10 Foods That Help Nausea

By james
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There are so many potential causes of nausea that it can be difficult to pin down the exact cause. It is sometimes caused directly by a disease, while at other times it can be due to something that is around you. Regardless, it is an unpleasant symptom and severe cases can be debilitating.

Dealing with nausea often means dealing with the underlying cause. There are some things that we can do to address nausea directly, however, and eating certain foods is one of them.

Here’s a look at just a few of the foods that can help you out if you have been suffering from nausea lately.


Helpful Nausea Food #1: Toast

Do you need a snack but are in a hurry or just not in the mood for cooking? For many people, this is where toast is a godsend. It is quick and easy to make delicious toast and it can be very helpful in reducing the symptoms of nausea.

For some reason that we are not quite sure of, dry foods like toast can be very effective at helping to reduce nausea. It can also help to settle an upset stomach and dry foods are often recommended to pregnant women with morning sickness. In addition to toast, you can also try other dry foods such as pretzels and crackers.


Helpful Nausea Food #2: Ginger

You are most likely to find ginger in Asian cuisines, but it is also used elsewhere in the world. It has been used by the Chinese for a very long term and it is not only used in cooking. The Chinese also use ginger for its medicinal properties.

Ginger is thought to be an effective remedy for many ailments, and nausea is one of them. This is because it contains compounds such as paradol and gingerol, which are thought to be able to reduce the severity of nausea symptoms.


Helpful Nausea Food #3: Herbal Tea

People have been using different types of herbs as remedies for as long as we can remember. Even many of the modern medicines we use have ingredients that have been extracted from natural plant life. Earlier people would use these same plants, and many ancient herbal remedies are still very popular today.

There are different ways that you can use herbs for medicinal purposes. You can try including herbs in your diet and some can be made into lotions or similar for topical use. Herbal teas are also popular, and some herbal teas can help to relieve you of the symptoms of nausea.


Helpful Nausea Food #4: Bananas

Bananas are enjoyed by young and old people alike, which is hardly surprising considering they are so delicious. Of course, they are great when eaten just as they are but they can also be prepared in other ways. Even better is that they are very nutritious for you and an excellent source of important vitamins and minerals.

More good news is that bananas can also help to relieve people of nausea. Because they are so nutrient rich, bananas can help to restore nutrients that can be lost as a result of being ill. What’s more is that bananas are very easy to eat, making them suitable for people that might otherwise not have an appetite.


Helpful Nausea Food #5: Cold Foods

When we have a cold or flu, we will often turn to hot soup or similar. While this can have its benefits, some people might take more comfort from cold foods instead. If nausea is a problem for you, then cold foods might be just what you need.

Warm foods tend to give off stronger odors than cold foods do, and this can be a problem for people that suffer from nausea. Odors can be particularly difficult for pregnant women to endure so cold foods can be a very welcome addition to the menu. Cold foods such as yogurts and chilled fruits can also be very nutritious for you.


Helpful Nausea Food #6: Water

Water is something that we should all be grateful for because as far as we can tell, water is essential if life is to exist. Sometimes, nausea can be down to being dehydrated without us even realizing it.

It is important that you stay hydrated no matter how ill you may be feeling, especially if you have diarrhea and are vomiting a lot. If water is not tasty enough for you, there are countless other drinks available that will also help you stay hydrated.


Helpful Nausea Food #7: Protein

We need protein in our diets because it is the building block from which much of our body is made. We need it in order to grow muscle and some other tissues and it is necessary for maintaining and repairing our bodies. Fortunately, there are many foods that are a good source of protein.

Studies have shown that meals that are rich in protein are effective at helping to reduce nausea. It is easy to digest meaning that it can also help to settle an upset stomach. Foods like beef, chicken, fish, and eggs are particularly high in protein, while you will also be able to find protein supplements.


Helpful Nausea Food #8: Apple

Apples are a type of fruit that are popular all over the world. They are packed full of vitamins and minerals and can help boost the immune system, helping to keep disease at bay. Apples are also a good source of fiber and this helps ensure the digestive system is running smoothly.

The fiber in apple may be able to at least help reduce the severity of nausea. Instead of eating apples as they are, you could also try eating apple sauce instead. It is also a good source of energy and other nutrients that can help you to feel better when you are ill.


Helpful Nausea Food #9: Rice

Rice is a staple diet for countless people worldwide. Many people rely on it as other types of food are unavailable or expensive for them. Rice is a good source of carbohydrates meaning that it provides us with plenty of energy, while it can also be useful for people that are suffering with nausea.

Rice, when on its own, is rather a bland food. While this may not sound appealing, it does make it easier to eat for people that might suffer from nausea when eating more aromatic and flavorful foods. The same goes for other bland foods such as potatoes and noodles, while you can add a little seasoning and/or butter to help make it more appetizing.


Helpful Nausea Food #10: Chicken Broth

Whenever we fall ill, there is a good chance that we will turn to some chicken broth to help make us feel better. Not only is it delicious, it is also nutritious and can help replace nutrients that will help our bodies fight against disease. It is also easy to prepare, which is another bonus for people that are not feeling well.

Chicken broth could be just what you need if you are feeling nauseous. It is a good source of nutrients that can help prevent nausea, while it is also high in water content. It is also a good idea to start eating soups before solids if being ill has left you unable to eat properly for a while.


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