10 Foods That Boost The Immune System

By james
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If, for whatever reason, our immune system was to weaken then illness would follow soon after. It may not necessarily be a serious illness, but we will become more susceptible even to mild illnesses. It will also make us more exposed to illnesses that can be very dangerous to us.

The good news is that it is usually fairly simple to keep our immune system strong and healthy. There are plenty of foods that will help to keep our defenses as strong as possible thanks to certain nutrients they contain.

Eat a reasonably healthy, balanced diet and you should hopefully have a strong immune system that will help keep disease at bay. This article looks at 10 foods that can boost your immune system.

Boost Immune System

Immune System Boosting Food #1: Citrus Fruits

The word “limey” is a common slang nickname given to British people by Americans. The name originates from the days when British sailors made the trip across the Atlantic in sailing ships. The sailors were prone to developing scurvy through a lack of vitamin C in their diet. Therefore, they would stock up on limes before setting sail.

In addition to limes, other citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, and grapefruit are also good sources of vitamin C. Not only does this mean they can help prevent scurvy, but they can also help to give our immune system a boost overall. Include them in your diet and you will be helping to keep illness away.

Boost Immune System

Immune System Boosting Food #2: Garlic

If you are cooking and your creation seems a little bland, some garlic could be just what you need. Its flavor can help to add some dimension to your meal while its unmistakable aroma can make the meal smell fantastic. It is easy to see why garlic is popular the world over, but it is not only beneficial to us in the kitchen.

Garlic’s medicinal properties have been known since ancient times. It is able to directly help fight infections and was sometimes used as a topical remedy for wounds. It also has properties that help make it beneficial for our cardiovascular system, while it also has compounds that can help to give our immune systems a direct boost.

Boost Immune System

Immune System Boosting Food #3: Yogurt

Our digestive system is one of the biggest contributors to our immune system. Not only does it help us to process disease-fighting nutrients, but it can also help to combat disease more directly. As such, it makes a lot of sense to keep it healthy. Yogurt can help us to achieve this.

Yogurts are a good source of live bacteria that are good for our digestive system. As such, eating yogurt regularly helps to maintain a healthy balance of these bacteria. In addition to keeping the digestive system healthy, these bacteria can also help to stimulate the immune system directly.

Boost Immune System

Immune System Boosting Food #4: Spinach

Superfoods are foods that are so rich in nutrients that they are thought to be very beneficial for our well-being. One such food is spinach, which is already fairly well known across the planet. It is a leafy green vegetable and it can be found in a wide range of dishes in cuisines from all over the world.

Spinach is a good source of antioxidants and this helps to prevent us from falling ill. It is also a very good source of vitamin C, which is well known for its ability to support our immune system. It is important to bear in mind that spinach should not be overcooked to help preserve its nutritional value.

Boost Immune System

Immune System Boosting Food #5: Papaya

Papaya is a type of fruit that originated somewhere in the South American tropics. It has since been exported and is grown in other parts of the world where there is a tropical climate. When ripe, it has a juicy flesh while it is sometimes used before it has fully ripened.

Papaya is a very good source of vitamin C, providing obvious benefits to our immune system. In addition, it also contains an enzyme known as papain and this can help to deal with inflammation in the body. The fruit is also a good source of other vitamins and minerals that can help to keep us in good health.

Boost Immune System

Immune System Boosting Food #6: Lobster

Lobster is a type of shellfish that is found living at the bottom of oceans around the world. It is generally quite expensive, making it a luxury food, but it has a flavor that makes many people pay for it. As such, it is often found in high-end restaurants, but it can also be found in some markets and even some stores.

Not only is lobster delicious, it is also very nutritious. The shellfish is a very good source of zinc, and this element is very important for the proper functioning of our immune system. If lobster it too pricey for you or if it is not available in your area, you can try alternatives such as clams, crab, and mussels.

Boost Immune System

Immune System Boosting Food #7: Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are a close relative of the chili peppers that are used to add some heat to dishes. While bell peppers are nowhere near as fiery, they still help to add a kick and can also help add flavor to meals. These milder peppers were first developed in Hungary in the 1920s and they are now popular worldwide.

Bell peppers are not only useful for adding flavor to food, but they are also very good for us. They are a very good source of vitamin C, and they are also a good source of antioxidants. It is best to choose the red variety if you can because they contain more of the nutrients that are so good for us.

Boost Immune System

Immune System Boosting Food #8: Chicken

Chicken is perhaps one of the most popular food stuffs on the planet; it is hard to find a cuisine that doesn’t have a chicken dish on the menu. It is a good source of protein and, as a white meat, it is generally lower in fats than many other types of meat.

Not only that, but chicken can also help to give our immune system a boost. When we are sick, it is not uncommon for us to turn to a bowl of chicken soup or chicken broth. These are a good source of vitamin B,6 which plays an important role in maintaining our immune system. Other types of poultry are also beneficial.

Boost Immune System

Immune System Boosting Food #9: Almonds

The almond tree is a type of tree that originates from Iran and surrounding countries. It produces a fruit that is similar to a nut but is not strictly so. The fruit is actually classified as a drupe. Regardless, it is eaten as a nut and is popular all over the world.

Almonds are very tasty but their great flavor is not their only benefit. Almonds are also a very good source of vitamin E, a vitamin which is very important for a healthy immune system. They are also a very good source of other nutrients, including healthy fats that help to keep us in good shape overall.

Boost Immune System

Immune System Boosting Food #10: Ginger

Ginger is a popular addition to many Asian meals, although it is also used further afield. Ginger root is the part of the plant that is used. As well as being used to add flavor to meals, ginger has also long been used for its medicinal properties.

It was the ancient Chinese that first noticed ginger’s health benefits, and it has been used in medicine ever since. It has compounds that can help give our immune system a boost and can also help to treat certain conditions directly. Its benefits are often taken advantage of by making a medicinal tea from the root.

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