10 Health Benefits of Bitter Melon

By albert
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Bitter melon, also called bitter gourd, is a fruit that grows on a vine. It was originally grown in India. Today, the fruit plant is cultivated in many parts of the world, especially within the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean.

The bitter melon plant belongs to the same family as cucumber, squash, and cantaloupe, known as Cucurbitaceae. Bitter melon fruit has a wart-like outward appearance with bitter tasting flesh, which is why it is called bitter melon.

While the fruit has been used in Eastern medicine for centuries, it is only in recent years that its medicinal use has made serious inroads in the Western world. Research studies have also established that bitter melon indeed has several medicinal benefits. This article looks at 10 health benefits of bitter melon.

Bitter Melon

Health Benefit #1: Sugar Control

One of the most outstanding uses and health benefits of bitter melon is its potential to lower blood sugar levels. In fact, in the Asian subcontinent, bitter melon is widely used as an alternative therapy for the management of type 2 diabetes. One of the ways by which the fruit achieves this is by promoting the synthesis of glycogen in muscles and the liver.

Glycogen is a storage form of blood sugar or glucose, which is readily broken down back to glucose when required, to provide energy. Besides, elements in the bitter melon such as polypeptide-P have been shown to have a structural resemblance to the hormone insulin, which is responsible for controlling blood sugar uptake by cells of the body.

Bitter Melon

Health Benefit #2: Rich Source of Nutrients

You have probably wondered how you can ensure that you take in adequate amounts of the many different nutritional elements that the body needs. Bitter melon is one of those fruits that are rich in diverse types of nutrients. For example, the fruit has over eight types of vitamins including vitamins C, A, folate, pantothenate, and niacin. Other vitamins in bitter melon are riboflavin, pyridoxine, and thiamine.

Besides, several minerals are also found in bitter melon. These include sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, and iron. All these play important roles in the body. Deficiencies often result in disorders and diseases. A great benefit of bitter melon is that it can be taken raw or prepared in a variety of ways to suit almost any kind of meal that you may think of.

Bitter Melon

Health Benefit #3: Immunity Booster

If you want to develop a more powerful immune system capable of fighting off infections and promoting good health, eating bitter melon or drinking the juice is highly beneficial. The ability of bitter melon to improve your immune system function is attributed to the rich antioxidant property of the fruit.

One of the primary targets toward averting potential injury or diseases is by reigning in on free radicals that are produced by biological processes. Free radicals can attack normal cells and initiate disease-causing processes. Vitamin C is among the antioxidants found in bitter melon with as high as 80 mg being present in 100 g of the fruit.

Bitter Melon

Health Benefit #4: Improves Vision

Just as proper eating habits can promote the functioning of other body organs and systems such as the heart and blood pressure, good visual acuity and eye health can be enhanced with diet. Bitter melon contains chemical substances such as carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which enhance the way the eye processes the sense of sight.

As such, consumption of bitter melon can improve not only eyesight but also night vision. Besides, the chemicals found in the fruit delays the degeneration of the macula, an important portion of the retina responsible for our ability to see objects clearly. Bitter melon can also prevent other eye-related complications that may arise due to free radicals.

Bitter Melon

Health Benefit #5: Cancer Prevention

Prevention of cancers features among the myriad health benefits of bitter melon fruit. Experiments carried out in laboratories using cancer cells derived from different parts of the body revealed the wide-ranging potential of the bitter melon fruit juice in the fight against various cancers. For example, one study reported on the cancer-killing effects of bitter melon on cells of the stomach, colon, and lungs.

In another research study, bitter melon was found to prevent growth and spread of cancer cells obtained from breasts. Some animal studies have also demonstrated the ability of bitter melon to stem the growth of pancreas cancer cells. Additionally, cancer cells have been shown to undergo apoptosis or death when exposed to bitter melon juice.

Bitter Melon

Health Benefit #6: Skin Infections Treatment

The popular saying that you are what you eat applies to your skin health as well. The appearance, texture, and overall condition of your skin relies not only on the topical care that you may apply outwardly, but much more on the kind of food that you eat.

Due to its rich antioxidant characteristics, bitter melon reduces the accumulation of toxic waste substances in the blood, which would increase the chances of development of various skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis. Additionally, the antioxidant properties help reduce the wrinkling and manifestations of premature aging that could be caused by free radical damage to cells.

Bitter Melon

Health Benefit #7: Asthma Treatment

Have you ever thought of managing asthma without the need to take conventional medications? Bitter melon is a top priority fruit with acclaimed potential to manage not only asthma but also several respiratory conditions. Asthma is caused by allergic reactions of the respiratory tract to different offending substances.

As such, the body produces various chemicals in response to the allergy. These lead to the increased secretions in the bronchioles and narrowing of the airways that lead to breathing difficulty. Bitter melon can counter the effects of the mediators of inflammation like histamine and thus offer relief from asthma symptoms.

Bitter Melon

Health Benefit #8: Lowers Cholesterol

Bitter melon has beneficial effects on the overall function of the heart and blood vessels. One of the ways by which this is achieved is by controlling cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that plays various roles in the body such as forming part of the structures of cell membranes and being precursors to the synthesis of hormones.

However, when present in high amounts, cholesterol can be dangerous to good health. High cholesterol, especially the type referred to as bad cholesterol or LDL, can deposit around the walls of blood vessels causing them to narrow down. Together with inflammatory responses that the body mounts due to the fatty plaques, high cholesterol contents can lead to the development of high blood pressure.

Bitter Melon

Health Benefit #9: Promotes Wound Healing

Regular consumption of bitter melon can boost the healing of wounds and cuts on your body. One of the ways that bitter melon achieves this is by enhancing blood flow. The blood flow promoting effects enable the body to deliver white blood cells to the affected areas and thereby help fight infections at these vulnerable points.

This way, the spread of infections is prevented. Bitter melon has also been shown to facilitate the blood clotting process. When a clot forms at the site of a cut or a bruise, it provides a mechanical barrier to the entry of disease-causing organisms.

Bitter Melon

Health Benefit #10: Weight Loss

Are you contemplating embarking on a weight loss diet? Adding bitter melon to your dietary options can be a great idea. First, bitter melon has a low caloric index, which is appealing to someone keen on reducing high carbohydrate intake. Second, when you eat it, bitter melon makes you feel satisfied very quickly.

The high water-content, as high as 80–85%, is responsible for the filling effect of the fruit. Moreover, the antioxidant properties of bitter melon aid the body to flush out toxins and promote digestion and metabolic processes. This enhances better utilization of food resources. Together, these are helpful toward losing weight and maintaining good health.

Bitter Melon

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