10 Fruits Dogs Can Eat

By james
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Dogs are mainly considered to be carnivores, meaning that they need to eat meat to survive. This is largely true and if they do not get sufficient meat in their diets then they are likely to fall very ill. This does not mean to say that they cannot eat some other food, though, and many dogs just love to eat fruits.

It is important to be careful when feeding fruits to dogs. Many types of fruit can be harmful to them because of compounds that the average pooch will have difficulty breaking down.

Many types of fruit, however, are not only harmless but also beneficial. Here are just a few of the fruits that you can feed to your dog without concern.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit #1: Apples

An apple a day keeps the vet away. Well, why not? After all, apples are packed full of nutrition that is good for dogs as well as for people. Vitamin C helps to keep their immune system strong, while apples are also a very good source of fiber that will help to keep their digestive system healthy.

Treat your dog to some apple slices from time to time and you will be helping to ensure that they stay healthy and well. Chewing apples can also help to scrape tartar off their teeth, helping to maintain their oral hygiene. Just bear in mind though that the seeds contain arsenic so too many can make them quite ill.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit #2: Cucumber

Cucumber is often thought to be a vegetable but, technically speaking, it is actually a fruit. It is also a fruit that you can feed to your pooch without any concern. Not only are they safe but they are also packed full of valuable vitamins and minerals.

Cucumbers are also filling and low in calories, making them ideal for dogs that need to lose some weight. They are also recommended for dogs that have problems with bad breath. You could try cutting some up and adding it to their food, or even just feeding it to them by hand.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit #3: Cantaloupe

Many dogs just love the taste of cantaloupe. Fortunately, it is also very safe for them to eat. It is also a very good source of vitamins and fiber that will help to keep your pooch in excellent condition. Cantaloupe is also a good source of folic acid that helps to keep your dog’s blood as healthy as it can be.

They just love to eat cantaloupe slices and small slices make for delicious treats. If you so wanted, you could also try mixing it in with their other food to provide additional vitamins and minerals. Just be mindful that the skin and seeds should be removed first.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit #4: Bananas

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits on the planet, enjoyed by people in all corners of the world. It is not only people that enjoy them, of course, and dogs also like to get tucked into that delicious yellow banana flesh. Not only will your pooch enjoy them, but they will also benefit from the high nutrient content.

In addition to the vitamins and fiber bananas provide, they are also a good source of carbohydrates, which will help give your pooch plenty of energy. Bananas are also a good source of potassium, which is necessary for various functions in the body.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit #5: Blueberries

A lot of dogs just love sweet treats, and they will happily scoff down any desserts you give them. This includes desserts that contain blueberries which, are very safe for your dog to eat. Not only that but they are also packed full of important vitamins and minerals.

Blueberries are a good source of antioxidants. This helps to protect your dog from oxidation, which causes damage to the body at the cellular level. Just bear in mind that having too many at once could upset their stomach, so limit them to just a few from time to time as the occasional treat.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit #6: Watermelon

There are very few people in the world that don’t like to get tucked into a juicy watermelon. They are often used in various dishes but it is also great just to cut one up and eat it as it is. The next time you are enjoying a juicy watermelon, don’t forget that your dog can have some as well.

Not only are watermelons safe for dogs but they are also a very good source of vitamins. What’s more is that watermelons are made of around 92% of water. This can help to keep your pooch well hydrated on a hot summer’s day.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit #7: Oranges

The high vitamin content of oranges is well known. Indeed, they are often recommended to people that are sick because oranges can give a boost to the functioning of the immune system. It is not only people that can benefit, however, as your dog can also enjoy them.

While oranges are safe for your dog, bear in mind that their acidic nature can be tough on their stomach. With this in mind, you should avoid giving them too much. You should also be sure that you remove the rind. Oranges easily break apart into individual segments and these can provide a tasty treat for your pooch.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit #8: Cranberries

Cranberries are another fruit that you can give to your pup without concern. They are also full of important nutrients that can help keep your dog’s immune system strong and keep their digestive system in good condition. They could also help to prevent urinary tract infections from occurring in your pup.

Cranberries can be fed to your dog just as they are, but be mindful not to give them so much as to upset their stomach. Just try 2–3 to begin with to see how they react. Cranberries are also often used in snacks and you can also try adding them with their normal food to add a bit of flavor.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit #9: Pumpkin

Pumpkin is another fruit that is often mistaken for a vegetable. It is delicious served up in a wide variety of ways including roasted to being baked in a pie. Dogs also like to enjoy pumpkin and it is full of nutrients that will help maintain their health.

Pumpkin can be very good for your pet’s digestive system, helping to alleviate both constipation and diarrhea. It is also able to help ensure that their cardiovascular system is strong and healthy. When it comes to Halloween or any other time you are enjoying pumpkin, don’t forget to give your dog a tasty treat.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruit #10: Pear

Pears are another food that most dogs will just love to get their teeth into. They are very safe for dogs to eat and also packed full of important nutrients. It is an excellent source of numerous vitamins as well as compounds and metals such as potassium, copper, and pectin.

Pears are also a good source of probiotics. This means that they are able to help regulate your pooch’s digestive system, keeping them healthy and strong. You can feed fresh pears to your dog after slicing them up, while pear-based products are also available that make a nutritious supplement to your pet’s food.

Fruits Dogs Can Eat

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