10 Foods That Help With Bloating

By james
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It is not uncommon for us to become bloated. It is often a result of eating too much food, which is understandable because it can be very difficult to say no at times. It can also be caused by consuming carbonated drinks and also eating foods that cause a lot of gas to be released. It can also be caused by certain health conditions.

Bloating can be uncomfortable, even though it will usually pass harmlessly in time. It can also lead to flatulence, which itself can be quite embarrassing.

Regardless of the severity of the condition, you are likely to want to make it go away and this can be achieved with the help of certain foods.


Helpful Bloating Food #1: Watermelon

As the name suggests, watermelon is made up of around 92 percent water. This makes it such a refreshing fruit that is great for hot summers as it helps to keep us well hydrated. In addition to keeping us hydrated, it can also help to get rid of bloat.

Watermelon is a good source of potassium, and the balance between potassium and sodium helps to manage bloat. What’s more is that watermelon is a natural diuretic that can help to relieve us of bloat. It is great eaten just as it is while watermelon also tastes great in a healthy smoothie.


Helpful Bloating Food #2: Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product that is popular all over the world, with numerous different varieties available. It is healthy and nutritious and is also very easy to eat. Yogurt can be enjoyed just as it is while it can also be prepared with other ingredients to make a delicious and nutritious treat.

Some of the ingredients in yogurt are already broken down, meaning it is very easy for us to digest. What’s more is that yogurt is a probiotic and this means it contains healthy bacteria that will help you digest your food. As such, it can be effective in relieving you of bloat.


Helpful Bloating Food #3: Peppermint Tea

The fresh taste and aroma of peppermint are unmistakable. Such are its refreshing characteristics that it is even used directly to help give us fresh breath. Mint is sometimes used as a sauce or ingredient in main meals, while it is also used in desserts, pastries, and candies.

Another use for peppermint is that it can be used to help relieve bloating. For this purpose, it is best to make a tea that can be served hot or cold. Instead of peppermint, you could also try using chamomile or ginger, which can also be made into a tea. You can also try to add a little lemon to help you get the flavor just to your liking.


Helpful Bloating Food #4: Beans

Beans are another very popular type of food, partly because they are so easy to prepare, making them great for snacks. They are also very nutritious and are a good source of protein, among other things. Their benefits don’t stop there as beans can also help to reduce bloating.

Beans are a good source of fiber and this can help to keep the digestive system working efficiently. They are also a good source of potassium, and this helps counter sodium, which would otherwise lead to bloating. Beans can also be effective at reducing the bloating that is caused by menstruation.


Helpful Bloating Food #5: Papaya

Papaya is a fruit that is popular in the South American tropics and throughout much of Asia. It was originally found growing in Asia and has since spread to other parts of the world, especially those with a tropical climate that allows it to grow. It is very nutritious and can also help to reduce the effects of bloating.

Papaya contains an enzyme that is known as papain, and this enzyme can help us to break down the foods that we eat. It is also a good source of fiber and this can help to keep our digestive system in good condition. Papaya can be enjoyed just as it is, while it can also be prepared in a number of other ways.


Helpful Bloating Food #6: Celery

Celery is a very popular food when it comes to weight loss diets and other similar diets. This is largely because it is filling, thanks to its high water content, yet it is also very low in calories. Not only can it be very healthy for us overall, but celery can also help to reduce bloating.

Celery’s high water content, among other things, is thought to be able to keep the body detoxified. It can also help to reduce fluid retention and also control gas in the intestines. It is a food that is not likely to cause bloating itself when it is eaten.


Helpful Bloating Food #7: Pineapple

Bloating is sometimes caused by foods that we have difficulty breaking down. This can cause food to remain in the stomach and can also cause a higher amount of gas than usual to be produced. The good news is that some foods have enzymes and other compounds that help us to break these down.

Pineapple has an enzyme known as bromelain. This can help us to break down proteins, making it easier for us to digest our food overall. Pineapples can also be prepared in a wide variety of ways, from delicious fresh fruit salads to making a smoothie with other ingredients if you so wish.


Helpful Bloating Food #8: Rosemary

Rosemary is an herb that is a member of the mint family. It is found growing naturally in parts of Asia and in the Mediterranean, while it is also able to endure colder weather. Rosemary is often used as a decorative plant, while it is also used for flavoring and is thought to have some medicinal properties.

Rosemary has long been used to help remedy conditions such as high blood pressure, acid reflux, and headaches. It is also thought to be able to help reduce bloating, making patients feel more comfortable. To use it, add it to a broth, or maybe make a tea. You can also try adding other useful ingredients such as celery.


Helpful Bloating Food #9: Asparagus

The asparagus that we usually see on the dinner table is actually the young shoots of the plant. It used to be classified in the same family as onions and garlic but has since been moved into a different family. It is thought that asparagus originated from Europe and parts of Asia.

In addition to being used for food, asparagus is often used as a diuretic and this can help to reduce bloating. Asparagus is often enjoyed grilled while it can also be roasted or even eaten raw. It is well known that asparagus can give your urine an unpleasant odor, but this is usually easy to accept if it means easing bloating.


Helpful Bloating Food #10: Bananas

If you are feeling hungry and in need of an energy boost, you should consider reaching for a banana. Bananas are very convenient and also delicious. The benefits don’t end there because they are also very nutritious and an excellent source of important vitamins and minerals.

Bananas can also help to relieve bloating. This is because bananas are a good source of potassium and this helps to counter the effects of sodium, which itself causes bloating. Regardless of their effects on bloating, you should try to eat bananas regularly anyway because they are very healthy for you.


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