10 Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses

By james
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Blackstrap molasses, also known as black treacle in some parts of the world, is a by-product of the process of refining sugarcane. It is a very sticky, viscous product that is popular in a wide range of dishes. It is generally used as a sweetener, while it is also used for its unique flavor.

Blackstrap molasses does have a high sugar content. However, it is also high in various vitamins and minerals, making it beneficial to our overall health.

Here is a look at just a few of the many health benefits that we can gain by including blackstrap molasses in our diet.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses Benefit #1: Reduces Stress

It can sometimes seem as though the whole world is against us. No matter how hard we try, nothing goes our way, and this can lead to some very stressful situations. The stress should hopefully pass once our problems are solved, but problems will sometimes linger, prolonging periods of stress.

Blackstrap molasses is a good source of vitamin B6, and this vitamin has close links with our happiness. The vitamin is known to be able to raise the levels of serotonin in our brain, and this can help to reduce stress. It can also help in some other ways such as helping us to sleep, improving our brain function, and enhancing our libido.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses Benefit #2: Prevents Anemia

Iron is a very important metal for us, and not only because it helps us to build large structures. Iron is also very useful to us at the cellular level as it helps ensure that oxygen is able to bind to our red blood cells. This, in turn, means that our blood is able to carry oxygen around our body to where it is needed.

Anemia is a condition in which the blood does not have a high enough blood cell count, and a lack of iron is the most common cause. Blackstrap molasses is a very good source of iron, which means that it can help to prevent anemia from occurring.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses Benefit #3: Antioxidants

Aging is inevitable; we will all grow old one day. That much is, so far, unavoidable, but we can at least take steps to slow the effects of aging as much as possible. This generally means taking good care of our body, and this includes eating the right types of food.

Blackstrap molasses is a good source of antioxidants. These are compounds that help to protect our cells against the effects of oxidation. This process would otherwise cause damage to our cells, and this is one of the biggest contributors to aging. Antioxidants can also help prevent us from developing poor health conditions, including cancer.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses Benefit #4: Laxative

Every now and then, we might find that things get a bit blocked up in our digestive system. Things may not move along as quickly as they should do and this can result in constipation. Constipation is a condition that can be very uncomfortable if it goes on for too long, and severe cases can be dangerous.

If you are feeling constipated, then some blackstrap molasses could be all that you need. It is able to help draw water into the stools and this will make them softer and easier to pass. It also helps to relax the muscles, allowing everything to move along smoothly.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses Benefit #5: Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation is the cause behind quite a lot of medical conditions, some of which are potentially serious. This includes conditions like arthritis, which tends to affect people more as they get older. It can also cause our essential organs to become less effective at performing their jobs.

It can also be very difficult to treat such conditions and we have yet to find a cure for many. You could help to ease the severity of the symptoms, though, by eating foods that help to prevent inflammation. One such food is blackstrap molasses, and just a teaspoon a day could help to make a lot of people feel more comfortable.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses Benefit #6: Nutritious

It could be considered quite cruel that the best tasting foods are also usually the ones that are bad for us. Such foods tend to have high levels of sugar and fat but this is not the only problem. In addition, they tend to be low on nutritional value overall, but not blackstrap molasses.

While it is true that blackstrap molasses has a high sugar content, it is also a good source of other vitamins and minerals. It also contains very little sodium, and no fat or cholesterol. This makes it a healthier alternative for people that have a sweet tooth and need a sugar fix.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses Benefit #7: Reduces Menstruation Symptoms

Female humans go through a monthly cycle that helps to ensure a fairly constant supply of eggs are ready to be fertilized. One of the most noticeable symptoms of this is bleeding as old blood is shed from the uterus wall so it can be replaced with fresh blood. Women undergoing menstruation can also experience other unwelcome symptoms, and blackstrap molasses may be able to help reduce this.

Blackstrap molasses has long been used as a remedy for symptoms of PMS. Its high calcium content is thought to be able to help, while it contains minerals that can help to prevent cramps. Its high iron content also helps with replacing lost blood.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses Benefit #8: Balances Blood Sugar Levels

Many people, such as those with diabetes, will generally need to keep clear of foods that contain a lot of sugar. This is because it could cause spikes in blood sugar levels, and this can be dangerous for some people. Blackstrap molasses is one of the exceptions, however.

While it is high in sugar content, blackstrap molasses is also high in vitamins and minerals. This means that is has a low glycemic index, which also means it is not likely to cause spikes of sugar in the blood. It may not be as sweet as other sweeteners, but it still gives a lot of people an opportunity to get something sweet in their diets.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses Benefit #9: Healthy Skeleton

As we get older, many people will find that their skeletons lose strength. People can develop conditions such as osteoporosis, which means that their bones are less dense and, as such, weaker than usual. This increases the chances that they will break, and this can cause obvious problems.

It is well known that getting plenty of calcium in your diet can help to keep the skeleton in good condition, and blackstrap molasses is a good source of the mineral. Blackstrap molasses is also a good source of magnesium, and this helps the body to absorb calcium from our food. As such, including molasses in your diet can help ensure you have a healthy skeleton for many years to come.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses Benefit #10: Reduces Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is something that should be taken seriously. There are medications that can help to keep it low, but we should not rely on these entirely. Where possible, anybody with high blood pressure should consider lifestyle changes in order to improve their health overall.

Such lifestyle changes will often mean exercising and eating well. Getting certain foods into your diet can also help, and one such food is blackstrap molasses. It is a good source of potassium, and this can help to lower your blood pressure by counteracting the effects of sodium. Just two teaspoons a day can help make a big difference to your health.

Blackstrap Molasses

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