10 Surprisingly Gluten Free Foods

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318606.php
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Having an intolerance to certain types of food can make life quite complicated for people. They will need to eliminate certain foods from their diet and this could potentially leave them with a very limited selection to choose from. This, in turn, could lead to nutritional problems, as well as a diet that is not appealing.

One common intolerance is to gluten, a protein that is found in wheat 1https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318606.php. While this will mean that wheat products need to be eliminated, the good news is that there are still so many more foods that can be eaten. Some of the foods that we suspect of containing gluten can surprisingly contain none at all. Here’s a look at some of those gluten-free foods that might raise your eyebrows.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free Food #1: Corn Tortillas

Tortillas are easy to use and allow us to make delicious and nutritious meals. Fill your tortillas with a wide range of ingredients. They keep well in the fridge to be enjoyed at a later time.

Another great thing about corn tortillas is that they contain no gluten, which is great for people that are intolerant to the protein. This helps people to have a diet that is delicious, as well as giving them the nutrition they need. Just bear in mind that although corn tortillas don’t contain gluten, you’ll also need to make sure your filling ingredients are gluten-free as well.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free Food #2: Potato Chips

Tasty and easy to eat, potato chips are a popular snack around the world. They come in numerous flavors and can also be served up alongside other foods, and they are just great with a selection of dips. An added bonus is that they are fine for people that are on a no-gluten diet.

Potatoes contain no gluten whatsoever and the process of making potato chips will also rarely involve gluten. You should check first to be sure in case, though, as some flavorings and ingredients might contain the protein. Also, bear in mind that potato chips can be quite fattening but there is no harm in enjoying them in moderation.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free Food #3: Nuts

Nuts come in a wide variety, meaning that there is likely something that everybody will like. They are also packed with protein and healthy fats as well as various vitamins and minerals. The good news is that nuts also contain no gluten making them suitable for people that have an intolerance to the protein.

Nuts are popular in healthy living circles because of the nutrition they provide. They can be used in cooking, as a side dish with meals and also eaten as a snack. Bear in mind that they have a high caloric value, making them potentially very fattening, but they are very good for you when eaten in moderation.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free Food #4: Oats

Oats are commonly found in breakfast cereals but that is not the only way they can be used. They can also be used as an ingredient in a wide range of dishes and can even be found in cakes and pastries. They also contain no gluten, which means that even more people can allow them into their diet.

Oats are also very filling and low in calories making them ideal for people that are on a weight loss diet. What’s more is that they are also a good source of protein and other vitamins and minerals. They are also easy to cook with, making them suitable for people that have busy schedules.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free Food #5: Meats

Many of us would find it difficult to do without meats in our diets. Meats come in a wide range of varieties and can be used in a huge range of dishes. If you are concerned about having to remove meat from your diet due to a gluten intolerance then you can relax, because there is no gluten in meat.

In addition to having no gluten, meat is also packed full of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Being able to include meat in gluten-free diets means that such a diet does not have to be boring but can be sumptuous and varied.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free Food #6: Potatoes

While potato chips have already been mentioned, potatoes themselves are used a great deal in cooking. Depending on how they are cooked, potatoes can be very good for us and a great source of fiber and other vitamins and minerals. They can also be eaten by people that are on a gluten-free diet.

For an easy and healthy meal, baked potatoes can be eaten with a range of other ingredients that make them simply delicious. Potatoes can also be roasted and fried and can be found in a huge range of dishes. Just bear in mind that while potatoes contain no gluten, the other ingredients you are cooking with need to be gluten-free too.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free Food #7: Corn

Hot corn on the cob dripping with butter is just irresistible to many people. This sweet grain, also known as maize, is popular all over the world and is used in a wide range of dishes. It can also be eaten by people that have an intolerance to gluten.

Corn can also be ground down into a flour that can be used to make bread and also thicken soups. It is also served up as a side dish and its fiber, vitamin and mineral content help to make for a well-balanced diet. Its low-calorie content also makes it popular in a wide selection of health food dishes.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free Food #8: Yogurt

Yogurt is a great source of various vitamins and minerals and is a great source of protein. It is also a probiotic, meaning that it will help maintain a healthy balance of useful bacteria in your digestive system. It is often eaten on its own or mixed with other ingredients for breakfast and it can also be used as an ingredient in cooking.

Another benefit to many people is that yogurt is also gluten-free. This makes it a welcome addition for many people as they can add something tasty and nutritious to their diets. Even though yogurt is naturally gluten-free, bear in mind that it may be contaminated with gluten during the production process so make sure you get a gluten-free variety.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free Food #9: Quinoa

Virtually unknown outside of South American countries until relatively recently, quinoa has seen a surge in popularity, and for very good reasons. The small seeds are very nutritious, leading many to consider it to be a superfood. Another bonus is that it is suitable for people that are on a gluten-free diet.

The tiny seeds can be used in a wide range of dishes, making for something that is delicious as well as nutritious. Such is its nutritional value that ancient tribes used to consider it to be somewhat mystical. Regardless of whether or not its claimed mystical properties are true, it is certainly worth a try.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free Food #10: Rice

Rice is a grain, as is wheat, so it is often thought rice too would contain gluten. The good news, though, is that rice doesn’t contain any gluten at all. High in fiber and filling, rice is a staple diet in many parts of the world and is used in cooking across the planet.

One of the biggest advantages of rice is that it is so easy to prepare, making it suitable for people that have little time for cooking. It is commonly used in curry dishes from around the world but is also versatile enough to be used in a wide range of other cuisines.

Gluten Free

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