10 Foods To Avoid With IBS

By james
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Very few people will go through life without ever experiencing some kind of discomfort in their digestive system. Our digestive systems can actually be quite sensitive, and eating the wrong type of food can turn out to be very uncomfortable indeed. Some people will find that their digestive systems are far more sensitive than others.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition that can lead to considerable pain and discomfort after eating. It can also lead to other problems such as gas and violent diarrhea which can make things very awkward socially for the patient. There are certain foods that are known to trigger IBS, and should be avoided or at least kept to a minimum.


IBS Food To Avoid #1: Caffeine

Millions of people all over the world start the day with a dose of their favorite drug… caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that helps to give us a perk in the mornings and helps to keep us going on long and difficult days. It is commonly found in tea and coffee and is also common in carbonated beverages such as Pepsi and Coke.

Caffeine’s stimulating properties are a problem for people with IBS, though. The substance can also stimulate the digestive system and this is not good news for IBS sufferers. Even people without IBS can find that caffeine will give them an upset stomach.


IBS Food To Avoid #2: Broccoli

Vegetables are good for us. They contain a lot of essential nutrients and help to ensure we have a healthy, balanced diet. If you don’t have sufficient vegetables in your diet then you will find it is not long before you begin falling ill. Unfortunately for some people, though, some vegetables are off the menu.

Broccoli causes gas, and this is not at all good for people that suffer from IBS. Broccoli is most likely to cause gas when eaten raw so cooking it in ways such as steaming or boiling might help prevent IBS symptoms. This goes for other cruciferous vegetables, including Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale.


IBS Food To Avoid #3: Dairy

It can be hard to imagine life without dairy. Many of us rely on it for breakfast and it is also commonly used in cooking. Cakes require eggs, countless dishes need milk and, of course, food like eggs can be delicious even when cooked alone. There’s also the nutritional value to consider and they are an excellent source of calcium and protein as well as other things.

As humans, we are just not good at processing dairy. Indeed, it was only in the last 10,000 years or so that we evolved to be able to consume it at all. While most of us can still process it reasonably well, people with IBS are likely to encounter problems when eating it.


IBS Food To Avoid #4: Beans

Beans are a very convenient food as they are generally very easy to prepare. They also tend to come processed and almost ready to serve, with little left to do other than heating them. They are also a good source of plant proteins and other nutrients. Beans make a popular meal for students and other people that are on a budget and not really interested in cooking.

Beans are also known for their ability to cause gas, though. Indeed, their ability to cause gas has made them be the focus of many toilet humor related gags. This is a problem for people with IBS, many of whom will need to keep clear.


IBS Food To Avoid #5: Fried Food

It can be difficult to resist fried food. Its crispy texture makes it irresistible and the range of foods that can be fried is enormous. Many junk foods are fried, while you can also find fried foods in the finest of restaurants around the world. Unfortunately, though, fried food is not good for us.

Fried foods contain a lot of fat and this can lead to obesity and other potentially severe problems. What’s more is that the high fat content is not good for our digestive system and many people can experience cramps and other problems after eating fried food. For people with IBS, though, the problem can be significantly worse.


IBS Food To Avoid #6: Gluten

Mankind has been using wheat, and other grains, for thousands of years. It is usually ground down to create flour and this flour is then used to make bread, cakes and a wide range of other goodies. Bread and other delicious wheat-based foods are found on dinner tables around the world.

There is a problem with wheat, though, which means a lot of people are not able to eat wheat-based products. This problem is gluten. Gluten is a type of protein that’s found in wheat. A lot of people have difficulty processing gluten and some are even allergic to it. For people with IBS, it may be necessary to keep well clear of products containing gluten.


IBS Food To Avoid #7: Alcohol

If you’ve been going through a rough time, sometimes all you want is to go out and enjoy a few drinks with friends. There are risks associated with drinking alcohol but for most people it’s little more than a chance to relax and have some fun. Unfortunately for some, though, even enjoying a drink or two is not an option.

Alcohol stimulates the gut. It has the effect of causing food to move along the digestive tract faster than usual and this can lead to considerable discomfort even in people that don’t have IBS. Then, of course, there’s the gas to consider. If you would like a drink, distilled drinks are less likely to cause symptoms.


IBS Food To Avoid #8: Artificial Sweeteners

We are often reminded of the necessity to minimise the amount of sugar in our diet. Refined sugar in particular needs to be consumed in moderation, no matter how good it might make your food taste. Our body struggles to metabolize refined sugar and it ends up being converted into fat instead. This can lead to obesity, while too much can also cause other problems like diabetes.

Many people choose to switch to ‘healthier’ options such as artificial sweeteners instead. Sugar-free and low in calories, they can be useful to people that are watching their weight. They can be difficult for us to process, though, and can cause real problems for people with IBS.


IBS Food To Avoid #9: Red Meat

A delicious, filling roast with succulent roast beef is hard to resist. The same goes for a juicy burger and the smell of a bacon sandwich smelling is also likely to get the mouth watering. Not only is red meat delicious, but it is also an excellent source of high-quality proteins and other important nutrients.

Unfortunately for people with IBS, though, even red meat can be off the menu. Many red meats are heavily processed, meaning they include additives which can cause havoc with sensitive stomachs. Red meats are also low in water and fibre which also contributes to digestion difficulties.


IBS Food To Avoid #10: Chocolate

It can sometimes seem as though life has been set out to deliberately tease us. Where food is concerned, the stuff we like the least is the stuff that is best for us. Likewise, the stuff we like the most is the worst for us. Among the foods that people like the best is chocolate and, unfortunately, it too is something that should only be eaten in moderation.

Dark chocolate, however, is known to be healthier than other types. It can even be beneficial in moderate amounts. Even dark chocolate can be off the list for people with IBS, though, as it is likely to trigger IBS symptoms.


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