10 Health Benefits Of Broccoli

By james
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Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family that is a common addition to many meals. Although it is often not a favorite, especially among kids, it is very good for us so we should all try to include some in our diets. It is packed full of important vitamins and minerals and also contains compounds which offer numerous health benefits.

Broccoli can help to fight off disease and also keep our digestive systems working as they should. It is low in calories and is also ideal for people that are on a weight loss diet. A quick look online and you will find numerous delicious recipes involving broccoli, so hopefully everybody will enjoy including some in their diet.


Health Benefit Of Broccoli #1: Healthy Digestive System

A healthy digestive system is important for our overall well-being. Not only will it help ensure proper absorption of nutrients, but an unhealthy digestive system can also be very uncomfortable. Include plenty of broccoli in your diet, though, and you could ensure a digestive system that is in perfect health.

It is well known that fiber is important for a healthy digestive system, and broccoli contains plenty of it. Broccoli can also help support the bacteria in our stomachs that are necessary for digestion. Studies have shown that people that eat broccoli regularly have a healthier digestive system overall.


Health Benefit Of Broccoli #2: Nutritious

Ever since we were kids we have been told that we should eat our greens. This is because, whether we enjoy them or not, vegetables are an excellent source of nutrition. They are packed full of essential vitamins and minerals and broccoli is no exception.

Broccoli is a good source of carbohydrates and proteins. It also contains vitamins A, C, K and B9 as well as phosphorus, potassium and selenium. Just try to remember that broccoli might lose a lot of its nutritional value depending on how you cook it. The good news is that there are plenty of healthy recipes involving broccoli that will help you get maximum nutrition from the vegetable.


Health Benefit Of Broccoli #3: Healthy Brain

Getting old is inevitable, but it affects us all in different ways. Many of us will experience a slowing down in life but otherwise general good health. Others, though, will not fare so well and their mental condition might well decline. Get plenty of broccoli in your diet, however, and you could ensure that you retain a healthy brain long into your retirement years.

Broccoli contains a compound known as kaempferol. This compound has been shown to reduce inflammation on the brain and can even help prevent permanent damage in the case of a stroke. The vegetable also contains sulforaphane, which has also been shown to support the functioning of the brain.


Health Benefit Of Broccoli #4: Blood Sugar Level

If you are unable to regulate your own blood sugar level then you will likely need to eat a balanced diet to help your levels stay in a healthy zone. This includes keeping out certain foods that will increase the levels of sugar in your blood, as well as including those that help lower it. Broccoli is one example of a food that is helpful to diabetics.

Broccoli is a very good source of fiber, and fiber is known to be effective at keeping blood sugar levels low. Studies have also shown that people that ate broccoli regularly had a decreased resistance to insulin.


Health Benefit Of Broccoli #5: Good Oral Health

Brushing and flossing regularly is important in maintaining good oral health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to bad breath, which can be quite embarrassing. It can also lead to tooth decay, gum disease and other problems which can lead to pain and possibly difficulty in eating.

Periodontitis is a condition which causes inflammation in and around the gums. Broccoli, however, contains a compound known as Kaempferol, which can help to prevent the condition. Broccoli is also a good source of calcium, which is essential in keeping teeth strong and healthy. Some people also think that broccoli is very good at removing plaque from the teeth.


Health Benefit Of Broccoli #6: Prevent Illness

It is very important that we do what we can to keep our immune system strong and healthy. It is very effective at keeping us safe from disease, but we do need to support it as well as we can. This means eating the right diet, and broccoli can help a great deal to that end.

Broccoli is a good source of vitamin C, which is well known for its ability to support the immune system. Get enough of the vitamin in your diet and you can help your body to fight off disease, avoiding the need for trips to your doctor and medication.


Health Benefit Of Broccoli #7: Healthy Bones and Joints

A healthy skeleton is just as important as keeping the rest of our body in good shape. Our skeleton provides us with the support we need to be able to move around our environment. It also has other important functions and the bone marrow plays an essential part in our immune system and overall well-being.

A healthy skeleton requires calcium, something which broccoli has plenty of. It is a good source of vitamin K that is also important for healthy bones. Studies have also shown that broccoli may be able to help prevent osteoarthritis and other complications involving the joints.


Health Benefit Of Broccoli #8: Healthy Pregnancy

A developing baby in the womb requires a lot of nutrition if it is to grow healthy and well. Its nutrition is taken directly from the mother, with nutrients passed on through the placenta. If the baby is to get the nutrients it needs from its mother, then the mother must also consume the right nutrients.

B9 is a vitamin which helps with the healthy development of the baby’s spinal cord and brain. This vitamin, also known as folate, is found in broccoli, meaning it is a good addition to any pregnant woman’s diet. Broccoli is also a good source of other vitamins and minerals that will help ensure a positive outcome of a pregnancy.


Health Benefit Of Broccoli #9: Sun Protection

Our sun is just an ordinary star, but its proximity to us means it gives us life-giving light and heat. It allows for livable temperatures on our planet and also allows for photosynthesis, which allows our planets to grow and thrive. It does have a downside, though, which is that it emits dangerous UV rays.

UV rays can cause damage to the skin and this can, in turn, cause cancer. Studies have shown, however, that compounds in broccoli are able to help protect the skin against developing cancer. There is still a lot of work to be done to understand its secrets, but broccoli could be the key to some ground-breaking revelations in the future.


Health Benefit Of Broccoli #10: Slow Ageing

Getting older causes various changes to our bodies. While we are making progress in understanding just what causes ageing and how to slow it down, we are still left at the mercy of time. The good news, though, is that some foods contain compounds that can help to slow the ageing process down.

Sulforaphane is a compound that is found in broccoli that is thought to be able to slow the ageing process. What’s more is that it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that can keep us healthier for longer, and keep our skin looking younger. Regardless of ageing, broccoli can be part of a healthy diet that will help give us a good quality of life for as long as we are here.


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