10 Foods That Help Hair Growth

By james
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Growing our hair might appear to be a simple thing. After all, every now and then there comes a time when we have too much and need to cut it off. It is not such an easy thing for some people, though, and a healthy head of hair can be a very hard thing to achieve.

Poor hair health is often down to deficiencies in our diet. This is often remedied using supplements but, at times, only a truly natural solution will be enough.

Fortunately, there are plenty of very natural foods that contain all that we need to keep our hair healthy and growing. Below are 10 foods that help hair growth.

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Helpful Food #1: Meat

Meat is packed full of important nutrients, particularly the animal proteins that we need for growth and repair. It can also be prepared in a wide variety of ways and is found in a huge array of cuisines worldwide.

Meat is a good source of iron, which is important for healthy blood. With healthy blood, oxygen can be transported effectively throughout the body, including to the hair follicles. This helps to keep our hair healthy, while the protein in meat also helps to repair and grow our hair.

Hair Growth

Helpful Food #2: Eggs

Eggs are a fantastic source of nutrition. They are packed full of important proteins that our body needs for growth and repair, while they are also an excellent source of other vitamins and minerals that are important to us. Eggs are also a good source of biotin, which is important for a healthy head of hair.

Biotin aids in the production of keratin. This is a kind of protein that our hair is made from. The protein found in eggs will help to keep your hair follicles in good condition. The benefits don’t stop there either because eggs also contain selenium and zinc, which can also help to promote healthy hair.

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Helpful Food #3: Spinach

Spinach has for long been thought to be somewhat of a superfood, and it is a reputation that is well deserved. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals that are good for us and can also be used in cooking in various ways. It should also be considered by people that want to get their hair as healthy as it can be.

Spinach contains vitamins A and C, both of which can encourage the hair to grow. It is also a good source of folate and iron, which helps make sure your scalp gets plenty of oxygen. Vitamin A helps the skin to produce sebum, a substance which is important for healthy hair.

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Helpful Food #4: Avocados

Avocados have seen a surge in popularity in recent years, particularly in healthy-living circles. This is largely down to the fact that they are an excellent source of healthy fats as well as other important nutrients. Their high calorific value means that they should only be eaten in moderation, but they are still very good for us.

People that don’t get enough fatty acids in their diets can find that their hair begins to fall out. Fortunately, avocados make it easy for us to get all the fatty acids that we need. Avocado is also a good source of vitamins C and E, which also help protect the hair and promote hair growth.

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Helpful Food #5: Berries

Mankind has enjoyed eating berries since the days we were hunter-gatherers. They are delicious, with countless different types helping to ensure that there is something for everybody. They are also very nutritious and an excellent source of important vitamins and minerals.

Berries contain compounds that help the body to produce collagen, which is a type of protein that helps keep the hair supple. They are also a good source of antioxidants, which help to prevent damage to hair and the follicles at the cellular level. Berries can be enjoyed in desserts, in salads, as snacks, and as a delicious and nutritious juice.

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Helpful Food #6: Nuts

Nuts are another food source that mankind has been eating since we can remember. They come in a huge variety of different flavors so there is bound to be at least one variety that you like. In addition to being so tasty, they are also full of nutrition and are a popular addition to healthy diets.

Nuts are very fatty, albeit the “good” type of fats. This includes fatty acids and these have been shown to be able to help prevent hair loss. Nuts are also a very good source of vitamin E, as well as B vitamins and zinc. These are also thought to be able to keep your hair healthy and prevent it from falling out.

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Helpful Food #7: Beans

Found in cuisines from all over the planet, beans can be cooked in a wide variety of ways. They can also be very quick and easy to prepare, making them suitable for people that are always on the go. Plus, of course, they are very nutritious and can also help us to maintain a healthy head of hair.

Beans contain a lot of zinc, which helps our hair to grow and repair. Other compounds found in beans that promote healthy hair include biotin, folate, and iron. What’s more is that beans are also simply delicious so there is no excuse for not getting plenty of them in your diet.

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Helpful Food #8: Fatty Fish

It is no secret that fish is very nutritious for us. It is an excellent source of protein as well as various other helpful compounds. There are different types of fish, though, and fatty fish is thought to be among the most nutritious of all. This includes popular types of fish such as herring, mackerel, and salmon.

Fatty fish is a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids. These are well known as being good for us and can also help to keep our hair in great condition. They are also a very good source of other vitamins and minerals that can help promote healthy hair.

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Helpful Food #9: Oysters

Oysters are considered to be a delicacy in many parts of the world. Many people also consider them to be an aphrodisiac. Regardless of whatever other properties they may have, oysters are certainly a very good source of nutrition and can be effective in helping to maintain a healthy head of hair.

Hair loss is sometimes down to a deficiency of zinc. Oysters are a good source of zinc so they can help make sure you get all the zinc you need. It is also thought that oysters can actually help to reverse hair loss that has been caused by deficiencies.

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Helpful Food #10: Shrimp

Shrimp are perhaps the most popular type of shellfish there is. They are enjoyed all over the world and can be an ingredient in meals, while they are also often just cooked and then eaten on their own. In addition to their great flavor, shrimp are also packed full of nutrition.

Shrimps are a very good source of vitamin D, which is known to be able to promote healthy hair. Indeed, just 100 grams of shrimp will give you around 38% of all the vitamin D you need daily. It is also a good source of other minerals and vitamins that promote healthy hair, including vitamin B, iron, and zinc.

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