Health Benefits of Beet Juice

By mame
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Northwestern Medicine. 'Drop the Beet on Your Diet: In Season Spring Produce Focus.' Northwestern Medicine, are phytonutrients found in,and lessening tumor cell growth.
  • 2. Publishing, Harvard Health. 'A New Way To 'Beet' High Blood Pressure.' Harvard Health,
  • 3. ‘Scientists Get the Facts on Folic Acid in Red Beets.' News, 21 Nov. 1997,
  • 4. Templeton, David. ‘Beets and Beetroot Juice Showing Health Benefits.' Gazette, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 5 Oct. 2015,
  • 5. R;, Kanner J;Harel S;Granit. ‘Betalains--a New Class of Dietary Cationized Antioxidants.' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, U.S. National Library of Medicine,
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Also known as beetroot juice, beet juice offers more than a sweet, earthy flavor. Beet juice has gained popularity since research identified links between drinking beet juice and enhanced athletic performance, reduced inflammation and lowered blood pressure.1Northwestern Medicine. ‘Drop the Beet on Your Diet: In Season Spring Produce Focus.’ Northwestern Medicine, are phytonutrients found in,and lessening tumor cell growth.

Beet juice has an extensive nutritional makeup that includes several essential minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Some of these antioxidants come from betalains, unique bioactive compounds that have shown to be beneficial to health. Along with these impressive assets, numerous additional benefits of beet juice make it a smart addition to everyone's diet. This article looks at some of the potential health benefits of beet juice.

Beet Juice

1. Improves Blood Pressure

Beets have rarely ranked at the top of anyone's list of favorite vegetables, but if beet juice helps lower blood pressure, it may be a great addition for anyone suffering from high blood pressure.

Beet juice is naturally high in nitrates. The body's digestive system converts nitrates into nitric oxide, which can relax and dilate blood vessels. Specifically, this effect is seen on pulmonary arteries and blood vessels leading to the heart, lowering the heart's internal pressures and improving organ function. More relaxed and widened blood vessels may help reduce blood pressure and increase the blood flow to the heart and muscles.2Publishing, Harvard Health. ‘A New Way To ‘Beet’ High Blood Pressure.’ Harvard Health,

Beet Juice

2. Contains a Wealth of B Vitamins

Beet juice is rich in all forms of vitamin B, including folate, a vital B vitamin that helps protect against heart attacks and prevent specific congenital disabilities.3‘Scientists Get the Facts on Folic Acid in Red Beets.’ News, 21 Nov. 1997, Folate is also essential for healthy cell formation.

Beet juice also contains an abundance of Vitamin B-6, which is crucial in supporting red blood cell production, metabolism and cardiovascular health. Research has linked low vitamin B-6 levels with an increased risk of certain cancers and also an increased risk of cognitive decline in older adults.

Beet Juice

3. Boosts the Immune System

Beet juice is rich in the immune-boosting nutrients like vitamins A and C. These vitamins may help fight common colds and fevers. They may also help lessen their symptoms by reducing inflammation, preventing fatigue and relieving minor aches and pains. Vitamin C has also been shown to support the respiratory system and alleviate symptoms of asthma.

These vitamins help support white blood cell activity and therefore, strengthen the immune function. Healthy white blood cells are a crucial defense against fungal, viral and bacterial infections.

Beet Juice

4. Rich in Essential Minerals

Beet juice contains an abundance of essential minerals, such as calcium, critical for healthy bone development and strength. Beet juice is rich in iron, which assists red blood cells in carrying oxygen, and magnesium to support heart, immune, nerve and muscle health.

Manganese, another critical mineral found in beet juice, contributes to the regulation of blood sugar levels and metabolism. Beet juice also contains phosphorous, a vital element in cell repair and the development of healthy teeth and bones.

Beet Juice

5. Enhances Athletic Performance

As well as improving blood pressure, nitrates from beet juice may also improve blood and oxygen flow in athletes' active muscles. Beet juice is also rich in potassium, a mineral that helps muscle contraction and proper nerve function. Some athletes drink beet juice to improve their muscles' ability to withstand fatigue and reduce muscle cramps.4Templeton, David. ‘Beets and Beetroot Juice Showing Health Benefits.’ Gazette, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 5 Oct. 2015,

Research shows that drinking beet and apple juice combined before exercise may lower resting blood pressure and improve athletes' endurance.

Beet Juice

6. Rich in Antioxidants

The body creates free radicals while turning food into energy, after exercise and due to exposure to sunlight and air pollution. Free radicals create damage to the DNA. Flavonoid and carotenoid antioxidants found in beet juice may limit the harmful effects of free radicals.

Antioxidants act as free radical scavengers and fight against toxins.5R;, Kanner J;Harel S;Granit. ‘Betalains–a New Class of Dietary Cationized Antioxidants.’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, U.S. National Library of Medicine, An excessive and chronic amount of free radicals in the body can cause oxidative stress, damaging cells and leading to chronic diseases.

Beet Juice

7. Reduces Inflammation

Prolonged inflammation in the body caused by oxidative stress can lead to chronic illnesses, such as arthritis and diabetes. The pigments in beet juice that create its red color are called betalains. These polyphenols are natural chemicals that act as anti-inflammatory agents and may have the potential to slow cancer progression and lower cancer risk.

Additionally, research shows these anti-inflammatory agents aren't lost through juicing. Betanin, a major form of betalain, may reduce inflammation in the body by lowering C-reactive protein levels.

Beet Juice

8. Supports a Healthy Heart

The benefits of beet juice include its ability to offer heart protection and lower cholesterol levels. The combination of antioxidants, fiber and naturally occurring nitrates in beet juice makes it a powerful agent against heart disease.

Betanin, abundant in red beet juice, protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation, consequently reducing cardiovascular disease risk. The potassium found in beet juice may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Deficient potassium levels may lead to life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms.

Beet Juice

High in Dietary Fiber

Another benefit of beet juice is that it has a high level of healthy fiber, which may aid in digestion and assist the liver to work at an optimal level. A poor diet, exposure to toxic substances and a sedentary lifestyle can cause the liver to become overloaded, resulting in the condition known as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Being rich in the antioxidant betaine, beet juice may help prevent or reduce fatty liver deposits and toxins.

Beet Juice

10. Aids in Detoxification

Betalains are strong supporters of the kidneys and liver, two main organs responsible for body cleansing and detoxification. Pectin, found in beet pulp, and betaine promote liver cell regeneration, detoxification and help improve cholesterol levels.

Betanins activate the enzymes involved in the liver's detoxification and support a healthy balance of energy, hormones and cholesterol levels. These detoxifying compounds are not damaged by juicing, so adding beet juice to one's diet is an easy way to cleanse the system.

Beet Juice

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