaloupe may also support the treatment for cancer thanks to compounds called cucurbitacins found within it. Cucurbitacins belong to the family of compounds known as triterpenes. According to some studies, cucurbitacins induce cancer cell apoptosis or death. In addition to cantaloupe helping fight cancer, it also helps in the fight against memory deterioration resulting from aging.


Health Benefit #10: Helps to Detox the Body

Cantaloupe has a high amount of water in it and is also rich in electrolytes. Therefore, it is a great option if you are looking for a good homemade detox recipe. Foods high in water such as cantaloupe can help to relieve symptoms such as bloating, swelling, and even bad digestion.

Since cantaloupe contains potassium, it helps increase blood flow through the body so that it gets to the kidneys for filtering. The kidneys also help maintain body fluid balance and hydration within your body. If you are seeking to keep your body detoxed, it would make sense to include cantaloupe in your diet.


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