10 Benefits of Ginseng

By tallene
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Ginseng is the root of multiple plants in the genus Panax. There are various ginseng species, including Asian ginseng and American ginseng. For thousands of years, ginseng has been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of conditions. Ginseng lowers blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, reduces stress, and boosts energy. It can be easily chewed or added to your favorite tea, soup, or smoothie.


Ginseng Benefit #1: Lowers Blood Sugar

Everyone can benefit from maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. However, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels can be quite tricky, especially for people with diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance or the inability of the body to produce insulin.

Studies on the effects of ginseng on blood sugar levels showed that people with type 2 diabetes had improved hemoglobin A1c levels after twelve weeks of ginseng supplementation. Overall, using ginseng was more effective at reducing fasting blood glucose levels compared to individuals who were not consuming ginseng.


Ginseng Benefit #2: Lowers Cholesterol

Heart disease continues to be the number-one cause of death. Lowering cholesterol is essential to reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. Cholesterol can build up in the arteries, causing atherosclerosis and heart disease. Studies show that ginseng root in powder form suppresses cholesterogenesis and, therefore, reduces LDL cholesterol in the body 1.


Ginseng Benefit #3: Increases Estrogen Levels in Women

Estrogen is the primary female hormone responsible for regulating the reproductive system. Endometriosis, fibroids, infertility, painful periods, and premenstrual tension are just some of the reproductive-system problems some women face in their lifetime.

Recent studies have shown that Korean red ginseng activates estrogen receptors, which helps increase estrogen levels in women 2. However, more research needs to be conducted on the effects of ginseng on estrogen levels.


Ginseng Benefit #4: Improves Memory and Concentration

The most common signs of a cognitive disorder include confusion, poor motor coordination, and loss of short-term and long-term memory. Many of us even often deal with relatively minor conditions, such as brain fog. What if there was a magic pill or drink that could help you improve your memory and concentration? Ginseng might be the answer. For thousands of years, ginseng has been used to improve memory and concentration. Studies have shown that people who consume ginseng on a daily basis have improved memory quality and secondary memory 3.


Ginseng Benefit #5: Boosts Energy

Do you ever need an energy boost to get you through the day? Your first thought might be to pick up a cup of coffee. However, that cup of coffee might make your energy crash afterward. A cup of ginseng tea or a ginseng supplement might be a better choice.

Ginseng is proven to boost energy, strength, and endurance. For years, ginseng has been used as a natural remedy to increase strength and stamina. Moreover, studies have also shown that ginseng can help with fatigue in cancer patients 4.


Ginseng Benefit #6: Prevents Erectile Dysfunction

So, how can ginseng help men? For hundreds of years, ginseng has been used to increase and improve the libido and sexual function in men. Recent studies have shown that 60 percent of participants had improved sexual function and libido 5. (The men in the study used Korean red ginseng.)


Ginseng Benefit #7: Protects against Cancer

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells that can happen anywhere in the body and can then spread. Dealing with cancer can be extremely difficult for anyone. Preventing the disease is essential for everyone.

Studies have shown that ginseng has antitumor properties and may even protect against some kinds of cancers, including liver, pancreatic, stomach, and ovarian cancers 6. Studies have also shown that ginseng reduces the risk of lung cancer in people who smoke.


Ginseng Benefit #8: Enhances Your Immune System

The immune system is responsible for defending our bodies against disease-causing microorganisms. There are a variety of ways to improve our immune systems, including exercising daily, maintaining a healthy weight, getting adequate sleep, and minimizing stress. What we eat can also really make a difference. Studies have shown that ginseng increases the number of immune cells in the blood, and so it helps boost the immune system. Ginseng can also reduce the risk of getting the common cold 7.


Ginseng Benefit #9: Reduces Stress and Fatigue

Managing stress is essential for having a healthy immune system. If we don’t adequately deal with stress, it can lead to severe complications, such as headaches, fatigue, muscle pain, difficulty sleeping, and even a change in sex drive.

Ginseng is an adaptogen, which helps make you more resilient to physical, emotional, and mental stress. Adaptogens reduce the stress hormone cortisol and thus strengthen the adrenal glands.


Ginseng Benefit #10: Treats Insomnia

Insomnia can be caused by anxiety, stress, and depression. Not getting enough sleep can lead to additional health complications or other emotional and physiological conditions. Ginseng might be able to treat insomnia, but more research needs to be conducted. Nevertheless, a recent study demonstrated that taking 1500 mg of red ginseng extract daily improved overall sleep 8.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6882511 

  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3659583/ 

  3. https://www.salubrainous.com/ginseng-for-memory/ 

  4. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/262982.php 

  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2561113/ 

  6. https://bebrainfit.com/ginseng-benefits/ 

  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16945454 

  8. https://www.kgcus.com/blog/korean-red-ginseng-effective-natural-supplement-to-promote-sleep/ 

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