10 Foods That Cause Heartburn

By jolene
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Heartburn is a condition also commonly known as indigestion, cardialgia, or pyrosis. Patients with heartburn usually experience a burning sensation in the upper abdomen or central chest. This discomfort can rise in the chest and radiate to the angle of the jaw, throat, or neck.

Heartburn usually occurs due to gastric acid regurgitation where the acid in the stomach backflows into the esophagus. The term gastroesophageal reflux disease is often used interchangeably with heartburn to describe a burning sensation in the chest. This discomfort or pain that is felt in the upper abdomen or central chest can sometimes be a symptom of ischemic heart disease. This is seen in about 0.6 percent of cases. Patients at risk of cardiovascular disease should seek medical attention when they experience discomfort in the chest or upper abdomen to ensure that it is not a medical emergency. Heart and esophageal-related symptoms can be similar as they have the same nerve supply.

Heartburn has been estimated to affect as many as 40 percent of Americans. About 95 percent of these individuals can determine and trace their symptoms by keeping a food diary. Those who constantly experience heartburn will greatly benefit from monitoring their diet so they can avoid triggers. While everyone has different triggers, there are some common foods that have often been found to cause heartburn.


Heartburn Causing Food #1: Onions

Onions are available globally. They are a widely cultivated vegetable used in various cuisines. Onions can be eaten cooked or raw. They contain fermentable fibers known as fructooligosaccharides that relax the gastroesophageal sphincter, leading to higher incidences of acid regurgitation.

One study compared the consumption of a burger with onions against a burger without onions. The researchers found that the group consuming onions experienced significantly more heartburn. To make sure that the fermentable fiber is broken down, the onions can be cooked well, and this reduces the risk of heartburn.


Heartburn Causing Food #2: Peppermint

Peppermint is a hybrid between spearmint and watermint. It is often seen in herbal teas, candy, ice cream, alcoholic beverages, fruit preserves, toothpaste, shampoos, skin care products, and chewing gum. Peppermint is thought to be a common trigger for heartburn as it reduces the tension of the gastroesophageal sphincter, which allows gastric acid to backflow.

A study found that about 8 percent of individuals experiencing heartburn have reported symptoms after consuming peppermint. Another large systematic review reported that heartburn is one of the main effects felt after peppermint consumption.


Heartburn Causing Food #3: Alcohol

Alcohol or ethanol is a chemical compound in liquors, liqueurs, wine, and beer. This compound is a psychoactive substance that is naturally produced by the fermentation of sugars. It is a central nervous system depressant and considered one of the commonest psychoactive substance used. Alcohol is one of the commonest triggers for heartburn. The same way it relaxes the body, it also relaxes the gastroesophageal sphincter. This allows the backflow of gastric acid into the esophagus leading to heartburn.

Although many findings are controversial, there are many studies that concluded alcohol increases the risk of reflux. Furthermore, excessive alcohol intake also damages the gastric mucosal and esophageal lining. In a survey among individuals experiencing heartburn, as many as 67 percent felt that alcohol was the trigger.


Heartburn Causing Food #4: Fatty Meat

Meat is one of the best sources for proteins and vitamins. However, depending on the cut of meat, some cuts contain more fat. Overconsumption of unhealthy fats increases cholesterol levels, which contribute to cardiovascular disease. Lean cuts of meat are the recommended cuts as they contain less fat. Lean cuts of meat include sirloin, round, loin, or chuck. Some examples of fatty meat include beef ribs, beef brisket, and T-bone steak.

The consumption of fat leads to the release of a hormone known as cholecystokinin, resulting in relaxation of the gastroesophageal sphincter, causing reflux and heartburn. As fat is being digested and absorbed, it can delay gastric emptying, which also contributes to heartburn. A study found that saturated animal fat is one of the commonest triggers of heartburn.


Heartburn Causing Food #5: High Sodium Food

Sodium, or salt, is a mineral that is present in seawater. The chemical compound mainly present in salt is known as sodium chloride. Salt is essential for life, not only for flavoring purposes but also for the function of the body. While it may be essential, foods high in sodium have been found to cause acid reflux that causes the symptoms of heartburn.

A study found that those who eat snacks high in sodium have a 50 percent increased risk of heartburn. Another research found that heartburn increases by 70 percent when high sodium food is consumed. As per the American Heart Association (AHA), adults are recommended no more than 2,300 milligrams a day (1 teaspoon) while the guideline is moving toward an ideal limit of 1,500 milligrams a day per adult.


Heartburn Causing Food #6: Chocolate

Chocolate is a food that is made from roasted and ground cacao. Evidence of chocolate beverages date as far back as 1900 BCE, where the Mesoamerican people prepared chocolate beverages. Being popular, chocolate can be found in beverages, desserts, pastries, and candy.

Chocolate is a common cause of heartburn as it contains theobromine that relaxes the gastroesophageal sphincter, allowing gastric acid to enter the esophagus. One study found that chocolate significantly increases the symptoms of heartburn when compared to a simple sugar solution within an hour of consumption.


Heartburn Causing Food #7: Citrus

Citrus refers to plants in the Rutaceae family. Citrus plants usually produce fruits such as limes, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and pomelos. Citrus fruits or juices may cause heartburn. There are many individuals who have reported being unable to drink freshly squeezed orange juice as it is a known trigger for their heartburn.

Citrus plants are naturally acidic with grapefruit and orange being two of the biggest heartburn triggers. This is reported by about 67 percent of survey participants. These results are also seen in another study that found grapefruit juice to have the worst effect compared to all other drinks. Citrus juice can be watered down to reduce the likelihood of it triggering heartburn.


Heartburn Causing Food #8: Coffee

Coffee is a type of beverage prepared from coffee beans that are roasted. It is widely consumed globally. It tastes bitter, appears dark, is slightly acidic, and contains caffeine that has a stimulating effect.

There are some studies that indicate moderate consumption of coffee is mildly beneficial in adults as it may decrease the risk of some diseases. However, for individuals who experience sunburn, coffee can relax the lower esophageal sphincter and increase the likelihood of gastric acid backflow into the esophagus. One report showed that about 25 percent of individuals with heartburn found that coffee triggers heartburn for them.


Heartburn Causing Food #9: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are edible berries of the Solanum lycopersicum plant. They can be consumed in various ways such as in cooked dishes, raw, salads, sauces, and drinks.

While they are widely consumed, they have also been identified as a common food that causes heartburn. This is reported by almost 70 percent of individuals who suffer from heartburn. This is believed to be due to the acidic nature of tomatoes. One study reported that reflux symptoms are experienced even when the pH has been adjusted to neutral.


Heartburn Causing Food #10: Full-Fat Dairy Products

Dairy products are food produced from milk usually obtained from cattle, goats, and sheep. Dairy products include cheese, butter, yogurt, and many more. Throughout the years, increasing health awareness has led to the production of low-fat products. However, whole-fat or full-fat products have been reported to be a notorious cause of heartburn.

Just like fatty meats, full-fat dairy products have a higher fat content that leads to the release of the hormone cholecystokinin. This hormone relaxes the gastroesophageal sphincter and results in heartburn. Low-fat dairy products do not seem to cause heartburn.


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