10 Foods That Help With Constipation

By james
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The food that we eat takes a while to pass all the way through our digestive system. It needs to because our body needs time to be able to break it down and then absorb nutrients into the body. It can sometimes pass through the body too slowly, though, in a condition that is commonly known as constipation.

Constipation can be quite uncomfortable. It can cause the abdomen area to feel bloated and sore, while things can also get quite painful when it comes to passing large, solid stools.

Constipation can be caused by a variety of things, and there are some foods that can help you to overcome the problem. Below are 10 of these foods to look out for.


Helpful Food #1: Prunes

Prunes are often the go-to food for many people that have difficulties with constipation. These dried plums are easily available so most people should have little difficulty in finding them if needed. Not only do they help with constipation, but they are delicious and also offer a range of other health benefits.

Prunes contain a lot of fiber, and fiber is well known for its ability to aid in digestion. They are also a good source of sorbitol, which is a type of sugar alcohol. Having this in the stomach causes water to be pulled into the colon. This, in turn, can help to ease constipation.


Helpful Food #2: Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are mostly juicy fruits like oranges and grapefruits. In addition to being tasty, they are also famed for being a great source of vitamin C, which helps to keep the immune system as strong as it can be. They can also be very useful for people that have constipation.

The fiber content of citrus fruits can help the digestive system, but they also help in other ways. They contain a compound known as pectin, which has been shown to be able to speed up the rate at which food passes through the digestive system. They also contain flavanol that is also beneficial.


Helpful Food #3: Spinach

All across the world, are parents telling their kids that they need to eat their greens. This is for very good reasons, of course, because green vegetables are an excellent source of many important nutrients. Including them in your diet will go a long way to ensuring that you are well.

Spinach is a very good source of fiber, which can help to get things moving along in the digestive system. The same goes for other green vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Leafy greens are also very flexible and even people that don’t like them are bound to find at least one dish that they enjoy.


Helpful Food #4: Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, and in more ways than one, it would seem. They are packed with the kind of vitamins that help to prevent us from falling ill, which is how the saying came about. They could also help prevent visits to the doctor for problems with constipation.

Apple skins are a very good source of fiber, whereas they are also a good source of pectin. Both of these are able to keep things running smoothly where digestion is concerned. Studies on rats have also shown that apples are able to make stools more frequent, and healthier.


Helpful Food #5: Rye Bread

Bread is an excellent source of fiber and very good at helping the digestive system. It is regularly eaten in the West, but you should make sure that you get the healthiest bread that you can. This means going for bran where possible and also buying breads that are not made using mass-production methods.

Even better, go for rye bread. Rye bread has been shown to be more effective at helping the digestive system than other types of bread. It is also been shown to be more effective at helping with constipation than some laxatives. Not only is it great for the digestive system, but rye bread also tastes good.


Helpful Food #6: Rhubarb

Rhubarb is a plant that is known for, among other things, growing incredibly quickly. In fact, under some conditions, it can even be heard creaking and groaning as it grows larger. The stems are often boiled and can be used in desserts and are also great at breakfast time.

In addition to a high fiber content, rhubarb also contain a compound called sennoside A. This is a natural laxative that also goes by the name of Senna. A study showed that this laxative caused a decrease in levels of aquaporin in rats. This, in turn, meant that there was more water in the digestive system.


Helpful Food #7: Kefir

Kefir is a type of milk that has been fermented. It originated somewhere in the Caucasus Mountains and its name originates from a Turkish word that means pleasant taste. Some people enjoy kefir as a drink, although it can also be used with breakfasts and even as a salad dressing.

Kefir is a probiotic. This means that it contains “good” bacteria that are beneficial for our digestive system. One study has shown that people that drank or ate kefir regularly experienced more regular movements than usual. A study in rats also showed that kefir was beneficial when it came to passing stools.


Helpful Food #8: Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are not closely related to standard potatoes, but they are prepared in a similar way. They can be mashed, roasted, steamed, and even fried, making them an ideal substitute for normal potatoes. What’s more is that they are also good at helping to relieve constipation.

The high fiber content in sweet potatoes makes them good for relieving constipation, but that is not the only reason they can help; sweet potatoes also contain pectin. One study, which used a control group, showed that sweet potatoes could help to alleviate some of the symptoms of constipation.


Helpful Food #9: Figs

Figs come from the fig tree, which is found naturally in the Middle East and parts of Asia. Figs are the fruit of the tree and are edible. They are enjoyed in many parts of the world and are often eaten as they are, although they are sometimes used in cooking.

Just half a cup of figs will provide nearly 30% of your recommended daily fiber intake. They also contain a compound known as ficain, which is thought to be able to help with digestion. A study on dogs showed that fig paste was able to reduce the amount of time that stools took to pass.


Helpful Food #10: Beans

Beans are often used as the subject of jokes when it comes to toilet humor. The association is well-earned because beans are known to be able to cause flatulence. This also means that they can be beneficial to people that may be suffering from constipation.

You will find a lot of fiber in beans, meaning they will help to make sure the digestive system is working well. In addition to helping stools along the digestive system, beans can also help to soften them. This can be quite important when it comes to passing them. Plus, of course, they are delicious and can be prepared in a number of ways.


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