10 Health Benefits of Artichokes

By james
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Artichokes are a variety of thistle. The head of the plant is eaten before it is able to bloom into a flower. It is not edible once it has bloomed.

Artichokes are used in a variety of dishes and are particularly popular in the Mediterranean region. They are often eaten roasted or grilled, while some people like to grow them as garden plants.

As well as being delicious, artichokes are a very good source of numerous important vitamins and minerals. They are thought to provide us with a range of health benefits, some of which are described below.


Health Benefit #1: Healthy Bones

Hidden away behind flesh and skin, it can be easy to overlook the importance of keeping our skeleton healthy. It is very important indeed, however, and we would soon notice should the health of our skeletons begin to deteriorate. Fortunately, artichokes can help keep it in good condition.

Artichokes are a very good source of minerals such as manganese, phosphorous, and magnesium. These are all able to help promote bone health, increasing the density of minerals to keep our bones strong. This, in turn, helps to prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.


Health Benefit #2: Healthy Heart

The need to keep our hearts in good condition is more obvious. A healthy heart is essential to good health overall and heart disease can be very dangerous for us. Get plenty of artichokes in your diet, though, and you will be helping to keep your heart in great condition.

Artichokes contain compounds that can help to reduce the levels of bad cholesterols, while also increasing the levels of good cholesterols. Bad cholesterols can build up in the blood vessels, potentially causing blocks that can be very dangerous indeed. Artichokes can help prevent this from occurring, though.


Health Benefit #3: Healthy Liver

The liver is quite a large organ that is found just above the stomach. It helps to filter toxins from our bodies and also has other functions such as producing certain digestive chemicals. It is very important to us and we cannot live without it. It therefore makes a lot of sense to look after it.

The liver is a good source of silymarin and cynarin. These are antioxidants and both have been shown to be able to keep the liver in good condition by helping to reduce the presence of otherwise harmful toxins. Some studies have shown that these compounds may even be able to help repair liver cells that have been damaged.


Health Benefit #4: Protects against Cancer

Cancer is still something that is very much a threat to us. We have made some progress, but we are still far from the point where cancer is no longer dangerous to us. It can affect any person at any age, but we can take some measures to help reduce our chances of getting the dreadful disease.

Studies have shown that artichokes are able to help protect us against cancer. It is a very good source of antioxidants and these can help to prevent the kind of damage to cells that lead to cancer. Include some artichokes in your diet regularly and you could be reducing your chances of falling ill with cancer.


Health Benefit #5: Healthy Blood Pressure

As important as it is to maintain a healthy blood pressure, it can be difficult to achieve. Some people have conditions that cause a high blood pressure, while our lifestyles also have a big impact. The good news is that there are various foods that we can include in our diets that will help us to keep our blood pressure at safe levels.

Sodium is notorious for increasing our blood pressure. Artichoke is a good source of potassium, a compound that helps to negate the effects of sodium. This can have numerous positive effects on our health overall, including reducing the chances of a heart attack.


Health Benefit #6: Hangover Cure

Drinking alcohol is a popular pastime for millions of people across the planet. It can be a lot of fun, although people should always be aware of the health risks involved. There is also the matter of feeling quite ill the next day, and people are often on the search for the perfect hangover cure.

The answer to the cure may well lay with artichokes. One cause of a hangover is a high level of toxins in the body and artichokes can help to eliminate them from the body. For some people, chewing on some artichoke leaves after a night of drinking is an effective method of dealing with a hangover.


Health Benefit #7: Healthy Brain

A healthy brain is essential for good health overall. Unfortunately, though, many peoples’ brain will deteriorate as they get older, causing conditions such as Alzheimer’s, which can be devastating to families. There is still a lot more to be learned about such conditions, but there are some ways that we can help keep brains as healthy as possible.

Artichokes are a good source of phosphorous, a compound that is important for brain cells. Indeed, studies have shown that there is a link between cognitive ability and a lack of phosphorus. Artichokes are also a vasodilator, which means that they help to widen the blood vessels.


Health Benefit #8: Healthy Digestive System

Our digestive system enables us to get the nutrition that we need from our meals. This nutrition is essential to us; therefore, a healthy digestive system is also very important. One way to look after our digestive system is to make sure we eat the right types of food.

One of the best foodstuffs we can eat to keep our digestive system in good condition is fiber. This is plentiful in many fruits and vegetables and artichokes are no exception. Including it in your diet can help to ensure smooth and regular bowel movements as well as reducing other problems such as flatulence and bloating.


Health Benefit #9: Healthy Birth

A new arrival in the family can be one of the most exciting experiences of all. Pregnant women are encouraged to do what they can to help ensure the baby develops well. The vast majority of pregnant women will do what they can to keep the baby healthy, but that does not guarantee that all will go well.

Artichokes are a very good source of folic acid. This compound is able to help prevent neural tube defects, and this can help prevent deformities and other problems from occurring. As such, it is highly recommendable that pregnant women get plenty of artichokes in their diets.


Health Benefit #10: Metabolism Boost

The metabolism is the process of turning our food into energy and building blocks. Some people have a higher metabolism than others, and these people will generally be more energetic, physically and mentally. There are some foods we can eat that will help to give our metabolism a boost.

Artichokes are a good source of magnesium and this can help to give the metabolism a boost. It also helps to improve how much calcium we absorb and this is beneficial for the skeleton. Eating some artichokes in the day can be a great way to give yourself a much-needed boost.


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