10 Foods That Cause Acid Reflux

By james
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Before we can extract nutrition from our food, we first need to be able to break it down so it can be absorbed. This is done with the help of gastric juices that are acidic in nature.

Our stomach has a lining that protects us from these acidic juices, but our esophagus does not. Occasionally, these juices are able to escape from the stomach and rise up the unprotected esophagus. The juices burn at the lining of the esophagus in a phenomenon that we know as acid reflux.

There are various potential causes for acid reflux and the food that we eat is one of the most common causes. This article looks at 10 foods that can cause acid reflux.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Causing Food #1: Cheese

Cheese is irresistible. Different cheeses are made by different cultures throughout the world, and with so many to choose from, there is something for everybody. Cheese is generally very nutritious, but it is also usually high in calories so we need to be careful about not eating too much.

Another reason to avoid eating too much cheese is that it can cause acid reflux. Cheese is high in fats and this causes us to digest our food more slowly. This, in turn, can lead to acid reflux due to pressure on the esophageal sphincter. Try to eat it in moderation and you should hopefully be OK.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Causing Food #2: Chocolate

Chocolate is one of those luxury foods that we should only treat ourselves to in moderation. It’s not necessarily that it is expensive because it often isn’t. It is high in calories, though, and this can cause us to become obese. It can also trigger heartburn in some people.

Depending on which type of chocolate you are eating, it can be high in fat and this can cause acid reflux. In addition, chocolate also contains compounds such as serotonin that cause the esophageal sphincter to relax. Trying dark chocolate over other types might help to prevent acid reflux from being triggered.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Causing Food #3: Salt

Many people are of the opinion that no dinner table is complete without some salt and pepper as condiments. Salt certainly can help us get our food just as we want it, but too much can be very bad for us. Too much salt is often responsible for high blood pressure while it can also cause conditions such as acid reflux.

Studies have shown that people that have a lot of salt in their diet are more likely to suffer from heartburn. It is not clear why that is, but data does show a correlation. It is a good idea to try to keep salt to a minimum in your diet and avoiding processed foods and junk foods can help with this.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Causing Food #4: Citrus Juices

Citrus juices are generally very healthy for us; at least those that have not been heavily processed. They are a very good source of vitamins and low in fat and refined sugars. It is recommended to drink them over other unhealthier options such as sodas, but they are not without their drawbacks.

Unfortunately, some people that drink citrus juice will find that it will trigger an attack of acid reflux. The reason why is unclear, but studies have shown that a significant number of people will experience the symptom after drinking grapefruit or orange juice. Trying juices from different fruits might help to stop the symptom occurring.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Causing Food #5: Curry

Curries are popular worldwide. Many types originated from Asia and are so called because they are made using curry, which is a popular spice. As tasty as curry can be, though, a lot of people need to steer clear because they tend to be rather spicy. This is also a problem for people that suffer from acid reflux.

The spices in curries can cause a reaction and that can trigger acid reflux. It is not only curries that can be spicy, of course, so you might need to keep clear of other spicy foods as well. If you do want a curry, try experimenting with milder dishes first to see what you can handle.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Causing Food #6: Soda

With such a wide selection of sodas to choose from, there is something to suit all tastes. It can also be very convenient to have around, with little to no preparation required. Unfortunately, though, soda is not at all good for us. It tends to contain a lot of unpleasant chemicals and sodas have a very high sugar content.

Carbonated beverages cause gas, and this in itself can contribute to acid reflux. What’s more is that sodas also contain compounds that can cause the esophageal sphincter to relax and this only compounds the problem. There are also numerous other reasons to avoid sodas, so it is best to switch to healthier alternatives instead.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Causing Food #7: Mint

Mint is an aromatic plant that is in the same family as basil. It is well known for its fresh aroma and taste and is often used to help flavor toothpastes, gums, and mouthwashes for the freshness it provides. It is also sometimes used in desserts and candies, while mint sauce also goes great with lamb.

Mint also has medicinal properties and it is sometimes used to help soothe an upset stomach. Unfortunately, though, it can also trigger acid reflux, possibly by causing irritation to the tissues that line the esophagus. Some people might need to limit how much mint they consume, or even cut it out altogether.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Causing Food #8: Onions

Onions need little introduction. They are popular all over the world and are used in a huge variety of dishes. When cooked, onions are used in soups, stews, gravy, fried, and in a huge variety of other ways. They can also be eaten raw and can help to give a kick to salads thanks to their pungent nature.

Onions are also very nutritious and are thought to provide us with numerous health benefits. Some people need to be careful about eating them, however, because onions can be a trigger for acid reflux. Studies have shown that eating raw onions are more likely to trigger an acid reflux attack.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Causing Food #9: Alcohol

The risks associated with alcohol are mostly well known. There is a genuine risk of an addiction developing, while excessive alcohol consumption can also cause serious damage to the organs and other parts of the body. Most people will not develop a problem, though, especially those that drink only in moderation.

In addition to medium to long-term risks, there are also some short-term problems associated with alcohol. One such example is that drinkers might find that drinking alcohol triggers acid reflux attacks. Studies have shown that wine and beer, in particular, have a chance of triggering heartburn, so some people might want to switch to spirits instead.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Causing Food #10: Milk

It has only been in the last 10,000 years or so that we have evolved to be able to drink the milk of other animals like cows and goats. That is a very short time, relatively speaking, but nowadays cow’s milk is a very common item in many households.

One reason for the popularity of milk is its nutritional value. Despite all the benefits it provides, though, there are some drawbacks. One being that it can trigger acid reflux, despite many people drinking it to try and soothe the symptom. Studies have suggested that milk with a higher fat content is more likely to trigger acid reflux.

Acid Reflux

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