10 Health Benefits of Camu Camu

By iliriana
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Camu Camu is a sour berry that is similarly colored to cherry. Its scientific name is Myrciaria dubia. It is native to the Amazon rainforest and due to its many health benefits it has been gaining in popularity all around the world. A fresh Camu Camu berry is rather tart in flavor, therefore Camu Camu is more likely found in the form of powders, pills, or as a juice.

Camu Camu has small flowers with waxy white petals and a sweet-swelling aroma. Currently, over harvesting of wild Camu Camu threatens to make it an endangered species.

Camu Camu has different kinds of nutrients in very high levels, including vitamin C. Here are 10 health benefits of Camu Camu.

Camu Camu

Health Benefit #1: High Vitamin C Levels

Camu Camu is very rich in Vitamin C, which plays an important part in many functions in the body, one of them being the strengthening of our immune system. Vitamin C is also very important for the formation of collagen, which is a protein that helps to support our skin, our bones, and our muscles.

Camu Camu also protects our cells from unstable molecules, which are known as free radicals. Free radicals can be formed due to a poor diet, stress, or exposure to pollution. However, too many free radicals in our body have been linked to conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Vitamin C can help to prevent oxidative stress.

Camu Camu

Health Benefit #2: Powerful Antioxidant

Camu Camu has great antioxidant capacities, and apart from vitamin C, it contains many other antioxidants, such as ellagic acid and anthocyanins. These antioxidants help to protect our cells from damage that is caused by free radicals. This is especially important for smokers, as smoking is known to create many free radicals and, in most cases, leads to oxidative stress.

Studies were able to prove that the combination of antioxidants found in Camu Camu berries is much more effective than taking vitamin C alone. One study, in fact, was able to prove that Camu Camu juice was able to greatly reduce oxidative stress in just one week.

Camu Camu

Health Benefit #3: Reduces Inflammation

Camu Camu is also effective in reducing inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can have many negative impacts on our cells and has also been linked to conditions such as cancer, autoimmune disease, and heart disease.

One of the antioxidants found in Camu Camu fruit, the ellagic acid, is one that can inhibit the enzyme aldose reductase, an inflammation-triggering enzyme. Although a study was able to prove its positive effects toward reducing inflammation, further research needs to be done to clarify how Camu Camu is able to provide this positive effect.

Camu Camu

Health Benefit #4: Antibacterial Properties

Camu Camu has natural antiseptic qualities. This makes it great when it comes to fighting off bacterial or viral infections. This includes infections that are caused by Escherichia Coli, and also a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, like herpes. This makes Camu Camu a supplement that is beneficial to all as it helps to strengthen our immune system, which is constantly being attacked by these foreign agents.

By adding Camu Camu to your diet, you are able to prevent such infections, or if already suffering from one, Camu Camu can help you recover from them quicker.

Camu Camu

Health Benefit #5: Improves Cognitive Ability

One of the many health benefits of Camu Camu is that it can help with your cognitive ability. One of the negative effects of free radicals and oxidative stress is that it can build-up a cognitive pathway and one of the ways of eliminating it is through antioxidants and vitamin C.

Camu Camu fruits have many antioxidants and high levels of vitamin C. Therefore, consuming the Camu Camu fruit helps to boost cognitive ability, and increase focus, concentration skills, and memory.

Camu Camu

Health Benefit #6: Helps with Weight Loss

A recent study was able to show that Camu Camu can help with weight loss. It is a fruit with many beneficial properties. One of the ways that Camu Camu helps with weight loss is that it can help maintain healthy gut bacteria. Healthy gut bacteria play a key role in metabolism.

If you add Camu Camu to your diet, it will not only help you to lose weight quicker, but it can also help you to lower the risk of getting a chronic disease that is linked to obesity.

Camu Camu

Health Benefit #7: Reduces Mood Swings

Camu Camu can help our bodies to relax and it even works as a sedative. This not only soothes mental anxiety but also helps to balance mood swings.

It is still not clear how Camu Camu and its nutrients are able to do so, but it is believed that the high levels of magnesium and other vitamins help to calm the body, which is especially important for those fighting depression or mood swings caused by menopause.

Camu Camu

Health Benefit #8: Helps with Vision

Carotenoids are known for their ability to protect eye health. They are an antioxidant that, apart from vision, are able to help with other important functions of the body. Camu Camu contains carotenoids, which eliminate oxidative stress in our ocular system and hereby present the development of cataracts or macular degeneration.

Camu Camu allows you to have clear vision, even as you age. It is beneficial for all, but especially for those who have a family history of conditions related to eye health.

Camu Camu

Health Benefit #9: Helps with Digestion

Camu Camu might not have a high fiber content, as it does with vitamin C, but the dietary fiber content in Camu Camu is still significant enough to help improve your overall health. It optimizes the digestive processes and is able to protect the heart from unbalanced cholesterol levels.

Fiber is great toward regulating the activity of insulin receptors, which help to manage and to even prevent diabetes. However, those who are suffering from gout or from other conditions related to uric acid should consult their doctor before adding Camu Camu to their diet.

Camu Camu

Health Benefit #10: Helps Muscle Toning

The combination of all the important vitamins, nutrients, minerals, amino acids, and organic compounds that are found in Camu Camu make it one of the most complete health foods available. This combination is even beneficial toward the protection of muscles and the growth of them.

If you are trying to increase your muscle tone, eating Camu Camu is an ideal addition to your workout. A combination of a good workout routine and Camu Camu can help you tone your muscles faster.

Camu Camu

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