10 Foods That Help With Depression

By james
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Depression is a very serious illness. In fact, it is among the biggest killers of people in a certain age group. There is still a great deal that we don’t know about it, including how to treat it, but we are making progress.

We have learned that there is often a strong correlation between depression and what we eat. Many foods contain many nutrients that help to keep us well and keep our immune system strong, and these can have an impact on depression. Some compounds are also thought to have a more direct effect, helping to prevent, or at least limit, the severity of symptoms.

Here’s a look at just a few foods that you could include in your diet to help prevent depression.


Helpful Food #1: Walnuts

Many of us will only see walnuts around Christmas, but they are available all year round. They are great alone as a snack but they are also often used in cooking. In addition to their great taste, they could also be useful in helping to stave off depression.

Walnuts are a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids. These have been shown to be able to support the functioning of the brain and can also help to reduce depression. The fact that many modern diets don’t include these compounds could be contributing to increasing cases of depression.


Helpful Food #2: Mushrooms

Mushrooms are regularly enjoyed all over the planet. There is a huge variety of mushrooms and this means that anybody is likely to find something they enjoy. They can be used in a wide variety of dishes, and they are also packed full of important vitamins and minerals that help to keep us healthy and well.

Mushrooms are probiotics, which means that they are effective at promoting a healthy digestive system. Our digestive system is responsible for manufacturing the majority of our serotonin, which is one of our “feel good” hormones. Mushrooms also help to regulate our blood sugar levels, and this helps to keep our mood stable.


Helpful Food #3: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are among the most popular foods of all. They are found in dishes ranging from curries to pizzas, while they can also be eaten just as they are. They are, of course, very good for us with plenty of vitamins and minerals, while they could also be able to help fight depression.

Tomatoes are a good source of folic acid and alpha-lipoic acid, and both of these have been shown to be effective at fighting depression. Indeed, some studies have shown that there is a correlation between folate deficiency and depression. Tomatoes can help prevent such deficiencies, and help to keep depression at bay as a result.


Helpful Food #4: Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are among the most nutrient-rich foods that are available to us. They are generally packed full of vitamins and minerals in quantities and diversity that few other types of food have. It is often recommended by medical and dietary professionals that you include plenty in your diet.

What’s more is that leafy greens may also be able to help prevent depression. Most types have anti-inflammatories that can help prevent inflammation of the brain, which is at fault of depression in many cases. They also help to keep the immune system strong, and this too will help our overall physical and mental well-being.


Helpful Food #5: Apples

Mankind has been eating apples for as long as we can remember. The fruit has been cultivated all over the world to produce a wide variety of different types. Not only are they tasty and easy to eat, but they also provide important nutrients that help to keep us healthy and well. It is also thought that they may be able to help prevent depression.

Apples are a good source of soluble fiber and this, in turn, can help to regulate blood sugar levels, stabilizing mood. They are also a good source of antioxidants and this can help prevent damage at the cellular level that might otherwise cause inflammation on the brain.


Helpful Food #6: Beans

There’re many ways that you can enjoy beans. One popular method is baked beans, which are easy to prepare, delicious to eat, and also very nutritious. They are also very affordable, making them ideal for people that are on a tight budget. They are also very flexible and you can try using them in just about any dish.

Beans also help to stabilize blood sugar levels, and this can help to stabilize mood. They are also useful in healthy/weight loss diets and this also could go some way to helping prevent depression. Give them a try and you could be well on your way to maintaining good physical and mental health.


Helpful Food #7: Berries

Some people consider berries to be nature’s candies. This would make sense as many manmade candies are made to imitate natural berries. They help to add some sweetness to otherwise dull foods and are very popular in desserts. They are also packed full of goodness that can help to keep us healthy and well.

The vitamins in berries can help to boost our immune system and keeping free from disease can help prevent depression from setting in. What’s more is that they are also a very good source of antioxidants, and these too can help to prevent depression from developing.


Helpful Food #8: Onions

When we think of onions, we often think of the way they can make us cry when we are cutting them. Their fumes can be quite potent, but this does not prevent onions from being a popular food all over the world. They are used in a wide variety of dishes and are also very easy to prepare.

Onions are also a good source of flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory. This can help promote a healthy digestive system and this, in turn, can help to keep our mental health in good condition. They are also a good source of other nutrients that can help maintain a positive overall well-being.


Helpful Food #9: Avocados

Avocados are very fatty for a fruit, but don’t let that put you off. The fats found in avocados are healthy fats and they can help us in numerous ways. They are packed full of nutrition and are often found in healthy-living diets, despite their high fat and calorie content. They can also help to treat and prevent depression.

Avocados are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and this means that they are good for the brain. They are also a good source of oleic acid, which also helps to promote a healthy brain. Their nutrient content also helps to keep us healthy and well overall.


Helpful Food #10: Seeds

Seeds might not sound at all exciting to begin with. They sound as though they belong to some kind of strict diet that does not allow for anything exciting to be enjoyed. They are often underrated, though, and they can be very enjoyable indeed. They are also very good for us and you should try to include as many in your diet as you can.

Seeds are a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids. This means that they can help to prevent depression while also encouraging good mental health and mood overall. If you still don’t feel inspired, then why not have a look online for recipes to see what you can do.


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