10 Health Benefits of Asparagus

By james
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Asparagus, also known as sparrow grass, is a kind of spring vegetable that is found growing naturally throughout Europe and in western Asia. Records of it being used as food stretch back to ancient Egyptian times, while it was also very popular among the ancient Romans.

Asparagus has quite a unique flavor, which has helped to make it popular in cuisines from all over the world. It is also very healthy for us as it is both very nutritious but also very low in calories.

Eating asparagus is thought to offer numerous health benefits, and here’s a look at just a few.


Health Benefit #1: Prevents Cancer

Cancer is a result of damaged cells multiplying out of control. One cause of this damage is free radicals, which can make changes to individual cells. Free radicals are fairly common but thankfully there is a way to counter them, and that is by getting plenty of antioxidants in your diet.

Asparagus is a good source of antioxidants. This means that it can help protect our cells from the type of damage that can lead to cancer. In addition to helping prevent cancer, free radicals can also help to prevent a range of other diseases. They can also help to keep us looking younger, for longer.


Health Benefit #2: Hangover Cure

The morning after the night before can be very difficult to bear at times. With nausea and splitting headaches, it can be difficult even to get out of bed, but we will still often have things that we need to do. If you are looking for a cure for your hangover, asparagus may be the answer.

Studies have shown that asparagus contains amino acids and minerals that can help to overcome a hangover. It is also thought to be able to protect the cells of the liver against the toxic effects of alcohol. Include some in your breakfast and it may help the rest of your day to go better.


Health Benefit #3: Helps with Weight Loss

Just about anybody that has tried to lose weight can tell you how difficult it can be. One of the most difficult things is to limit how much you eat. After all, hunger is a very difficult temptation to resist. Eat plenty of asparagus, though, and you could be well on your way to shedding those extra pounds.

Asparagus is low in calories as well as being nutritious. It is also a very good source of fiber and this helps to make us feel full in addition to helping to keep the digestive system healthy. This helps to reduce our calorie intake overall which will, in turn, help us to lose weight.


Health Benefit #4: Prevents UTI Infections

The urinary tract is responsible for removing pathogens and toxins from the body. As such, it is naturally a place where many pathogens are found. This is not usually a problem because they are flushed from the body before they can do any harm. If the system is not working as well as it should, though, then problems can occur.

One cause of urinary tract infections is not urinating enough, causing pathogens to remain in the system. This can be helped with an amino acid called asparagine, and this can be found in asparagus. Keep plenty of asparagus in your diet and it can help to prevent you from developing any urinary tract infections.


Health Benefit #5: Aphrodisiac

Getting some privacy alone with your partner is not easy for some people, especially those with children and busy job schedules. As such, it can be important to be in the mood whenever the opportunity does arise but even this is not always easy. If you or your partner are struggling to get in the mood, though, then you could try eating some asparagus.

Asparagus is a good source of both folate and vitamin B6, both of which can help people to get in the mood. It also contains vitamin E, which is also known to help people get aroused. What’s even better is that it can be effective in both men and women.


Health Benefit #6: Improves Mood

Feeling a bit down? It happens to all of us from time to time. Life can be tough and it can be difficult to keep our spirits high all of the time. There are some things you can do to help maintain a good mood, though, such as exercising and eating well. Including asparagus in your diet could also help make a difference.

There is known to be a link between vitamin B12 and folate, and mood. Asparagus is a good source of both so eating plenty of it could help to keep the blues away. It also contains a compound known as tryptophan and this is also thought to be able to improve mood.


Health Benefit #7: Heals Wounds

Bumps, cuts, and scratches are just a part of life for a lot of people. Even people that generally take care are not immune to picking up injuries. It is not usually a problem for us, however, because we are quite good at healing our own wounds. That’s provided the wounds we acquire are not too severe of course.

One substance that helps with healing is collagen. It works by attracting certain cells that are responsible for patching us up to the damaged area. Asparagus can help to stimulate the production of collagen and this can, in turn, accelerate healing.


Health Benefit #8: Healthy Skin

Most of us want to look as young as possible as we get older. We will often try to achieve this through lotions and other cosmetics, while it would also help to look after ourselves in general. This includes eating a healthy, balanced diet, and including asparagus in the diet can be a big help.

Asparagus is a good source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to prevent the effects of aging on the skin. Asparagus is also generally healthy overall and keeping in good health will also help to keep your skin looking young and beautiful.


Health Benefit #9: Healthy Blood

Our blood is the color it is because it contains a lot of iron. This metal is so important to us because it enables our red blood cells to carry oxygen. This then means that the blood is able to transport the oxygen to wherever it is needed in the body.

Asparagus is a good source of iron, helping to keep the blood healthy and able to carry all the oxygen it needs. A serving will provide around 16% of what you need every day. It can also help to keep your blood healthy by keeping you in good condition overall.


Health Benefit #10: Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation can be the cause of many ailments, some of which can be very difficult to live with. Arthritis, for example, is largely caused by inflammation and this can be very painful while also limiting mobility. Eat the right foods, though, and you could help to keep inflammation at bay. One of these foods is asparagus.

Asparagus has anti-inflammatory properties which could make it ideal for people with arthritis and other conditions caused by inflammation. Even if it does not make the symptoms go away completely, it might at least help to make the patient feel more comfortable in everyday life.


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