10 Foods That Cause Acne

By james
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Acne is a problem that affects countless people worldwide. While it is usually just something that is an irritant to teenagers, it can also be something that has a considerable impact on a person’s self-esteem. Although it is most common in teenagers, it can also affect people well into their adult years.

Keeping your face clean can help to reduce acne, while there are also various products on the market that can help. Antibiotics are also helpful but is advised not to use antibiotics unless it is necessary.

Another way that you can help prevent acne is to avoid eating certain foods, and here’s a look at a few of the foods that should be avoided.


Acne Causing Food #1: Whey Protein

Whey protein is a product that is made from extracting the proteins from milk. It is a form of very high-quality protein and is often used by sports people to help them gain muscle mass. It is also sometimes used for medicinal purposes as it can help people to recover and gain strength.

Whey protein is generally not harmful to us, but it can cause acne to break out in some people. Whey protein is also sometimes used as an ingredient in energy bars and similar snacks so you should be sure to have a look at the list of ingredients. You should also try looking for alternatives if your pre-workout smoothie gives you acne.


Acne Causing Food #2: Milk

Milk is both nutritious and tasty. A good source of calcium, it also contains other important vitamins and minerals. It is often recommended to young children in particular because it can help with their development. Milk is often used as an ingredient in recipes or just poured over cereal. It can also be drunk just as it is.

Unfortunately, it is thought that milk can contribute to acne. Studies have also shown that skimmed milk in particular may be an even bigger culprit. The reason for this is unclear, although it could be down to certain hormones being added to skimmed milk to help restore some of its flavor and viscosity.


Acne Causing Food #3: Energy Drinks

There are numerous types of energy drinks out there, all of which purport to be able to leave us feeling energized. Some of them are actually quite useful and can help to give us a much-needed lift when we need it the most. Some of them can also be very bad for us, though.

Energy drinks tend to be packed with sugars and caffeine. While this might help to give us a lift. The ingredients can be very unhealthy to our bodies. They also come with some other setbacks such as causing outbreaks of acne, for example. It is a better idea to try and look for healthy, natural alternatives instead.


Acne Causing Food #4: Dried Fruits

The health benefits of eating fruit are almost universally known. Packed full of important vitamins, fruit helps to keep our immune systems strong and ensure our bodies are running smoothly. It is a good idea to get as much fruit in your diet as you can; however, dried fruits are not as healthy as fresh.

Dried fruits can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, and this is not good for us. What’s more is that it can also play havoc with our hormone levels, and this can lead to outbreaks of acne. Fresh fruits are just as easy to eat and just as tasty, so you should try to eat those instead if they are available.


Acne Causing Food #5: Refined Grains

Grains, such as wheat, make up a very large portion of most peoples’ diets. They are ground down and used to make flour which, in turn, is used to make bread, pasta, pastries, and a wide selection of other foods. For the most part, they are quite healthy for us. They get less healthy the more they are processed, however.

Products made using refined grains can cause spikes in our blood sugar levels when we eat them, and this can lead to acne. If you do suffer from acne and you don’t know why, try cutting refined grains out of your diet. You could also try using more natural alternatives that have not been processed as much and made using more traditional techniques.


Acne Causing Food #6: Soda

Soda can be so refreshing, and it is often so tasty that it’s no wonder kids love it as much as they do. Unfortunately, though, the benefits are quite superficial and end just about there. Sodas are very unhealthy for us and are one of the leading contributors to obesity.

Sodas are generally ridiculously high in refined sugars. Taking on so many refined sugars in a short space of time will inevitably lead to spikes in blood sugar levels. In addition to contributing to diabetes and obesity, such spikes are unhealthy for us overall and can also contribute to acne. It is much better to try and find healthier alternatives instead.


Acne Causing Food #7: Trans Fats

Trans fats don’t occur often in nature. Most of the trans fats that we eat are manmade and help to give other fats a bad name. While it is true that other fats are high in calories, they are also very nutritious and are very good for us provided they are eaten in moderation. When it comes to trans fats, however, we should try and keep clear.

Trans fats are largely responsible for heart disease and other problems with the cardiovascular system. They can also be the cause of other unwelcome symptoms, such as acne. While trans fats may be tasty and convenient, it is better to look to healthier, more natural alternatives instead.


Acne Causing Food #8: Shellfish

The oceans are a great source of different types of food, one of them being shellfish. There are numerous types of shellfish, ranging from mussels to oysters, and many of them are simply delicious. Shellfish are also generally high in nutrients but they are not without their drawbacks.

Shellfish such as lobster and shrimp are a good source of iodine. While this is generally a good thing for us, some people eat too much of it while some others are sensitive to it. Unfortunately, for those people, this can mean that eating shellfish causes outbreaks of acne so they will need to avoid it.


Acne Causing Food #9: Milk Chocolate

Chocolate is actually really quite good for you, albeit in moderate amounts. It is a good source of some very important nutrients and compounds that can help to keep us well in the short term and in the long term. It is very high in calories, though, so you should be careful of just how much you eat.

Some chocolates are better than others, though, and heavily processed chocolates tend to do more harm than good. This is because they tend to contain refined sugars and trans fats, and these can cause problems, including acne. Look for dark chocolate instead because it is much better for you, and it still tastes wonderful.


Acne Causing Food #10: Fast Foods

It’s not so much that burgers in themselves are bad for you. A good burger can contain fresh meats and vegetables while the bun can be a good source of fiber. The problem is more that the burgers you find in fast food joints are heavily processed. In order to keep profits up, the cheapest possible ingredients are often used.

The same goes for other types of fast food such as fries, pizza, and hot dogs. Although tasty, they are likely to be full of ingredients that are not good for us while simultaneously being low on ingredients that are good for us. You can make something much healthier and tastier if you cook from scratch yourself.


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