10 Health Benefits of Baking Soda

By james
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Baking soda is considered by many people to be something you simply must have around the home. Its chemical properties allow it to aid in removing even the toughest of stains, while also being gentle on surfaces and on the body. It can be used in a variety of ways, from raising bread to unblocking drains.

Its properties also mean that it can be effective in aiding our overall health. It can help to enhance our physical appearance, while also help to keep everything running smoothly.

What’s more is that it is very easy to use, and can be consumed directly or by mixing it in with some drinking water. There are many health benefits of baking soda and this article looks at some of them.

Baking Soda

Health Benefit Of Baking Soda #1: Balances pH Levels

It is important that our body’s pH levels remain within healthy levels. If it becomes too alkaline or too acidic then we could start experiencing some very unwelcome symptoms. Fortunately, the body is usually able to regulate this itself without any difficulty. Baking soda can also help with this.

If your body is too acidic, then baking soda could be just what you need. It is an alkalizing agent, which means that it is able to reduce acidity levels in the body. It is also very easy to use, and just a teaspoon of baking soda a day can be all that you need to maintain a healthy pH balance.

Baking Soda

Health Benefit Of Baking Soda #2: Improves Kidney Function

Whenever we eat or drink something, we are likely to be taking on various impurities and even toxins. These are only in very small amounts, however, and as such will not be able to do us any harm. They could build to dangerous levels if not removed, though, and this is exactly what the kidneys do.

It makes sense for us to help our kidneys as much as we can, and baking soda can help us to do just that. It is able to reduce acidity, which can help to reduce the burden on the kidneys and keep everything running as smoothly as possible. Studies have shown that kidney function declines slower in people that take baking soda than those that don’t.

Baking Soda

Health Benefit Of Baking Soda #3: Helps Treat Urinary Tract Infections

The urinary tract is prone to developing infections from time to time. Symptoms include pain, fever, and blood in the urine. It tends to happen in older people but it can affect people of all ages. Thankfully, it is fairly easy to resolve with antibiotics but it should not be approached with complacency, especially not in vulnerable people.

If you experience urinary tract infections often, baking soda may be just what you need. Its ability to help reduce acidity can help to prevent infections from developing in the first place. All it takes is to mix some in with some water, drink, and you can be helping to keep yourself clear of infections.

Baking Soda

Health Benefit Of Baking Soda #4: Relieves Heartburn

Heartburn can be very uncomfortable. It is caused by the stomach’s digestive juices rising up through the esophagus, where it burns at the delicate, unprotected tissues. Severe cases can lead to potentially serious medical complications so it is something that needs to be addressed.

Our stomach’s digestive juices are naturally acidic to help them break down the food that we eat, but they can become too acidic for us. Baking soda can help in this regard because it can reduce the acidity of the digestive juices. This, in turn, can help to prevent heartburn, or at least reduce the severity of the symptoms.

Baking Soda

Health Benefit Of Baking Soda #5: Helps You Exercise

As we exercise, our muscles and joints will often become stiff. This is largely down to the presence of lactic acid, which is a by-product of anaerobic exercise. The acid builds up, and it becomes increasingly harder to exercise the longer you go on. Baking soda can help to remedy this, though.

Baking soda’s ability to help neutralize acid means that is can be used to help counter the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. This can help athletes to train for longer, and harder. It is also easy to use as all you need to do is dilute some in drinking water, and then drink.

Baking Soda

Health Benefit Of Baking Soda #6: Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis. It is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the joints, which then crystallizes into tiny needle-like crystals. These embed themselves into the tissues of the joint, causing considerable pain and a lack of mobility. It is usually caused by eating a diet that is rich in fats and proteins.

Perhaps the most effective way to treat gout is to change your diet, but even this can take some time to take effect. In the meantime, you may be able to use some baking soda to help neutralize the acid. This can at least help to relieve the symptoms of the gout in the short term, while you attempt to deal with the problem in the long term.

Baking Soda

Health Benefit Of Baking Soda #7: Soothes Itchy Skin

Our skin is directly exposed to the elements, making it more vulnerable than other parts of the body. This means it is prone to being affected by irritants such as chemicals and insect bites and other factors that can cause the skin to itch. It is advisable to avoid scratching the itch, but this is usually easier said than done.

If you do have itchy skin for any reason, though, then baking soda could be the answer to your problems. It is well known for its soothing properties and can help to make that unbearable itchiness go away. You can make a paste and add it to the area, or you can add some to a bath of warm water.

Baking Soda

Health Benefit Of Baking Soda #8: Reduces Acne

Acne is a problem for teenagers all over the world, while it is also a problem for some adults. It is often very unsightly, while it can also sometimes be very painful. It can cause the patient to feel very insecure about their appearance, potentially having a considerable impact on their quality of life.

While anti-acne products will often work to a degree, they are not always completely effective. If they are not working for you, then you can also try using baking soda. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe sore skin, while its antibacterial properties can help fight the bacteria that cause the acne.

Baking Soda

Health Benefit Of Baking Soda #9: Can Help Cure Cancer

Years of research has given us some treatments for cancer, including chemotherapy. While it may not be a cure, it can at least slow the progress of the cancer or even stop it completely. This can help to prolong the patient’s life and, in some cases, they can even continue with a relatively normal way of life.

Studies have shown that baking soda may be able to help make treatments such as chemotherapy more effective. It can help to reduce the acidity in the body, and this can help make it more suitable for cancer treatment. More research needs to be done, but including baking soda in your diet in the meantime won’t hurt.

Baking Soda

Health Benefit Of Baking Soda #10: Exfoliator

Our skin is the largest organ in our body. As such, it is important to keep it in good condition. Healthy skin can help protect us from disease, helps us to regulate our body temperature and helps with the creation of important vitamins. As such, it makes sense to take good care of it, and exfoliating can help achieve this.

Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells that might otherwise cause complications with the skin. It is mildly abrasive, which means it can gently remove the dead cells without causing any harm to the fresh cells below. All you need to do is to massage some baking soda onto the area twice a week for healthy and glowing skin.

Baking Soda

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