Health Benefits of Asafoetida

By lio
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Amalraj, Augustine, and Sreeraj Gopi. 'Biological Activities and Medicinal Properties of Asafoetida: A Review.' Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Elsevier, 20 Dec. 2016,
  • 2. Mahendra, Poonam, and Shradha Bisht. 'Ferula Asafoetida: Traditional Uses and Pharmacological Activity.' Pharmacognosy Reviews, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, July 2012,
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Asafoetida is a spice used in some South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines to add a garlic or onion-like flavor to dishes. From the gum of a type of fennel plant, asafoetida has a strong smell and taste.

But asafoetida is more than a complement to a dish. It has been used in folk medicines to treat all kinds of ailments and conditions. Although the research into its use is limited, this spice shows potential to have a surprising diversity of medical benefits. Asafoetida may help with various illness, from the brain to digestion, and more studies are underway.1Amalraj, Augustine, and Sreeraj Gopi. ‘Biological Activities and Medicinal Properties of Asafoetida: A Review.’ Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Elsevier, 20 Dec. 2016,


1. Protecting the Brain

Asafoetida has an interesting effect on the brain. In multiple experiments with lab rats, asafoetida extract was effective in protecting the brain from neurological toxins and damage. More interestingly, male rats given the extract scored better on tests of memory than they did before. This effect was even observed in rats with dementia-like illnesses.

Researchers think this may be due to sulfur and other biologically active compounds in asafoetida. There is hope that asafoetida extract could be used in medicines or treatments to prevent or even one day cure cases of amnesia and memory loss.1Amalraj, Augustine, and Sreeraj Gopi. ‘Biological Activities and Medicinal Properties of Asafoetida: A Review.’ Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Elsevier, 20 Dec. 2016,


2. Preventing Gas

Asafoetida may be one of the best available remedies for excess gas. As a home remedy for a painful, distended stomach, a person can soak a cloth in warm water mixed with asafoetida and place it on their stomach.

If a person is concerned with gas, it’s better to use asafoetida as part of a compress on the affected area than to ingest large amounts of it. Eating too much asafoetida in one sitting can cause diarrhea or other digestive issues.2Mahendra, Poonam, and Shradha Bisht. ‘Ferula Asafoetida: Traditional Uses and Pharmacological Activity.’ Pharmacognosy Reviews, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, July 2012,


3. Anti-Inflammatory

In a study of two groups of 50 patients, each took asafoetida resin by mouth. Among the patients with irritable bowl syndrome, asafoetida caused a slight reduction in inflammation and irritation. It’s possible asafoetida may be used in larger clinical trials in the future.2Mahendra, Poonam, and Shradha Bisht. ‘Ferula Asafoetida: Traditional Uses and Pharmacological Activity.’ Pharmacognosy Reviews, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, July 2012,

In rare cases, some people may be allergic to asafoetida powder or even the spice itself. But for those with allergies to garlic or onion, asafoetida could be a useful alternative when seasoning food.1Amalraj, Augustine, and Sreeraj Gopi. ‘Biological Activities and Medicinal Properties of Asafoetida: A Review.’ Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Elsevier, 20 Dec. 2016,


4. Treatment for Menstrual Issues

In South Asia, asafoetida mixed with ghee, goat’s milk and honey has been used as a treatment for infertility, miscarriage and painful or heavy periods. It has also been taken after childbirth to help with recovery.

Asafoetida may encourage the body to produce progesterone, a hormone that helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and get the uterus ready for pregnancy. Progesterone is also used in many birth controls, and there is evidence that some asafoetida preparations can help prevent unwanted pregnancy.2Mahendra, Poonam, and Shradha Bisht. ‘Ferula Asafoetida: Traditional Uses and Pharmacological Activity.’ Pharmacognosy Reviews, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, July 2012,


5. Aids Digestion

Many of the digestive powders and herbal remedies on the market contain asafoetida. For centuries, asafoetida has been used to help with digestive issues. Studies on rats indicated that extracts of asafoetida can protect the stomach against some types of ulcers.2Mahendra, Poonam, and Shradha Bisht. ‘Ferula Asafoetida: Traditional Uses and Pharmacological Activity.’ Pharmacognosy Reviews, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, July 2012,

These digestive effects have been repeated in multiple animal studies. Among adult female rats, spices like fenugreek, mustard and asafoetida have been shown to encourage digestive enzymes to work more actively. This can help with issues in the stomach and pancreas.1Amalraj, Augustine, and Sreeraj Gopi. ‘Biological Activities and Medicinal Properties of Asafoetida: A Review.’ Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Elsevier, 20 Dec. 2016,


6. Relaxant

Part of the digestive benefits of asafoetida might be credited to its ability to help relax smooth muscles like the ones found in the intestine. Multiple studies on rats and guinea pigs have demonstrated asafoetida’s relaxant qualities on muscles.

Asafoetida has been shown to help prevent many kinds of muscle spasms. Not only can this be beneficial for digestive issues or to help ease painful muscle spasms, but it may help with blood pressure as well.1Amalraj, Augustine, and Sreeraj Gopi. ‘Biological Activities and Medicinal Properties of Asafoetida: A Review.’ Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Elsevier, 20 Dec. 2016,


7. Lowers Blood Pressure

Hypertension is another word for high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a dangerous problem for many people. That’s why research has been conducted into asafoetida’s promising benefits to cardiac health.

Vascular smooth muscle contractions can affect blood pressure, so asafoetida’s ability to relax those muscles may be helpful. Studies on rabbits, dogs and rats have all shown that asafoetida can help lower blood pressure and combat hypertension, particularly in the arteries.2Mahendra, Poonam, and Shradha Bisht. ‘Ferula Asafoetida: Traditional Uses and Pharmacological Activity.’ Pharmacognosy Reviews, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, July 2012,


8. Counteracts Opium

An interesting fact about the asafoetida herb is that it can counteract the effects of opium when taken in comparable amounts. Given that opium poppies and asafoetida grow in similar parts of the world, this treatment has been used to ease or undo unwanted or negative effects of opium consumption.

In the modern day, with opioid drug addiction becoming a pressing concern, perhaps future research into asafoetida could help manage drug addictions.2Mahendra, Poonam, and Shradha Bisht. ‘Ferula Asafoetida: Traditional Uses and Pharmacological Activity.’ Pharmacognosy Reviews, Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd, July 2012,


9. Antimicrobial

There are many types of tiny bacteria, fungi and other living cells in the world that can make people sick, and no one medicine can combat all of them. But asafoetida has long been used as a folk remedy against some types of fungi and bacteria.

Research into asafoetida suggests that it may be effective against many types of microbes, including E. coli and some particularly severe strains of staph infection. Asafoetida could prove in the future to be a helpful alternative to other antibiotics.1Amalraj, Augustine, and Sreeraj Gopi. ‘Biological Activities and Medicinal Properties of Asafoetida: A Review.’ Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Elsevier, 20 Dec. 2016,


10. Preventing Cancer

Different types of cancer have different causes, and it’s not always possible to prevent tumors. But some animal studies into asafoetida extract have found that it may help reduce and prevent some types of tumors.

Asafoetida also has an antioxidant effect, which may prevent cancer and heart disease. Some particles in the body, from either outside toxins or natural processes, can react in harmful ways that contribute to tumors and heart problems. Asafoetida has been shown to prevent these effects.1Amalraj, Augustine, and Sreeraj Gopi. ‘Biological Activities and Medicinal Properties of Asafoetida: A Review.’ Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Elsevier, 20 Dec. 2016,


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